Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1178 Let’s have a hard time with real estate first

Of course, when Lin You did this, he had some dark thoughts of "I'm disgusted, so you should be disgusted too".

Poor players, all they know is that the big one is coming.

Little did he know that there might really be a bunch of answers in this "big one"...

The members of the [Cradle Project] project team knew, but they wouldn’t tell.

Not only can they not speak, they also insidiously let out evil laughter in the small group, ready to have fun.

Players knew nothing about this and were still cheering enthusiastically at the announcement and promotional video.

There's nothing much to say in the announcement, it's just the most standard format——

Let me first say hello, introduce the progress of [Cradle Project] in the past month or so, praise the developers for their efforts, and thank the players for their support.

Finally, it was announced that all trial demos will be launched simultaneously at 6 o'clock this evening. Players are welcome to come and try it out, and hope that players will give ratings and suggestions after the trial.

Signed and stamped.

Finished work.

If there is anything special, the announcement emphasizes that "Yunmeng has not been involved in the design and development of any game. All trial demos are independently designed and produced by its development team."

This sentence, in the eyes of current players, is a kind of noble moral character and broad mind of "not taking credit, not grabbing credit".

No one has thought yet that this might be a blame-shifting term...

Because the promotional video for the trial session was really great!

There are demos of more than 100 games. Each demo can be cut into two or three seconds of highlights and can be made up of 5 minutes, not to mention that the project team streamlined it to 3 minutes.

The mature rhythm, wonderful soundtrack, and rich game graphics, combined together, can easily stir up the hearts of players and make them shout, "Hurry up, hurry up."

But they still need one last bit of patience and wait another three hours.

During this period, Shen Ping came to see him first and asked if he would take this opportunity to break the big news that "[Phantom] software will be updated to fully support mainstream productivity software."

At first, Lin You thought this idea was a good one.

After all, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. If you have trouble, just get rid of it at once.

Now that the whole world is concerned about the stock market and financial issues, especially because the stock market has surged and a large number of technological products are about to undergo comprehensive innovations, and everyone is rejoicing, throwing this out has endless benefits, but it will also bring disadvantages. Measures taken to reduce labor pains will also weaken the negative effects a lot.

By the time the excitement wears off, it's too late to recall the potential trouble.

After all, the deal is done.

But before nodding, Lin You suddenly thought of a question——

Today is Friday. In three hours, Yunmeng will get off work, and in four hours, all workers in Daxia who do not need to work overtime will also get off work.

If Yunmeng announced support for mainstream productivity tools at this time, or even updated the functions at this time...

How many companies will temporarily require employees to work overtime for testing?

I'm afraid I have to go straight to the bath on my weekend rest day, right?

Or, not quite?

Lin You tried to emulate the way of thinking of those business owners——

Meetings must be held, but such important meetings that affect the way the entire company operates are not the turn of hard-working workers to attend.

To attend this kind of meeting first, you must be at least a senior person in the company, right?

The workers wait until the meeting is over, the conclusion is drawn, and they just wait to receive the notification.

Of course, some small companies with a better atmosphere and more respectable bosses may value the opinions of employees and require everyone to participate in the meeting, but such companies will not take up much of their employees' off-duty time.


Are the only ones who suffer from overtime work are the bosses and company executives?

In this case, Lin You thinks it can be done.

As for the possible overtime problem of technical staff.

This is easy to solve: just make an announcement today and update and implement it next Monday.

It just so happens that Yunmeng’s technical department can have a peaceful holiday.

The update will be carried out after work next Monday. If there are any problems, you can check and fix them in time to avoid problems being discovered on the weekend and being too late to fix.

"Very good, that's it." Lin You nodded, "I'll send the announcement now, but the update time will be next Monday morning."

Shen Ping didn't know what Lin You was thinking during those few seconds of silence, but after hearing Lin You's decision, she immediately took action and communicated with the technical department to prepare an announcement - although there was no need to update immediately, Employees in the technical department are still needed to provide technical support to answer some of the hot questions that netizens are most concerned about.

The technical department has already prepared these things. This group of people even prepared a list of questions in advance and bet on which questions will be mentioned.

However, following the release announcement was a bit of a competition for popularity, so they released this announcement an hour after the announcement of the [Cradle Project] Demo trial session.

And there is no aggressive network-wide release like [Cradle Project].

This announcement [Mirage will soon fully support mainstream productivity software] was only posted on Mirage’s exclusive host account - host updates and maintenance, software and hardware upgrades, lottery draws and other information are all posted here.

Finally, use Yunmeng's official account to forward it like this, and it's done.

In this way, the exposure is enough, and subsequent questions and answers with users can be conducted using the host account.

After this announcement was released, it undoubtedly caused a huge stir. The discussion among netizens even surpassed the [Cradle Project] demo session.

What’s even better is that the comment area is full of excited discussions from netizens:

"Okay! From now on, I can type on the keyboard at a super large, super luxurious workstation of 100 square meters."

"You're still typing on a fucking keyboard! Directly on the holographic panel!"

"If I meet a stupid Party A again in the future, can I just hack the boss to death on the spot in a reasonable and legal way to vent my anger?"

"Is my wish to stroke the panda while typing words finally coming true?"

"Poor, you don't dare to be bold in your dreams? I'm masturbating my virtual wife and working at the same time!"

"Wait a minute, if we get something in the virtual world, can we use it in the virtual company? Then I will have to bring the agency maid to work!"

"It's great. I'll cancel the lease next month. Damn it, all the people in the company are working so hard, and they're all making money for the lessor!"

Of course, there are many "far-sighted" and "big-picture" netizens who express concerns about macro issues such as office real estate, commercial real estate, and the bankruptcy of small businesses and hawkers.

Many people are also worried that when switching from computers to Mirage, they may need to readjust to the office software they have used for many years, which will lead to a decrease in work efficiency within a certain period of time.

But these worrying questions were mostly drowned out by the excited cheers of ordinary workers and small bosses who were deeply troubled by rent.

Coupled with the skyrocketing stock market, more than 100 demos of [Cradle Project] were opened simultaneously. For the workers, it was like hearing three good news in a row in a day, and they were so happy that they couldn't stop.

Those negative issues will not attract widespread attention until everyone calms down and people or the media with enough influence speak out and discuss them.

This all takes some time.

For Lin You, as long as there is no strong opposition at the beginning, his goal has been achieved.

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