Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1138 My super is a space elevator!

[Chapter 0·Heavenly Pendant·Unlocked]

Qiye looked at the title with surprise and joy.

"Plump from the sky..."

Just by seeing this word, he was almost certain: this chapter is definitely a big event!

The sky is falling, can it be a small scene?

"So, this is the initial chapter. Are the reasons for the invasion of aliens and alien monsters here?"

The seven nights are full of expectations!

However, he did not log in immediately, but chose to log off.

After finishing the extreme escape and counterattack on the lizardman base, it was already nighttime, and he had to fill his rumbling stomach first.

The bloody and terrifying base environment and the experience of killing everyone in the game also put a lot of mental pressure on him. He just needed to change his mind and relax his nerves.

But for this meal, he decided to be vegetarian.

——I saw so many bad things in the game that I inevitably wanted to eat something light.

After finishing dinner, half an hour later, Qiye felt that his mental state was completely OK, so he logged into the virtual world again without stopping.

This time, before he even opened his eyes, he heard dense crowds of voices.

After opening his eyes, he found that he was sitting in a lively hall. Looking around, there were rows of seats and security gates that required identity checks. In the aisle on the other side, people in uniforms were walking and chatting.

The weather is sunny, the temperature is suitable, the air is fresh, and the windows are bright and clean.

Most importantly - world peace.

Compared with the harsh environment of the previous seven chapters, this opening chapter is much better.

But when Qiye looked down, he noticed something not good: he found that he was wearing a military uniform.

An unfamiliar pattern is drawn on the armband of the military uniform, and a line of small words is embroidered above the pattern:

[Orbital Strategic Defense Department]


Qiye blinked, "Orbital Strategic Defense Department? Space orbit? Am I going to heaven?"

At this moment, the security gate suddenly lit up with green light, and people wearing the same uniforms around him stood up and walked over, and Qiye quickly followed.

After successfully passing through the security gate, they were greeted by a shuttle bus, and everyone got on the bus and sat down in an orderly manner.

After the shuttle bus started, Qiye caught an NPC and asked, "Where are we going?"

The NPC looked at him as if he was retarded.

But Qiye really didn't know, his face was full of sincerity.

So the NPC silently uttered two words: "Ark."

"Where is the Ark?" Qiye asked again.

As soon as these words came out, the NPC didn't want to look at him anymore and pointed directly out the window.

Qiye turned to look out the window in confusion, but didn't see anything special.

"Is there anything there?"

The NPC raised his finger and said, "Look up."

Qiye raised his head.

Then he saw a miracle.

On a huge base that cannot be seen how big or wide, three skyscraper-like transmitting towers rise. The three-layer ring structure at the bottom, waist, and top connects the three transmitting towers together. Several cables of unknown material Emerging from the top of the skyscraper, it rises endlessly until it disappears from sight.

The propeller sprayed bright flames, sending a boxy gray-white metal cabin into the sky. It rose rapidly under the traction of the cable and turned into an undetectable black spot in the blink of an eye.

"This is... a space elevator?!"

Qiye recognized this thing instantly, and then——


Since the space elevator appeared in the Easter egg of "Gravity", this originally niche science fiction creation has instantly become famous. It has been popularized over and over again by various bloggers. Even his interest in science fiction is generally limited to horror themes. Anyone who has watched this video has inevitably seen related videos many times.

"So...the Ark is in space?"

"The sky drop mentioned in the title..."

Qiye understood something instantly——

Something might happen to this thing!

"You said..." He poked at the NPC who was reluctant to pay attention to him, "How is the defense power of the space elevator?"

"?" A question mark appeared in the NPC's eyes, "Then you have to ask yourself."


"You are from the Orbital Strategic Defense Department, you ask me?"

"Ah? Aren't you?" Qiye was stunned for a moment.

The NPC guy tapped his armband: "Orbital Strategic Support Department."

Qiye is not an NPC. He knows nothing about these subdivided troop responsibilities. It is not even easy to find references in reality. After all, the Space Force has only just begun to exist in reality.


Qiye stopped talking nonsense, closed his mouth and stared greedily at the space elevator that was getting closer and closer.

——This thing is so spectacular!

As a modern person who is "superstitious about technology", it is really difficult to remain indifferent to this miraculous technological creation.

He still remembered some key points mentioned in those short videos:

A ground base that covers an impressive amount of space and is fully functional;

High-intensity electric orbital launch systems for nanomaterials;

Huge power stations and elastic energy storage;

High-tech track and airlock systems at an altitude of over 36,000 kilometers;

Seamless brazing technology that can perfectly join tens of thousands of independent components together;

A high-orbit space station and a super-large "counterweight" that is higher than the space station and plays a balancing role...

Not to mention that many technologies are simply impossible to achieve in reality. Even if it can be done, the manpower and resources required are astronomical, almost enough to bring down a country!

Therefore, at least in our lifetime, there is no hope of seeing such "planet-level" high-tech creations in reality.

But now, this miraculous creation is standing right in front of you, and as the shuttle bus moves forward, it is getting closer and closer, and the details are becoming clearer and clearer, making it even more difficult to take your eyes away!

When the shuttle bus finally stopped, they had arrived at the preparatory landing area of ​​the space elevator.

Here, even though Qiye raised his neck as hard as he could, he couldn't see the top of the launch tower - the three bases of the space elevator were actually higher than expected!

Even the tallest skyscraper he has ever seen is far less tall than this base!

But at the same time, compared with the main body of the space elevator, which is measured in units of "10,000 kilometers", the base of the space elevator only reaches the "foot" at most!

After putting himself into the frame of reference, Qiye was once again deeply shocked by the astonishing scale of this giant project.

The timetable for the start of the elevator car was fixed, so there was no time for him to stand there. Someone soon took them into the preparation area and put on pressure suits specially designed for space elevators.

The elevator car of the space elevator is assisted by 6 pairs of thrusters and an electromagnetic ejection system. It starts to accelerate very quickly. Even a well-trained warrior may faint due to the excessive acceleration.

Therefore, pressure clothing is a necessary preparation measure.

Not only that, after they sit down in their seats, fasten their seat belts and press down the safety bars, they must also put on oxygen masks to complete all preparation measures.

Then the lights dimmed, the red warning light came on, and the broadcast began counting down.

The seat back is folded down and the passenger lies down.

The red light flashes three times and the thruster ignites!

The violent noise hit his eardrums, and the heavy pressure pressed Qiye into the seat. He felt that his internal organs were shifting, he felt nauseous, and his bones creaked.

He only played the main storyline of "Gravity" and only experienced overload for a short time, so he was very unfamiliar with this terrible overload. He felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to die for a while.

What was even more uncomfortable was that the bearded man sitting on his right laughed at him:

"Haha, is this your first time in space? Do you feel like vomiting? It's okay, just vomit. This is normal for novices, especially newbies like you who are not in good health."

If Qiye was A Yi, he would turn his head without hesitation and spray this bearded old man with a rainbow in his face.

But Qiye is not such a person.

——He hesitated for several seconds, until he really couldn't help it, and then sprayed it.

[Rainbow Spray] This is an easy-to-get, extremely cost-effective special effect that can be used in all worlds, and its popularity is now very high.

Even for cute girl players who have little interest in macho-themed games like "Mechas vs. Monsters", many people bought "Pacific Rim" just for this special effect.

It's almost like spending money on special effects.

For this reason, many people complained that the special effects were so expensive, and even suspected that "universal special effects" were Yunmeng's way of inducing players to make money.

Big Beard just took out the vodka he didn't know how to hide - even without training, Qiye would bet that this thing is definitely illegal!

You can’t even carry liquor with you on a plane, let alone going into space!

But the bearded man took out the wine right under his nose, and it seemed that he was planning to perform a show of drinking vodka with several G's of overload.

Unfortunately, as soon as he raised the bottle, he was sprayed with a rainbow.

The wine bottle was hanging in the air, and the bearded man's expression became extremely exciting.

Just at this time, the overload gradually weakened, and Qiye also regained his strength. Looking at the name brand on the bearded chest [Oleg] and the ugly expression, he said without changing his face: "I'm sorry, but alcohol is contraband. Bar?"

The bearded Oleg turned his head unnaturally: "This is not wine, this is alcoholic soda."

Qiye didn't expose it, turned to look at the narrow window, and quietly enjoyed this space journey.

But there was nothing special outside the window. Apart from the blue sky and white clouds, there was only a large ring-shaped synchronous orbit station that appeared every ten seconds.

Viewed from the surface, the structure looks like a narrow ring with cables tied around it.

But when passing by, this structure was so huge that it made people very suspicious: How could this thing be hung in the air so safely without falling?


There was a muffled sound above my head.

Qiye heard the sound and looked over, but could only see the gray metal top of the elevator car.

The bearded man took a big sip of wine, and his mood instantly improved. He explained to him without any concern: "The propeller and electromagnetic ejection are only responsible for the initial stage. Now they have become magnetic acceleration. That was the elevator car just now." The sound of the carriage connecting with the carbon nanocable.”

The bearded man not only explained what was going on, but also pointed out the wonderful picture to him: "Look at that!"

Qiye followed his finger and looked at the porthole again, just in time to see something with a fireball on its surface falling rapidly and passing them!

"!!!" Qiye was suddenly startled.

He also remembered that the space elevator was likely to collapse!

Could it be said that the crisis has already begun? Was the debris that fell just now caused by the explosion?

Oleg noticed his nervousness and immediately comforted him: "Relax, that is the elevator car returning to the earth. Because the falling speed is a bit fast, in order to resist the high heat generated by friction, water was injected in space to create an ice shell. They are safe."

"That's it." Qiye relaxed.

At this time, they were already more than 3,000 kilometers away from the surface.

Then there is the material storage area 4,000 kilometers high, where a large amount of materials are transferred.

Then there is the experimental area. This area is not open to the public and requires relevant identification to enter. And 7,000 kilometers further up is the territory of the track maintenance force.

Finally, 10,000 kilometers above the ground, the elevator car reached the end of the journey——

【Ark Space Station】

The area here is quite amazing, and it has initially formed a semi-permanent place integrating teaching, experiment, production and living.

But at the same time, it is also a larger transfer station.

From here on, Qiye and the others will leave the car they are in and transfer to another car to head to the second half of the space elevator.

But in fact, there are no other creations in the second half of the space elevator. Only at the end of the 90,000 kilometers high, there is a huge disk-shaped creation that is dozens of times larger than the Ark Space Station!

It is a "counterweight" used to ensure that the cable remains vertical, and it is also the most important spaceport for mankind.

Whether it is a transport ship between the earth and the moon or a space fleet that is beginning to take shape, it usually docks and supplies here.

However, the second car they want to take will not start until half an hour later. During this time, they can move freely.

But Qiye had no intention of hanging around.

He stared worriedly at the disk above his head, which was smaller than the moon.

The moment he saw the disc, he understood——

It's just that the space elevator collapsed. I'm afraid I can't use such a scary word as "falling from the sky."

The only thing that can truly be described as "falling from the sky" is that disc!

——If that huge disk falls, the huge impact may destroy half of the continent!

For humans on the surface, it would be an absolute "fall from the sky"!

But the question is: How could something so big and so good suddenly fall down?

At an altitude of 90,000 kilometers, even if there is an accident, it may not fall into the earth? Is it possible that it could become an unprecedented large space junk or even an out-of-control satellite?


Fifteen minutes later, a piercing siren sounded throughout the space station.

The space elevator, which was not busy at first, suddenly began to operate at full capacity, and all the reserve cars within sight entered the preheating process.

The crowd stopped and looked at their phones.

In Qiye's breast pocket, an ultra-thin mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

He took out his phone and found that he had received two messages——

[The unknown fleet suddenly appeared in the solar system and was heading towards the earth. All staff made an emergency descent and returned to the surface in accordance with plan No. 3. ]

And the other one is:

[You have been recruited by the Qinghai Fleet Kunlun. Please leave immediately and log in to the A4 elevator car to go to the space port! ]

The alien fleet is coming!

Two in one.

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