Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1146 Sanctions from the boss!

It is difficult to evaluate whether the process of Ye Xiaohe's hard work was smooth or bumpy.

Because as soon as she went to work the next day, she was blocked by Lin You.

Lin You hit her on the head.

It hurts a little, but nothing serious.

Ye Xiaohe breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself that the boss was really a good person and the milkshake face was really useful. He just needed a knock on the head and everything would be fine.

She thought she had passed.

But after she played with the cats and dogs for a while and finished today's morning exercise, the moment she logged into the virtual world, there was a "boom" and an invisible chestnut hit her head.

"It hurts!" Ye Xiaohe cried out in pain and raised his arms to cover his head.

But this action made her chin hit the floor.


Ye Xiaohe blinked his dog eyes and froze on the spot.

She felt as if she had suddenly fallen into a land of giants. Everything in the virtual office had suddenly been enlarged several times in size, and all she could see were the legs of the table and the legs of other colleagues.

Ye Xiaohe blinked, then spread out on four legs and ran all the way to find a floor-length mirror - she had been making and testing "Homeward Bound" for so long, and running on four legs had already made her perfect.

Soon, she came to the floor-length mirror.

In the huge mirror, stood a brown miniature teacup dog.

This teacup dog even wears the standard metal badge for Yunmeng Pet employees around its neck. The number on it is [000] - even more special than Milkshake's [001].

Ye Xiaohe was dumbfounded.

Because she can't change back.

All the other functions on the panel are still there, and my work and everything else are not affected, but I just can't change back to normal.

Ye Xiaohe was a little panicked.

This is not a game world, this is a virtual office! There are many colleagues coming and going!

Many people were already staring at her curiously!

In the eyes of the employees, the little teacup dog in front of the floor-length mirror had the words "Ye Xiaohe" on its head.

As if for fear that everyone can’t see clearly, each of these three words is as big as a teacup dog’s head!

No one knew why, but everyone took photos and excitedly took photos with the teacup dog.

The female employees happily ran over to pick her up and rubbed her dog head.

Ye Xiaohe finally paid the price for her good popularity - in less than five minutes, the scene of her transforming into a teacup dog was spread all over the Internet.

But this is not the most important thing. The important thing is: she still has to take charge of the work today!

Do you have to squat on the conference table to hold a meeting for everyone? ? ?

Ye Xiaohe sent a private message to Lin You, urgently begging for mercy.


[The other party has turned on friend verification. You are not his friend yet. Please send a friend verification request first...]


Ye Xiaohe called instead.

But the person who answered the phone was Xiao Meng. Not only was Xiao Meng helpless, he even came over to rub her dog's head.

Ye Xiaohe sent a text message.

Opposite [Cannot read back].

Ye Xiaohe went crazy, went offline and rushed to Lin You's office to find the real person.

But Lin You was not in the office either.

Asked Qiao Nanyu, Qiao Nanyu said that Lin You took the little princess out to play.

Ye Xiaohe couldn't hold himself any longer.

Not only did she run away, but she also took away the only person who had any hope of interceding for her!

Ye Xiaohe was desperate.

She resignedly logged into the virtual world and squatted on the conference table to hold a meeting with the employees in her team.

She tried to sound as serious as possible.

But everyone was trying not to laugh.

Especially when I heard this teacup dog say: The name of the game "Homeward Bound" is not cute enough and the selling point is not very prominent. Adding suffixes like "Awang" and "Ameow" will be more friendly and will not increase the workload. Attract more users who love cats and dogs to buy...

That wonderful sense of dissonance makes people want to laugh even more.

Ye Xiaohe gave many reasons.

But it's not as effective as her running around the conference table acting cute...

Finally, the suffix was successfully added to the name of "Homeward Bound".

Ye Xiaohe's lifelong reputation was also ruined.

She slumped on the conference table expressionlessly, letting a group of female employees rub her hair and head.

But it was a coincidence: after a series of photos of her being transformed into a teacup dog became popular on the Internet, netizens immediately thought that this was a special promotion for "Homecoming".

After all, "Homecoming" is a game that allows players to become cats and dogs, and Ye Xiaohe is the producer of this game.

The correlation is just too strong.

And the scene of her squatting on the conference table, conducting a meeting with others in a serious manner, is so hilarious that it makes people laugh.

Combining several factors, the publicity effect is surprisingly good!

This made Ye Xiaohe feel very complicated——

She is happy that "Homeward Bound" has received publicity, but her dark history will remain on the Internet forever...

She had already decided: when Lin You comes back and before he turns her back into a human, she must bite him hard!


Netizens didn't know that Ye Xiaohe had such a complicated psychological dynamic. They all laughed happily and posted one set of emoticons after another.

After the news came out that the demo will be launched, I am even more happy!

Naturally, everyone noticed the addition of a suffix to the game name, but it didn't cause too much of a stir - players who were able to pay attention to the trial news immediately knew that this was a cute game from the beginning.

Only when the promotion reaches new users can this suffix play a role in enriching players' understanding of the game.

Compared to the lengthening of the name, the trial itself is more eye-catching.

For anchors who haven’t finished playing “A Quiet Place”, a sense of urgency immediately sets in!

I originally thought that if I worked harder, I could complete all the chapters before the release of "Homecoming", but Ye Xiaohe suddenly launched a trial demo. Isn't this a surprise attack?

The last time Yunmeng released a trial demo, it all dates back to the "Journey" period!

Who could have predicted this?

Of course, there are also many anchors who feel completely opposite.

Just like Xia Yi, although she has not finished "A Quiet Place", she is extremely happy now.

Yesterday, she was urged to push forward by her water friends. After finally finishing [Secret War], she already wanted to die.

When a bloody hell monster rushes into your face, if you fight back, the monster's blood will be all over your face. If you don't fight back, the monster will chew you to death, and your own blood will spray out on your face.

She strongly suspected that the development team had made some nasty settings. When monsters pounced on teammates, they were always quick and deadly, but when they pounced on players, they would sometimes have subtle deceleration and roaring movements. Slobber on the player's face.

This made Xia Yi couldn't help but feel that for monsters, "scaring the player hard" is much more important than "quickly chewing the player to death".

If you use KPI to describe it, killing a player will add 1 point to the monster, but if it scares the player so much that his face turns pale and his heart skips a beat, then 10 points will be added directly!

Anyway, something is very wrong.

Especially since she had to fight for the "perfect ending", the final battle was even more torturous.

——She doesn’t have any special interest in soldier dolls, but... the ending with special rewards is just there, how can she not fight it?

But after the fight, she didn't want to see those monsters again for a second, let alone the even scarier seventh chapter!

The launch of the trial version of "Homecoming" gave her a strong reason to temporarily change the live broadcast content.

Thinking of this, she even wanted to go to Yunmeng to give Ye Xiaohe a banner!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, players who asked for leave unexpectedly, anchors who temporarily changed the live broadcast time, media who chased hot topics...all kinds of people started to store "Homeward Bound: Meow and Ah Wang Mobilization Demo" and started trial play!

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