Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1166: Binary Touching the Gold Captain?

Could it be said that those are not damaged pieces of technical data, but pieces of "remains" of digital life?

Lin You was horrified.

This possibility is really scary.

On the first day he came to this world, he got the seed blooming with golden light in his hazy sleep.

Whether it is a small dream or a virtual world, they all come from this unknown opportunity.

Yunmeng can reach today step by step, although it is due to the efforts of him and all employees, but the real root cause is undoubtedly those technologies and that golden light.

But he has always regarded it as a pure technical package.

After all, the information that Xiaomeng continued to decrypt later were all techniques one after another.

At most, the compression technology used is rather special, and the decompression process is too complicated, so that the efficiency is relatively low, and the decompression has not been completely completed yet.


Watching the incomprehensible changes that occurred at the code level after those six digital beings completely lost their bodies and the consciousness chip became their only source of support, especially the subtle similarities...

This made him have to wonder, could it be that that ball of light was not a simple "technical compression package", but an alternative, collective coffin?

The civilization that created the virtual world "packed (hibernated)" their digital lives and launched them in some incomprehensible way, only to be accidentally picked up by him?

what is this?

A special funeral ritual for digital civilization?

——Similar to human sea burials and sky burials, they created quantum funerals?

What are those little dreams and those technologies?

Burial objects?

Then who am I?

Lin You's thoughts are flying further and further. Am I... a gravedigger? Grave robber?

Binary touch gold captain?

In this case, what will be inside the bottom layer of the "tomb", or the innermost layer of the light - the last folder of the "compressed package"?

epitaph? Or a gravekeeper?

A steady stream of questions popped up in Lin You's mind. The more he thought about it, the more outrageous it became, but he unexpectedly discovered that the logic seemed... right?

However, this idea is completely unsupported by evidence and has many problems.

He wasn't even sure how similar the two were.

Especially when I see Xiao Meng who is wandering around the world and not knowing where to eat melon, I feel even more inconsistent.

——Even if Xiaomeng is essentially an intelligent life, it would be too primitive and outrageous to bury a little girl as a sacrifice, right?

A civilization that has unlocked technology into the virtual world should not still have such primitive customs.

Lin You shook his head and stopped thinking for the time being.

The most urgent task now is to confirm that the data that cannot be understood is indeed a kind of "digital life".

as well as--

Can they be "resurrected"?

"Take me to the transfer station to have a look." Lin You requested.

He Peng nodded and turned around without hesitation to lead Lin You to the "transfer station".

The transfer station is a place where [Digital Life Card] is temporarily stored.

At present, only six of them are preserved here, which is the basis for the six old people who have "passed away" to still remain in the world.

This [Digital Life Card] looks a bit like a long USB flash drive, but its hardness is amazing because its main function is to protect the consciousness chip inside.

After Lin You and He Peng came here through the three-layer security check, they first checked the storage status of these digital life cards, then took out a connecting cable to connect the headband and the server, and began to view more detailed data on the spot. .

The data fragments decrypted by Xiaomeng are arranged next to the underlying code of the six-digit digital life.

Lin You glanced back and forth at the data on both sides, trying to find conclusive evidence.

But that's very difficult.

Especially on the right side, the six digital life codes are still changing all the time, which is really dazzling.

Even if Lin You was completely in a state of concentration, it would be impossible for him to sift out important information with his naked eyes and memory alone.

He must use tools.

The data fragments on the left are also not simple things.

Lin You calls it "fragment", not because it is small, but because it cannot run and its logic is incomplete.

In fact, the size of this thing is also very exaggerated. Otherwise, with Xiao Meng's current decryption efficiency, it would not take many days to decrypt a copy.

For Lin You, the only friendly thing about it is that it is fixed and will not change rapidly like the data on the right.

He Peng and several professors looked at each other in shock when they saw Lin You suddenly sitting down, his hands rapidly tapping the invisible keyboard in the air.

They knew what Lin You was studying, but they couldn't see it.

This was not the first time He Peng had seen this situation, so he did not ask immediately.

But after waiting for a while and realizing that Lin You still hadn't stopped, he couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing?"

Lin You was concentrating on doing a "cyber autopsy" on those fragments. When he heard He Peng's question, he replied without thinking: "Lianliankan."

What he means is to find the same content from several different codes and then mark it.

But He Peng and the two researchers didn't know about this, and they were confused when they heard Lin You's words.

‘You came here to play Lianliankan? ? ’

Fortunately, Xiaomeng was still relatively leisurely. She poked He Peng's leg and whispered, "I was joking."

"Oh, okay." He Peng looked at Xiao Meng with some surprise.

Xiao Meng had always been indifferent to him before and rarely got so close to him.

He tried to talk to Xiao Meng, but after Xiao Meng said a sentence, he went back to help Lin You.

He Peng had no choice but to calm down and watch Lin You busy at work without knowing why, hoping that he could explain to him when he was done.

But unfortunately, Lin You was busy all afternoon and could not find enough concrete evidence to support his guess.

However, there is no evidence. Lin You stared at the data all afternoon. His scientific research intuition told him more and more strongly: "There is a very high probability that the two are the same thing, but they are at different stages." Too much the same.”

He strongly suspected that this change was related to whether there was a real-world support like a [Digital Life Card].

Thinking of this, he quickly stood up, said goodbye to He Peng, and Xiaomeng quickly returned home, not even bothering to take a look at the latest batch of graphene chips as originally agreed.


After returning home, Lin You immediately took out several blank [Digital Life Cards] and connected them to the host. Then he and Xiao Meng logged into the virtual world and appeared on the small sofa on the bridge.

He asked Xiao Meng to retrieve the decrypted data fragments and try to see if he could use the digital life card to make these codes run.

But unfortunately, he tried this method and still failed.

The fragmented data loaded into the [Digital Life Card] is still a stagnant water that cannot be operated.

Lin You collapsed back on the sofa in disappointment.

But as he slumped on the sofa and looked at the smooth deck and the vast sky outside the porthole, another thought suddenly came to him -

Wait... Helicarrier?


"Little Dream!"

"What's wrong?" Xiao Meng shook her little head and quickly came over.

"Is the technical decryption still in progress?"

"Yes." Xiao Meng nodded.

"show me."

"no problem!"

Xiao Meng clapped his hands, and a huge ball of light suddenly jumped out from above their heads. Countless bright strips of light extended from the ball, like gorgeous ribbons.

But if you zoom in, you can see that they are all streams of fast-moving golden data.

The number of light strips and the speed of data flow have far exceeded Lin You's analysis ability. He felt dizzy after just looking at it for a few seconds.

It is true that only Xiaomeng can do this job.

"Xiaomeng, tell me, could this space carrier be a digital version of Noah's Ark?"

Xiao Meng blinked and quickly followed Lin You's thoughts, "Master, you mean that Xiao Meng's original civilization was about to be destroyed, so they built this virtual ark, packed Xiao Meng and a lot of technology, and together Sent to this world?”

"It's not just technology." Lin You shook his head and took another look at the huge ball of light.

At first, in his dream, it was just a thumb-sized ball of light. He never imagined that it would be so huge and spectacular in the virtual world.

"I suspect that the things decrypted after the [consciousness chip] are all digital beings."

"It's just that these digital lives have all 'died' for some reason. Maybe it's because they have no 'reliance'?"

Xiaomeng scratched his pink head, feeling a little troubled.

Because she doesn't know.

She has no memory of the previous civilization and world, and can only learn some information by reading some uncorrupted data.

She had already told Lin You that information.

So regarding Lin You's thoughts, she could only scratch her head and say, "Oh."

She is living a happy life every day now. Her owner is very kind to her. Everyone who knows her loves her. Her computing power is getting stronger and stronger. She has endless fun on the Internet. She is living a very happy life every day. .

So she didn't care much about the previous civilization without any memory.

And her calm reaction made Lin You choke.

Then he quickly came to his senses, picked up the little guy and rubbed his face.

"Woooooo!" Xiaomeng struggled hard.

But just like every previous struggle, it also ended in failure. He could only reach out his little hand unconvinced and rub Lin You's face.

After the two of them rubbed each other, Lin You was no longer entangled.

He gasped and collapsed on the sofa, and glanced at the ball of light again: "Anyway, once you decrypt it to the end and see the core thing, everything will be revealed, right?"

"Not necessarily." Xiao Meng, who was also panting and collapsed in his arms, said with cold water.

"Haha, yes, my intuition is very accurate!"

Lin You patted her little head confidently.

He had a strong hunch: the truth would definitely be contained in it, and not only the truth, but he might also be able to obtain this incredible cross-world information transmission technology!

Although most likely flawed.

Let Lin You think to himself, the technology of transmitting information across the world is 100% fantasy.

But in the field of physics, related conjectures are not completely absent.

"Quantum", "gravity", "black hole"... there are many related factors, and they may not be more difficult to achieve than the virtual world and digital life.

But looking at the size of this light group, I'm afraid they are still a long way from the "truth".

Who knows how many "digital corpses" there are to dig out...

And the only way to speed up this speed is -

Sell ​​a few more Mirage units and attract a few more users!

In this case, the other two plans also need to be included in the schedule.


That night, Lin You and Zhu Cixia started broadcasting again on time and continued to play "Homeward Bound".

This is already the third day after the release of "Homecoming". Because they only play it at night, even though the game level is very high and the cooperation is perfect, they have only advanced to the middle stage.

And those liver emperors have already reached the late stage.

Then as expected, they all felt the difficulty of the game——

More frequent mistakes and falls, starting over again and again.

This has led some people to change modes and reduce the difficulty, some people to start studying different climbing routes, and some people to go back to previous areas to search for props that can help.

The large number of save points designed by Ye Xiaohe ensure that players will not feel so frustrated that they will seriously break the defense, or even quit the game and give negative reviews.

This ensures that the discussion environment of "Homeward Bound" does not deteriorate as the difficulty increases.

So overall, "Homeward Bound" is still steadily improving, both in terms of reputation and sales.

As a result, when Lin You saw Ye Xiaohe at the door of the company the next day, the girl greeted him directly with her chin - her chin almost went up to the sky!

Lin You shook his head speechlessly and took the initiative to make way for Miss Ye to advance into the company.

After entering the company, he did not go to the game development department, but transferred to the technology department.

Today, Yunmeng's technical department has also expanded a lot. They not only provide technical support for the game development department, but are also working on compatibility and upgrades of various software and hardware.

Lin You came here to check how the preparations for making the mirage "productive" were going.

As long as this step can be done well and a large number of companies can transfer the work they do in reality to the virtual world, then Mirage will officially begin to replace office computers and tap out a new and huge market share.

Users will definitely usher in an explosive growth.

——Even for people who are already Yunmeng users, their online time will soar rapidly!

After all, even work can be done in the virtual world in the future.

And this is not a bad thing for companies and workers - lower office costs, more spacious and comfortable office environment, faster cooperation and communication, WYSIWYG workflow...

The benefits are countless.

If we have to talk about the negative side, it would be a heavy blow to computer manufacturers and office building real estate.

But the former has been shrinking rapidly, and the rise of Mirage has also digested the production capacity of the supply chain, and even provided more demand and profits because of its global dominance.

Although there will still be labor pains, he has also used the focus ring, journey prosthesis and Titan mecha to create more needs, jobs and opportunities.

After using the advanced production aid tool "virtual world", he believes that it will inspire more and stronger creativity, creating more services, products and values ​​that are currently unpredictable for society and the public.

So Lin You had nothing to hesitate.

As for the possible shrinkage of office real estate and the associated impact on commercial real estate...

Lin You decided to believe in the wisdom of the rentier class.

Two in one.

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