Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 118 Sending Lawyer Letters to 10 Million People

Looking at the diapers in the cloth bag, and Ah Yi's sincere expression.

Lin You blinked, "You call this a souvenir?"

"That's right." A Yi nodded, "This is a souvenir from my live broadcast room. The viewers specially entrusted me to bring it to you! They say that goose feathers are sent from thousands of miles away, and the gift is light..."

"Wait." Lin You interrupted him, "Are you serious?"

"Ah, yes..." Ah Yi was about to say "Yes", but seeing Lin You's dangerous expression, the words changed into: "...Is it?"

"Why don't you think about it again?"

"Ah, this..." Ayi flinched a little.

"Or like this, it's not impossible if you insist on me accepting it. But you have to wear it to take the test tomorrow, how about it?"

A Yi looked at the cameras in all directions, feeling that heaven and man were at war in his heart.

The onlookers were curious as to what was in the cloth bag.

But neither Lin You nor A Yi took it out, and no one could see what was inside.

Seeing that the crowd was about to gather around, Ah Yi thought about the promise of the audience in the live broadcast room to "give you a rocket if you send it out" and the threat of "cancel it if you don't send it out", so he gritted his teeth and agreed: "Okay !"

Lin You quickly stuffed the cloth bag into his hand, as if the bag was very hot, "Take it and use it, and give it to me tomorrow."

After A Yi took it, he tightly clutched the opening of the cloth bag, for fear that the contents inside would be exposed.

Even if you want to die, it will be tomorrow's business, and it will be a day if it can be delayed!

Except for the episode of A Yi, the rest is more harmonious.

I simply thanked everyone for their support, explaining that Yunmeng has arranged a special car, and friends who do not have special arrangements can take the car to the hotel that Yunmeng has packaged, and the buffet has been prepared.

The rest of the work will continue to be handed over to Liang Tian.

It has to be said that Liang Tian is really a talent, and he is making rapid progress.

Managing the Yunmeng experience store in Xiajing is very different from opening a small video game store in my hometown county!

Liang Tianneng managed it in an orderly manner, and he was able to fulfill all kinds of needs put forward by Lin You very well.

This made Lin You very satisfied, and even started to think about advancing the plan of the second store.

Before getting into the car, Super Tomatoes came up to add a contact information, and the professional players also handed over business cards for their club managers.

There is no way, Lin You's mobile phone is on the white list, and unfamiliar numbers cannot be called.

Although people have been coming to Yunmeng Experience Store, wanting to contact Lin You through Liang Tian, ​​but after Liang Tian asked Lin You, he declined them all.

The same goes for the people in charge of these clubs. In the end, they could only leave their business cards here with Liang Tian, ​​hoping that Lin You could contact them someday.

Today's game internal test, many people came with their own professional players, but they were waiting outside the Yunmeng experience store.

As a result, Lin You never showed up, and in the end they could only leave disappointed.

Before leaving, he did not forget to leave his business card to his professional player, thinking that he might have the opportunity to hand it over to Lin You himself, which is an extra hope.

Lin You took it with both hands politely, put it in his pocket, and watched them leave.

Their club is in Xiajing, so there is no need to go to the hotel.

After finishing the internal test and having dinner outside again, Lin You returned home relaxed.

When entering the door, step on the heel of the left shoe with the right foot and kick off the shoe; then step on the heel of the right shoe with the left foot, kick off the other shoe, put on slippers, and walk into the living room.

"Master, welcome home!" Xiao Meng welcomed him with a sense of ceremony.

"Xiaomeng, has anything happened during this time?" Lin You asked while drinking a glass of water.

"There is nothing new! However, many media sent us a lawyer's letter before. It seems that players are very concerned about it, and are worried that it will affect the release progress of "League of Assassins."

"Well, is that so? Netizens aren't very good this year." Lin You put down his glass and shook his head in disappointment.

"Forget it, I'll teach them a lesson."

"Master, do you want to make a statement? Can Xiaomeng help?" Xiaomeng was as active as ever.

"I'll do it myself. We really want to post something, but not a statement."

"Then what are you going to post? Xiaomeng doesn't understand!"

"A lawyer's letter." Lin You replied calmly.

With the end of the first day of the internal test, more and more people who participated in the internal test began to express their thoughts on the Internet.

Although restricted by the non-disclosure agreement, they cannot disclose any game content, but this does not prevent them from shouting goose girls on social media!

All of a sudden, netizens knew about this game, although they still only had "virtual reality gunfight game", but they knew it in advance-this is a game that is "beyond imagination", "unparalleled", "real and exciting". ", "Super Free", "Do whatever you want" games.

Netizens are very excited!

But I don't know what to be excited about.

In the end, they could only be excited by the void...

Because of the emptiness, the topic even turned back to the "Large Media Lawyer's Letter Incident" again, worrying that such a word-of-mouth game would delay the release progress.

At this moment, Lin You's Lingxi account posted a new message.

"Lawyer letter

To: 10 million Lingxi users

Recently, Yunmeng Studio, founded by me, has been widely mentioned on social networks without authorization, causing great distress and mental uneasiness to me and all my colleagues in the company.

Relevant topics have been mentioned and discussed by hundreds of millions of people, causing extremely extensive and irreparable social impact.

Cyberspace is a free, open, and shared world. We fully respect the freedom of speech of netizens and friends, but citizens' right to freedom of speech should be exercised on the premise of mutual respect.

Considering the serious impact that has been caused, we solemnly inform the netizens who mentioned the term "Yunmeng Studio" without written authorization - a total of 10 million Lingxi users:

Please be sure to delete the relevant content within two days from the date of reading this lawyer's letter, and publicly issue an apology statement on the Lingxi platform to eliminate the adverse effects caused by the relevant behavior.

Yunmeng reserves the right to pursue your legal responsibility.

Notice is hereby given! "

In the lower right corner of the lawyer's letter, besides the time and date, Lin You's signature, there is also a big red seal.

There are a lot of words on the red seal, which is not easy to read.

But after zooming in, you can see the content printed on it: "Xiajing Branch of Daxia Niubi Law Firm".

This outrageous "lawyer's letter" in various senses instantly blew up the whole consonance.

Just seeing the three words "lawyer's letter" at the beginning, netizens thought that Lin You was going to use his own way to counter him, and instead sent lawyer's letters to these media.

Who knew that Lin Youli ignored these people and directly sent a lawyer's letter to 10 million netizens!

Countless question marks immediately occupied Lin You's comment area.

In addition to the question mark, it is the emoji package.

It took a full ten seconds before the complete text comment appeared.

"What's the situation??? So, Lin You sent me a lawyer's letter?"

"Sent me too haha!"

"It's outrageous! Send it to 10 million people! Is a lawyer's letter so casual?"

"Fortunately, I was still worried that Yunmeng would delay the release of "League of Assassins" because of the lawyer's letter. It seems that I am being sentimental!"

"That's right! Now he still has time to work, it seems that he doesn't care at all!"

"How dare you mention Lin You! How dare you mention Yunmeng! Aren't you afraid of getting a lawyer's letter?! Delete it as soon as possible and apologize publicly! Dog head"

"Too much deceit!" The media who sent Yunmeng's lawyer's letter were completely outraged!

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