Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1228 Cyber ​​Immortality Cultivation Technique?

"What did you say? [Yangshen]?! Are you sure!?"

Wu Di looked at the highly prosthetic doctor in front of him and shouted in shock.

The doctor's face was covered with realistic wrinkles, and the old but well-maintained classic prosthetic eye opened and closed continuously with dissatisfaction, making a subtle clicking sound, "Don't be so loud, it makes my ears hurt."

"That's the Yang God! The Yang God who cultivates immortality!" Wu Di couldn't calm down at all.

"Isn't it just a name..." The old man shook his head indifferently, "You don't still believe in these fairy tales, do you?"

"Mythical story?" Wu Di was stunned for a moment.

Stop talking nonsense!

In the first chapter of "Chang'an", he witnessed the sword fairy split the entire sky in half with his sword. In the third chapter of "Chang'an", he rode on his sister to burn the capital of the gods, and also burned the demon god with silver fire, purifying the earth's veins!

How could this be fake? !

Not to mention, someone has already analyzed it in the forum before——

There are two key factors why the Infinite Perfection Buddha has planted the seeds of corruption before he hatched.

First, people’s hearts are unpredictable. Good and evil are inherently intertwined in the depths of human nature. How can manual screening of data cover everything?

The second key factor is the dark power that once appeared in "Dark Soul". Because [Corporate War] caused a large number of deaths around the world, too much negative power has been accumulated, and it has been awakened again.

This unreasonable force polluted the earth's veins last time, and this time it polluted the Internet.

A deep web full of contaminated data has taken root under the surface of the Internet, polluting more and more data, weaving a large web like a ruthless hunter.

The target of its hunting is the most powerful existence in this city - [City Management System CA-01].

Many prosthetic modifiers have become cyberpsychotic because of their reckless contact with the deep web and their minds were polluted by the data in it.

But these are not the point - at least not for Wu Di, who chose another story line.

In his opinion, the most important thing is:

This proves that "Cyber ​​Chang'an: 2077" has not become an independent chapter. It is still in the same vein as the previous chapters of "Chang'an"! It's just that the time span is too large, and this connection becomes somewhat vague.

In that case——

The evil power of "Dark Soul" can be revived again, so as a "immortal cultivator" targeting power, why can't it be passed down? !

It must be possible!

Wu Di was super excited.

As soon as the game was released, he came for the short-lived flying sword in the trailer. In order to get the flying sword as soon as possible, he also chose to start the game as a [company employee].

This identity is indeed the easiest to access the profession of [Flying Instrument Master] - the other two identities cannot even afford the expensive equipment cost of [Flying Instrument Master] at the beginning.

But when Wu Di was practicing the controls excitedly, thinking that he would soon be able to use the flying sword, reality gave him a cruel blow——

[Flying Instrument Master] This profession is too difficult to play!

Without the help of the array, he can only control two units at the same time. If there are more units, he can only pull them together and pass them A. Although the strength is not low, it is really not handsome.

And if you want to play fancy flying swords, this level of operation is completely insufficient.

Until he can do two things at once, watching the drone's field of view while controlling the flying sword to kill enemies outside the field of view, the flying sword is no better than a top-notch sniper rifle that can assist aiming.

Wu Di doesn't think this is his own problem, then it can only be a problem with the professional system!


You still have to cultivate immortality!

Wu Di saw hope, and regardless of having to take the older sisters to do aerobics tomorrow morning, he immediately gave up offline, transformed into the Liver Emperor, and pushed this quest line wildly, just to get the "Cyber ​​Cultivation of Immortality" in the [Yangshen] chip Law"!

But the plot that follows is extremely difficult, and the intensity of the battle is off the charts.

Wu Di died again and again without success, and had to go to the game group to shake people.

The highly trained Gandi bosses in the group came to help one after another.

And the boss is indeed a boss, his fighting power far exceeds that of Wu Di, and he still has time to live broadcast the battle to his friends while fighting.

At two o'clock in the morning, they finally succeeded in destroying the scavenger stronghold and regained the key chip.

——By the way, I also learned that the [Idealist] organization, which has always been elusive, was involved in this matter.

It was precisely because of their planning that this chip was taken out of the [Tianyuan Technology] laboratory. The purpose is precisely to prevent the founder of [Tianyuan Technology] from completing a key plan.

As for what the plan was, Wu Di and the others soon found out——

[Yangshen Chip]: A key plot prop that can be used as a carrier to carry consciousness, and can be used with corresponding technologies to upload and store human consciousness.



"Mission props?"


"Where is my cybernetic cultivation method??!"

Wu Di looked at the system introduction and was stunned on the spot.

The Gan Emperor who came to help with the boxing and the water friends in the group who stayed up late to watch the excitement suddenly burst into laughter:

"Hahaha, cyber ascension is also an ascension!"

"So the boss of Tianyuan Technology wanted to achieve digital soaring, and then the [Idealist] organization destroyed his plan to achieve prosperity?"

"Yang Shen, this name is very appropriate, isn't it? After leaving the physical body, existing forever, and being able to escape thousands of miles in an instant, why is he not the Yang God?"

"I admit that what you said makes sense, but is it considered a yin god at best?"

"What you're saying means digital beings can't bask in the sun?"

"??? Is it time to talk about this thing now? You said that Lin You has even developed hibernation technology. Could it be that this chip has also been developed?"

As soon as these words came out, the originally lively group chat suddenly fell silent.

But immediately, it became more lively:

"That being said, it's very possible! Think about the previous mechas!"

"I think it's unrealistic. Hibernation at least has some basis. Digital life... is too outrageous."

"Outrageous? Ha! Who do you think we are discussing? I can only say that everyone who understands understands, and I can't elaborate on those who don't understand..."

"I think it's possible for the thief! In other words... eternal life?"

"This technology...if it really exists, will it also become a social security?"

"Cyber ​​ascension and social security... these two words are so inconsistent when used together!"

Wu Di did not participate in the discussion. After thanking the big guys for their support, he went offline full of disappointment.

However, these discussions did not end. They were also shared online by group friends and discussed with netizens. Add some more waves to the Internet, which is already boiling over hibernation technology.

However, compared to the existing hibernation technology, there are far fewer netizens who believe in [digital life].

Netizens basically believe that [digital life] is a classic element in science fiction, and it is normal for it to appear in games. There is no need to think about it.

If Lin You really realized this technology, it would not be involved in the game.


This idea has some validity.

Lin You was indeed hiding it at first.

So why this time, not only did the development team not be stopped, but a lot of scenes were added in a big way?

The answer is simple -

Because there is no need to worry so much anymore.

Since the establishment of Yunmeng, the balance of power between the three poles of the world has changed.

Maybe on the surface it's still the same as before, with Daxia at most slightly ahead economically, but under the water, the comparison of strength between countries has widened a huge gap.

What was once the third level in the world is now one of the top two.

Daxia, whose technology, weapons, tactics, and soldiers have all entered a new era, already has an absolute advantage in actual combat effectiveness, and as time goes by, this gap will only widen.

——Daxia already has the confidence to overturn the table.

If you are strong enough, you naturally don't need to be so forward-thinking.

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