Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1172 The princess is actually a twin? ? ?

As soon as the group entered the ceremony hall, another female staff member suddenly appeared, hurriedly came to the fake princess, and said in a low voice: "Princess, you really can't run around now! You should go back. If you don't go back, I'll ask for help." That's too late!"

Xiao Meng turned her head and glanced at Lin You, who nodded.

So Xiaomeng followed the staff and left the ceremony hall through the side door.

Everyone is not surprised by this. After all, the princess is the protagonist. We can't wait until the coronation ceremony begins, while the protagonist sits in the audience and watches the fun, right?

Of course, Xiaomeng would not really run to join the princess.

She would hide in the middle to avoid bumping into the princess.

After all, this is the coming-of-age ceremony for the little princess, a once-in-a-lifetime event. Although Lin You and Xiao Meng love to play, they will not ruin this occasion.

Therefore, the entire crowning ceremony of the little princess will still be carried out in a solemn and serious atmosphere.

After the ceremony, Lin You and Xiao Meng prepared the "after-fun part".

After a few minutes, everyone sat down in their seats. Guests from the two banquet halls sat on both sides of the ceremony hall, separated by a long carpet. Although the two sides were not inseparable, they were still distinct.

Lin You sat in the front row on the left.

Under the arrangement of the little princess, he was surrounded by people he was familiar with - Shui Hua, An Rongyi, Xiao Chun, and... Ye Xiaohe who appeared in the third row inexplicably.

"?" Lin You looked at Ye Xiaohe who was sitting there seriously, with question marks all over his face.

"Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?" Ye Xiaohe asked, "We have a great relationship!"

In Yunmeng, Xiaochun and the princess were the first to know each other, and he had always taken good care of her. It was not strange for Lin You to appear here. Qin Songyun even took a seat because of her physical condition.

But Ye Xiaohe... is her relationship with Zhu Cixia already so close?

Lin You shook his head, having nothing to say, and turned to greet the others one by one.

"Hehe." Xiao Meng's thiefful laughter suddenly sounded.

Lin You turned his head and saw Xiao Meng had appeared on the chair beside him - Zhu Cixia had of course prepared a place for Xiao Meng.

"nailed it?"


In the VIP lounge No. 6 on the second floor, the female staff member guiding the fake princess stood outside the bathroom door with an anxious look on her face. While knocking on the door softly, she kept urging the princess to hurry up. Time was running out!

As for rudely slamming into the door and rushing in...

That is impossible.

That's a princess inside!

So she could only worry outside the door and run in circles anxiously.

Of course, as compensation for the prank, Xiaomeng has memorized the name and position on her badge, and will give her a compensation afterwards - about one month's salary.

Seeing the boss talking to the empty chair, several people around him quickly realized that Xiaomeng was also here.

Although they were quite nervous to attend such a big event, and they were not able to take the lead in hugging her, they waved to the air to say hello to Xiao Meng.

Shui Hua stared at the air curiously.

Until the bronze bell was rung, the clear sound of the bell swept through the entire ceremony hall, and the whispering crowd immediately fell silent.

The crowning ceremony of the princess has begun.

Among the people, the crowning ceremony is actually a coming-of-age ceremony for men. Correspondingly, the coming-of-age ceremony for women is called the haircut ceremony - in modern times. Both were unified until the age of 18, after which they were free to marry.

But the royal family is a bit more special in this regard.

They will still hold a haircut ceremony for the princess when she is 15 years old, and then hold a crowning ceremony again when she is 18 years old - some big families who value tradition will also do this.

In this regard, the crowning ceremony also has the connotation of "conferring power".

Therefore, the specific details of the ceremony vary.

If there are no male descendants in the royal generation, or the princess intends to inherit political rights when she reaches adulthood, then the "Crown Ceremony" will be used.

And if there is a male royal descendant in the same generation, or the princess plans to get married or even retire from the royal family when she reaches adulthood, then a second and larger "hairpin ceremony" will be performed.

If there is no male descendant, but the princess does not plan to engage in politics but plans to marry, then the specific details will be a little different...

In short, hundreds of years of development and evolution, coupled with the impact of modernization, have made many rituals very complex.

If you don't care about this, it can be much simpler, but if you do, then all the details here can stun people.

Fortunately, Lin You didn't have to think about this, he could just sit under the stage and watch the ceremony quietly.

The parents held Zhu Cixia's hands and walked out slowly.

After nodding to everyone who came to watch the ceremony, the parents sat down at the main table.

The little princess Zhu Cixia first performed [Wo wash], which is actually washing her hands, and then bowed to salute her parents.

"A ceremony--"

Zhu Cixia's earliest enlightenment mentor served as the guest of honor and was responsible for reciting the congratulations.

The ceremony officially begins.

The mother got up and came forward to comb her hair and change her hairstyle.

Beginning to add jade.

Easy to dress.

The wish said: "On the auspicious day of the month, I will start to add Yuanfu, abandon the word "you", and be virtuous. The longevity test is only for Qi, and I will introduce you to Jingfu."

Add hairpins.

Bye bye shirt again.

The wish said: "The auspicious month and the day of the month are the time when you will be humble and respectful, respectful of your majesty, and virtuous. My eyebrows will live for thousands of years, and you will be blessed forever."

Three plus flower crowns.

Worship your parents and drink adult wine.

The elders grant seals.

Zhu said: "With the correctness of the year and the order of the month, Xianjia will obey. Brothers are here to achieve great virtue. Huang Lao has no boundaries and is celebrated by heaven."

So the ceremony was completed.

The entire ceremony was meticulous, but solemn and warm, and it also had a sense of solemnity that traveled through time. Lin You was a little lost in thought.

Not just him, but the crowd in attendance as well.

Only a few people found something not quite right, so their expressions were different.

——This is almost a pure haircut ceremony for women. Although the standards are very high, it seems that it does not confer any royal rights at all!

But on this occasion, they could only keep their weird feelings in their hearts.

It wasn't until everything was over, and the teacher took Zhu Cixia to thank those who came to watch the ceremony, that the atmosphere that made people want to hold their breath quickly dissipated, and the scene became relaxed and happy again.

The little princess also smiled sweetly at Lin You.

After the acknowledgments are over, the audience should return to the banquet hall and enter a more relaxed "socializing" session.

The spectators present were also ready to get up and leave.

But at this moment, the side door of the ceremony hall was suddenly pushed open.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a woman in uniform running in in a panic. Without even looking at the situation inside, she turned to look behind her: "Princess! Hurry up! We're about to miss the good time!"

"?" Question marks popped up on the heads of all the spectators.

And the next moment, those question marks all turned into exclamation marks.


Another princess walked into the ceremony hall!

She looks exactly the same as the princess who is thanking the teacher in front of her! !


The guests watching the ceremony took a deep breath, and many even stood up in panic and knocked over their chairs. They looked at this and that in shock.

But no matter how you look at it, the two princesses are exactly the same!

Even Zhu Cixia's teachers and parents in the front looked at the person next to them and the one in the distance with their mouths open, and they all fell into confusion.

The scene instantly became noisy, with all kinds of voices everywhere:

"Wait, what's going on!? Another princess?"

"Someone is pretending to be a princess? Putting on makeup? Disguise?"

"Or... the princess is actually a twin?"

The staff member who was so anxious that he wanted to cry outside the bathroom and finally brought the princess over was dumbfounded with his mouth wide open.

Zhu Cixia himself was very calm, but after being surprised by the appearance of the fake princess, he immediately calmed down, glanced at Lin You with an angry look, and then waved to Xiao Meng to come over.

Xiao Meng then controlled the body of the fake princess, faced the surprised eyes of the audience, walked to the front step by step, and stood hand in hand with the real princess.

"Shouldn't you be pretending to be my Xiaoxia identity? Why are you now like this again?"

"Hehe." Xiaomeng snickered in a princess voice, "This is the surprise we prepared for you."

"What a surprise, you two obviously love to play!" The little princess tapped Xiaomeng's head.

"But this is a gift."

"A gift? What gift?"

"This body! A birthday gift!" Xiaomeng explained to her, "The master made two heads, which can be used interchangeably, and more heads can be made. When the time comes, the princess sister only needs to change a head that no one has seen before. You can go out casually without worrying about being seen or photographed!”

"Ah?" Zhu Cixia didn't expect this, "So, is this a robot?"

The two men whispered.

But the teachers and the crowd watching the ceremony couldn't stand it anymore, and the voices of discussion became louder and louder.

Lin You looked at the two little princesses gathered together, whispering face to face with their beautiful faces, and suddenly his thoughts began to wander.

These are...twin girlfriends!

wrong! No daydreaming!

One of them is a little dream!

Lin You shook his head vigorously, straightened his thoughts, stood up and took control of the situation——

"Okay, the coming-of-age ceremony has ended. Thank you all for coming to watch the ceremony. Next, please move to the banquet hall!"


"Won't you explain what's going on?"

"Why on earth are there two princesses?"

"Lin You! He must have done this!"

Everyone was talking about it and it was easy to pinpoint the culprit.

The little princess pulled Xiao Meng and showed a helpless expression to Lin You, signaling her teacher to help divert the crowd.

At the same time, Yue Pengju and Jian Xingde entered the ceremony hall with several serious-looking and capable men in suits and approached Lin You and the princess.

This is where the security team showed up.

Since an unexpected situation occurred, no matter what the reason was, they decided to control the situation first.

Although the curiosity of the people invited to watch the ceremony was about to explode, this was not a place for wild behavior after all, and they were not reporters. They could only endure their overflowing curiosity and headed to the banquet hall while talking nonstop regardless of appearance. stop.

On the ordinary people's side, everyone is just talking and speculating. On the other side, officials and foreigners have already taken out their mobile phones and started tapping the screen frantically.

Several of America's ambassadors looked grim, as if they had encountered some major crisis.

As the crowd moved towards the ceremony hall, the big news of [Real and Fake Princess] and several photos began to spread wildly on the Internet, quickly crushing the "Lin You suspected change of heart" scandal and becoming an absolute hot spot!

In the ceremony hall, apart from the security personnel, only Zhu Cixia's teachers and family members, as well as Lin You, Xiao Meng and Shui Hua were left.

Everyone came together and looked around the two little princesses.

Mom stretched out her hand curiously, touching this and then that, her eyes full of novelty.

My sister Zhu Qinglu directly pinched her arm and asked a series of questions: "I was just curious why the strange woman you brought here disappeared, and she can change her face! Is this your new invention? Is it a robot?"

Shui Hua also held the hands of the real and fake princess and said in disbelief: "Lin You, your observation of the princess is so meticulous! Even the palm prints are exactly the same!"

After saying that, something suddenly occurred to her, and she whispered into the princess's ear: "Please remember to take a look at the dummy's feet tonight to see if they are the same as yours. If they are the same, then your boyfriend may be a little perverted."

The little princess blushed immediately.

The current No. 1 mascot of Daxia, the princess's father, and Lin You's future father-in-law, no longer pretended to be serious, and asked Lin You curiously: "Is this your new invention?"

Lin You does not take credit: "I made it myself, but it is not my invention. The key technologies are all made by the engineers of [Journey Prostheses]. Since the advent of the first realistic prosthesis, there have been many innovations in this area." The work has already started, and many key breakthroughs have been made. This time it happened to be the little princess’s birthday, so I integrated all the technologies and made this gift.”

Father-in-law nodded, "Although I don't understand the technology in this area, this should be a very important breakthrough, right? I have never seen a robot that looks so much like a real person. Even standing at such a close distance, I can't tell that Any flaws.”

"Should... forget it?" Lin You was not sure.

He has made so many major breakthroughs that I am not sure if this one counts.

"But for such a major technological breakthrough, you just use it to...make pranks?" The man with the title of emperor was very puzzled.

His confusion was completely reasonable.

There are so many things that this technology can do, but Lin You only wants to use it to amuse everyone, or go to a haunted house to scare people...

——As everyone knows, some people are almost scared to death! Especially several American diplomats, their faces turned green.

But Lin You's answer was also reasonable: "Isn't the purpose of doing research just to make yourself happy?"

This sounded like nonsense, but Zhu Cixia's teacher, an old professor who was still active on the front line of scientific research, was filled with envy.

The future father-in-law thought of Lin You's great achievements in scientific research, economics, and social fields, and suddenly came to his senses - this cheap son-in-law is fully qualified to go his own way and do whatever he wants.

So he patted Lin You on the shoulder and said nothing more.

The little princess's mother, a woman with the title of queen, asked gently: "Who is controlling this robot now?"

Xiao Meng returned to her own voice: "It's Xiao Meng!"

"Hello." The princess' mother touched her head gently, obviously no stranger to Xiao Meng.

Sister Zhu Qinglu couldn't help but pinch Xiao Meng's face.

"Should we tell them what's going on?" Zhu Cixia asked.

"It's all okay, you decide." Lin You had already seen those surprised, flustered, and incredulous faces. The purpose of the whole incident had been achieved, and he didn't care so much about what happened next.

Anyway, as long as a few more heads are made, even if everyone knows that the princess may turn into a robot and go shopping, it will be impossible to recognize her.

"That's still..." The little princess was kind-hearted and planned to explain to everyone.

But at this moment——


"Ha...ha...ha..." He Peng and Lu Wei rushed in panting, "Wait!!"

"Wait first!!"

"What's wrong?" Lin You looked at the two men who were sweating profusely and obviously running towards them all the way. "What happened? Are you so anxious?"

He Peng and Lu Wei were stunned for a moment.

You ask us what happened?

Don’t you know what happened? ! !

Two in one haha...

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