Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1231 Yunmeng will never forget you!

The plot lines of [Wanderer] and [Wanderer] are both approaching their endings.

Players who are [company employees] will naturally not fall behind.

But the protagonist at this time is no longer a flower.

Shuihua Live has a lot of problems, and his combat ability is not very good, and his enthusiasm for the main story is not too high. He has slowly transformed into a "tourist player", wandering around this cyber city every day, looking for fun things. place, and kept getting confused by various side tasks...

Lin Shun said he could help as a thug.

But Shui Hua refused and asked him to live broadcast at his own pace.

It sounds very cool to have one of the most popular star professional players in Daxia as his little brother, but Shui Hua feels that it just feels better in her heart.

Lin Shun should be a shining master in the gaming field, how could he be her little brother?

And Lin Shun did not disappoint Shuihua and his fans. After choosing to start with the same identity as Shuihua, he completed the half-day live broadcast of Shuihua in only three hours, and only spent less than 30% of Shuihua's money.

After that, he used three days of high-intensity live broadcasts to catch up with the first tier, and after that, he was once again among the leaders.

Now, twenty days later, he is also preparing for a big battle.

A battle not inferior in scale to that between [Wanderer] and [Wanderer].

He will unite dissidents, idealists, invisible people, and even gangs and many other organizations to form an unprecedented resistance force, and have an ultimate battle with the city's real overlord and de facto power holder - Tianyuan Technology!

Completely bury this nearly crazy technology group led by its dying founder!

[Tiger] versus [Lingyi Pharmaceutical].

[Mafia son-in-law] versus [Deep Web].

[Resistance Army] versus [Tianyuan Technology].

Three story lines, advancing to the final chapter at the same time!

But just when Lin Shun was making connections despite being sleepy, a blue bird suddenly appeared in his sight.

The blue bird flapped its wings in the air, and cyan fluorescence spread out, dragging a shimmering trail in the air as it flew.

This track extended all the way to Lin Shun, and finally rested firmly on his shoulder. While combing his feathers, he stretched out his left leg.

The surrounding NPCs all showed surprised expressions.

Lin Shun was also a little surprised and took down the letter hanging from Qingniao's leg.

This is not the first time he has seen this bird - such a gorgeous special effect, of course it is the exclusive messenger of [Honorary Player].

But it’s the middle of the month and nothing big is happening, right?

Can't the [Honorary Player] title of "Cyber ​​Chang'an: 2077" be announced in advance?

Lin Shun opened the letter in confusion and saw something completely beyond his expectation——

"Dear honorary player Lin Shun:


Here we are honored to inform you of good news:

In order to better protect the life rights of Honor Players, with the instruction of our founder Mr. Lin You, from now on, [Honor Players] will add another protection clause——

If an Honor player himself needs to hibernate due to age or illness, he can send an application to the Honor Player service email and we will coordinate for you free of charge as soon as possible and provide necessary help.

Your friend

Yunmeng Honor Player Service Center

June 20, 2031"

The content of the letter was very short, but Lin Shun still opened his eyes in surprise.

Since the launch of the [Honorary Player] system, Yunmeng has been working hard to increase the value of this title.

Exclusive customer service and feedback channels, birthday emails, holiday greetings, new game closed beta invitations...not to mention these virtual things.

From super VIP privileges at Yunmeng Experience Store, to unconditional 20% discount on Yunmeng games, permanent warranty on Mirage consoles, half-price prosthetic products, and unconditional free tickets for local offline events...

All kinds of real-life treatment are available.

It has been particularly exaggerated in the past six months, and has extended to areas other than games: discounts and cash coupons from a large number of cooperative merchants, product trials, new product tastings, free hotel room upgrades, airport VIP channels...

Yunmeng can even provide interest-free loans to its own honor players!

If you really encounter unsolvable difficulties in life, even if they are outside the terms and conditions, the Honor Player Service Center will provide the help it can.

This department has almost become Yunmeng's "big customer service center"!

Very outrageous.

Corresponding to this outrageous treatment, the threshold for [Honorable Players] is getting higher and higher.

This is not Yunmeng's intention. After the honorary player system matures, it will become increasingly difficult to make major breakthroughs and contributions, not to mention that there are countless players competing and eyeing this title.

The early situation of being fully booked every month no longer exists.

Although there are many games, it is now difficult to get even a hundred honorary players every month.

As of today, there are only over 3,000 people, and they are spread all over the world so that even a splash can’t hit even one.

But even so, directly providing hibernation services is a bit outrageous!

Lin Shun put away the letter paper and poured another thing out of the envelope - a black card.

That's an invitation.

Lin Shun is not an exception.

At this moment, more than 3,000 honorary players around the world received the Blue Bird message at the same time.

Lin Shun just widened his eyes in surprise, but the reaction of others - those honorary players who were not from Daxia nationality - was much bigger!

Turner, who had settled in Xia Jing, jumped up on the spot!

Eika clutched the letter and shouted "what the fuck", and Ivan Ivanov excitedly fired three shots into the sky...

Everyone in Daxia knows that hibernation cabins will be popularized sooner or later. With Lin Dashan’s previous major philanthropic deeds in "brain-controlled prosthetics" and "focus headbands", no one is worried about whether they will use them in the future. superior.

But it’s different for people overseas.

They are very worried that this technology, like many previous technologies, will become exclusive to the upper class, or will be too expensive for ordinary people to afford.

It's true that Lin You is a kind person, but his kindness has levels and national boundaries.

The [Focus Headband] is great, but you can’t buy one overseas yet.

Brain-controlled prosthetics have indeed benefited disabled people all over the world, but overseas disabled people who want to use this product need to pay several times the cost of Daxia citizens - and the latter is not only because of lower logistics and transportation costs, but also because of Lin You’ve taken the initiative to benefit from Daxia’s official subsidies.

There are no such advantages overseas.

Therefore, technology that is not far away from the Internet users in China is far away and uncertain to overseas Internet users.

But now, at this moment, all overseas Honor players have received Yunmeng's promise.

Some emotional Honor players were even moved to tears on the spot - they don't need this now, but Lin You told them with his actions that Yunmeng will not forget their contribution.

At a time when society is constantly undergoing tremendous changes and the future is full of uncertainty, this care is extremely precious.

However, tears only belong to emotional people.

Some people have become more determined because of this letter!

Karl, a staunch internationalist fighter, put his cell phone back into his pocket with an expressionless expression and held the flag tightly in his hand again.

At this moment, he was standing among the crowd, with countless people standing side by side with him.

They waved flags and shouted in unison, asking the government to take action immediately!

Colorful flags were flying on the streets, and the shouts were thunderous.

The Berlin March is in full swing! (End of chapter)

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