Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1194 Traveling across half of North America to see you

Chapter 1192 Traveling across half of North America to see you

"That [ladder] sounds a lot like a space elevator, so... the space elevator was bombed again? Huh? Why did I say again?"

"In the world war, all the forces collapsed, leaving only the last two giants shaking hands and making peace... This is so damn real!"

"The combat system seems to be very rich. Three routes have been shown, right? I wonder if I can play Sanren?"

"Indulging in the virtual world, abandoning reality, and wanting to soar... Isn't this thing a satire on the situation in reality? There seems to have been similar news before?"

"Hey guys, I'm making fun of myself?"

"That [dissident] is also a bit outrageous. It feels like a group of cyber trolls."

"So the last string of , , and , represent different forces? Then I will also be a bully!"

"You're not supposed to pick up trash anyway!"

A large number of replies are pouring into the comment area every minute. Every time netizens refresh, they can see completely different comments, and they are all highly praised comments, which are very popular.

Of course, the same comments keep popping up, and most of these same comments from different netizens are related to the release date:

"Pick a date for sale? What is a date for sale?"

"Shouldn't it be a week later? Today is the 1st, shouldn't the release date be the 6th?"

" @Lin You, can you sleep? You can sleep, but I can't! Come and translate for me, what does it mean to release on a later date?!"

Lin You would definitely not come out to explain at this time.

Preparations for the game have been completed long ago, but according to the plan, the last major activity after the release of "Cyber ​​Chang'an: 2077" is to repair the [Ladder] - that is, the space elevator.

Once the space elevator is repaired, it will appear in the public world and connect the surface to space.

In other words: the virtual world of space will be open to all users.

By then, the [Cradle Project] must keep up, so that the universe will not be too empty.

Otherwise, players would rush into space excitedly, only to find that in addition to [Space City], there are alien plundering ships that appear and disappear...

Isn't that a scam?

So he planned to follow up on the development process of [Cradle Project] first.

——Not only the 10 games that have just been "auditioned" and are now closed, but also the 10 development teams that got their spots without participating in the election, as well as the 5 games and 10 places in the [Science Fiction Game Department] Explorable areas.

You don’t need to complete all of them, as long as you complete more than half, it will be enough for players to explore, and it will also make the virtual universe completely lively.

If the progress of all projects is satisfactory, it will be sold directly after the college entrance examination.

If it's not too ideal, then continue to do publicity, release some live demonstrations of the game, etc., and push the release date back a few days.

This is called "flexible offering".

After roughly looking at the reactions of the players, Lin You, the little princess and Xiao Meng went back to the bedroom together and entered into the process of teasing the children before going to bed - Xiao Meng also slept in the same bed as Lin You in the past, so the little princess could not sleep on the same bed. Come on, kick Xiaomeng out completely. The whole family still needs to rest together.

After Lin You let it go, it was the turn of various game media and game up owners to perform——

Watch the trailer with a magnifying glass, analyze the game, guess the intentions of the development team, discuss why the release date is uncertain...

All of them are content that can make an article.

This is also a common practice, a traffic feast that everyone expected.


The next day, various analysis videos about "Cyber ​​Chang'an: 2077" were released one after another. Discussions on social networks and game forums were heated, which instantly overcame the regret that the [Cradle Project New Game Demo Trial Session] was temporarily over. .

The frequency of posts such as "I'm going to die if I can't play Succubus" and "I'm going to die if I can't play Little Dragon Girl" can be seen with the naked eye.

This topic was so lively that not many people noticed the news of Lin You's departure.

The two stand-ins, Lin You and Zhu Cixia, boarded the special plane and set off with the foreign affairs visiting team. They took the trophy and the newly launched [Phantom 3.0] and flew to the city of Sacramento, California, which had been "cleaned" for several days.

The California government's "street cleanup" order was unanimously approved by the Assembly as soon as it was proposed.

They may not be fans of Lin You, but they are definitely profit chasers.

And the benefits that Lin You can bring are too many——

The first one to bear the brunt is the [Virtual City] project.

While "Earth OL" has been steadily advancing, the [Virtual City] project has not stopped, and the [Mixed Reality] project has even been opened to the outside world.

But Yunmeng's employees traveled around the world, but America and Canada were the only ones left behind.

There was a ban before, but there was no way around it.

But now that the ban is gone, whether it is America’s area, the reputation of a big city, or the total number of users, [virtual city] and [mixed reality] projects will definitely enter America.

So, which state and which city can take the lead?

The City of Angels, the seat of Hollywood—[Los Angeles] is located in California. How could you miss such an opportunity?

This is not only a project, but also a window to contact Yunmeng.

As long as they can build a good relationship, Yunmeng's servers, hosts, prosthetics, mechas... whoever comes to open several factories or build several buildings will have a huge influence.

This is still the "public" aspect. If we talk about the "private" aspect, it would be even more serious.

Nowadays, among high-level political circles, there have been faint rumors that Lin You has developed technology that allows humans to hibernate.

Plus the [True and Fake Princess] from some time ago.

[Hibernation]+[Realistic Robot], this is too much room for imagination!

With such a person, who wouldn’t want to have a good personal relationship with him?

To this end, they prepared the highest-level welcome reception for Lin You, and all the top officials of the state government would take time to attend Lin You's welcome reception.

These government officials were not the only ones who wanted to see Lin You.

To be more precise: these government officials only account for a very small proportion of the people who want to meet Lin You.

There are tens of millions of people who really want to meet Lin You, just players!

A few days ago, all the hotels in Sacramento were full! Countless players flocked here, and many even drove across half of America without sleep, just to see him.

Foreign reporters who were a little slower could not find a place to stay and had to squeeze into the interview car.

The park is full of people camping in tents. If it weren't for the strict control on the roadside, they would have filled the streets with tents!

As for the hotels around Honnold's house, the price for one night has skyrocketed to more than 20 times the usual price!

But even so, it's still hard to find a room.

Everyone was looking forward to Lin You's arrival soon.

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