Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1163 We are about to be wiped out!

This idea of ​​[simulating robots] is not the first time it has appeared.

Lin You came up with this idea after the technical team of [Journey Prosthetics] produced a prosthetic that was almost as real as the real thing.

At that time, what he wanted to do was to make a body for Xiao Meng.

But there is a problem here - if you want to make the limbs realistic, as long as you are willing to spend money and the engineers are skilled enough, there is no problem.

But the brain...

That's another level of difficulty.

Especially the eyes.

If it is not done perfectly, it will become more and more eye-catching.

In comparison, it is easier to make a pure steel terminator than to make a realistic robot without any sense of violation.

So after asking Xiaomeng's opinion, Lin You temporarily put the matter aside and left it to the engineers of Journey Prosthetics Company to study.

——Xiaomeng does not have a strong desire for the real world. For her, an intelligent life that is almost omnipotent in the virtual world, the real world is actually very restrictive.

In the virtual world, she can wave her hand and conjure up a pier and a bag of chips, but in reality, she has to buy a bag of chips and then drive to the pier, which takes a long time to do the same thing.

Even if it is not the feeling of a fish jumping from water into the air, it is at least the feeling of a monk jumping from a world full of spiritual energy to an era when spiritual energy has just recovered.

Not convenient at all.

If Lin You hadn't spent a lot of time in reality every day, she wouldn't have even thought about entering reality.

Because of this, this matter has been forgotten by Lin You for a long time.

Yesterday, the idea came back to him, and he remembered this matter. He looked through the progress of the [Journey Prosthetic] engineer work that Xiao Meng had organized for him.

Because he had put this matter behind him, Lin You didn't pay much attention to the engineers' work reports and only read them once in a long time.

But when the engineers didn't get a response, they just felt that the boss was not satisfied yet and they still needed to work hard, so they invested more and more regardless of the cost, and the results became more and more real to the naked eye.

When Lin You finally wanted to use this technology, their results were completely usable.

It is no exaggeration to say that the technology they have developed, even if it is not worthy of Lin You's secondary artificial intelligence technology, can instantly defeat more than 90% of the doll companies in the world when released.

——The remaining 10% is special to XP.

If coupled with advanced artificial intelligence technology, it will be even more limitless!

The only problem is: this thing is relatively expensive, the cost will be super high, and it will have to be repaired if it gets bumped or scratched.

For the time being, it can only be used as an expensive toy.

But for Lin You, of course there is no need to consider money.

If it weren't for the limited time and the most expensive and complicated head, he could have made a set for Zhu Cixia to use alternately.

But time is limited now, so let’s make two first.

Lin You started to work.

Xiao Meng didn't quite understand Lin You's thinking, but joined in to help without thinking.

Lin You spent the daytime this weekend in the laboratory.

Wait until evening, and then live broadcast "Homecoming" with Zhu Cixia who is very excited.

And in the corner that he didn't notice, the players of [First Camp] were gathering.

After the discussion group was upgraded by the creator, the upper limit was upgraded from 5,000 to 100,000, but it was still filled up in one go!

The creator had to upgrade to 300,000 again, which was enough for the time being.

Now, of the more than 200,000 people in the group, more than 46,000 have arrived at the checkpoint outside Chang'an City.

If this location wasn't still in the world of "Homeward Bound" and not a public area, then this place would definitely be filled with cats and dogs!

They are both cats and dogs in good shape!

Those with short legs couldn't jump, and those with fat legs could only roll... They were basically eliminated.

Super Tomato no longer cares about playing "Homeward Bound". Instead, he opens a discussion group and broadcasts the live broadcasts of players in the "First Camp" - there are more than thirty similar live broadcast rooms.

Once the charge begins, it's hard to say how many will survive.

In order to see more pictures, Super Tomato sat on the sofa in the virtual house and used the panel function to open 9 display screens arranged in a nine-square grid and live broadcast 9 pictures at the same time.


The horn of charge sounded in the [first camp].

Forty-six thousand cats and dogs charged towards Chang'an City!

This time it's not just a checkpoint entrance.

There are three checkpoints, two dog holes, and four walls that you can jump over from street lights... All the relatively close breaches are filled with cats and dogs!

There are even a few cats and dogs sprinting in spring boots and inflatable backpacks!

Compared with those novices who charge "naked" without any props or even clothes, they are already pet special forces!

There is no room for trickery in the first 20 meters, you have to rely on yourself - and at most one teammate.

Only by rushing through these 20 meters without being caught can you get more people's cover and help.


Not difficult!

Don’t forget—those who came to participate in this charge are basically die-hard “Chang’an” players!

As for the combat system of "Chang'an", the most important test is the player's reaction speed and distance control.

The latest chapter of "Chang'an" is "Dark Soul"!

For players who can clear "Dark Souls", rushing to the 20-meter checkpoint is really not a big problem if they are prepared.

"Go, go, go!" Super Tomato cheered.

He didn't even have time to shout for a second time. In the nine live broadcasts in front of him, eight people successfully avoided the net bag and baton of the law enforcement robot and broke through the 20-meter defense line.


It started to rain in the picture.

This is a rain made up of cats and dogs of various breeds.

——Countless cats and dogs suddenly poured out of the screen, instantly drowning the anchor and the live broadcast like a mudslide.

The smart live broadcast software immediately zoomed out the camera, so the panoramic view was displayed——

A steady stream of cats and dogs suddenly emerged from the air and crashed into the torrent of cats and dogs rolling forward like a landslide.

Hundreds or thousands of cats and dogs, unable to control their bodies at all, could only squeeze together with other players and be rolled away in a hurry.

The law-enforcement robots and the robot policemen were already firing on all cylinders. Their net bags and batons were almost gone, rubber bullets were being fired continuously, and from time to time, cats and dogs would turn into light and disappear.

But the flood of cats and dogs has not diminished at all.

Their arrest speed cannot keep up with the speed of players pouring in!

A total of forty law enforcement robots and five robot police officers have all been mobilized. The red warning lights are whining, but they still cannot stop this wave of pets.

Super Tomato also saw a picture of a robot policeman being knocked down by a bunch of dogs. While struggling to push them away, he yelled at the communicator on his shoulder:

"Asking for support! Requesting support!"

"Checkpoint 42 was invaded by a large number of pets from unknown sources!"

"We need support!!"

"Who are you kidding! We are about to be wiped out!!"

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