Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1250 Alien Prison Break!

On July 1st, [Return to the Stars] reached 60% progress and unlocked a DLC trailer——

"Forza: Star Ocean"

Players will be able to drive their own cars and race on various strange celestial bodies.

Or fly a spaceship.

This is not just an environmental and visual change - although these changes can also bring about a magnificent and fresh visual experience, what is more special is the impact that the stars themselves will have on the track.

Gravity, air pressure, meteorite rain, planet-level disasters... and other unimaginable situations on earth can all be experienced on the interstellar track.

The trailer also specially shows a unique [Star Ring Track].

The drivers stepped on the accelerator on large chunks of broken ice, racing at top speeds and leaping over obstacles. The perfect combination of thrills and dreams made countless racing players excited on the spot.

Not to mention them, even players who have never taken the driver's license test in real life are also looking forward to it, and they are working harder to make progress! ——

On July 4th, [Return to the Stars] reached 70% progress and unlocked a new game trailer——

"Lack of Oxygen"

At the beginning, the players saw another spaceship appear on the screen. When it plunged into a deserted asteroid and crashed, they were still complaining: "Here again? Why does your spaceship crash every day?"

But as the trailer continued to play, players saw these unlucky guys getting into the asteroid and starting to mine, create oxygen, build houses, lay pipelines, climb technology trees, and build villains on the spot... visible to the naked eye. Everyone was stunned when they quickly developed an underground base that was extremely neat, beautiful, and boxy, and could satisfy obsessive-compulsive disorder.

At first they thought it was another "Wall of Life", but it turned out to be completely different!

The industrial party and the farming party are instantly full of expectations! ——

On July 6, the progress reached 80%.

This time the trailer still starts with a starship.

The first time players see the spaceship, stereotypes immediately arise: "When did this ship crash?"

But this time they guessed wrong.

This is a large immigration spacecraft, almost a city floating in the universe - in terms of size, it is a little smaller than [Space City].

As for the gameplay, it is a bit special: this is a game that is both casual and hardcore.

Players can use this game as a simple "space tourism simulator" to experience the rich and interesting space immigration life.

It can also be used as a "starship maintenance simulator". As an engineer, you can experience the various complex and difficult problems that a spaceship may encounter when flying in space, and try it yourself to find ways to solve them. question.

The name of the game is simple and unsophisticated, it’s called “New Immigrants”!——

On July 8, when the new working day arrived, the progress was pushed to 90% by the players!

[Cradle Project] appears again.

What appears this time are naturally the 10 games selected by everyone's personal vote.

It has been a long time since the demo session, and the development team has perfected their game and carefully added many new images to the trailer for players to see.

Even the "Origami Kingdom" that everyone is most worried about, the children's friends also successfully completed the game - Xiao Meng also contributed a little bit in it.

All these new games and new content will be released on the date of [The Day of Return to the Stars].

Players are no longer anxious about this, because this day is no longer far away.

Even after the progress reached 90%, a large-scale civil war broke out among the NPC forces in the giant city of Cyber ​​Chang'an, which greatly interfered with the players' progress and did not dampen everyone's enthusiasm.


In addition, some episodes also occurred during the progress of the players.

Lin You's uncharacteristic "diligence" shocked He Peng.

Not only because of Lin You's sudden seriousness, but also because he suddenly appeared at the [Digital Life] transformation scene without saying hello to anyone——

The staff had just closed the hatch cover and pressed the start button. When they looked up, they saw Lin You next to them, which frightened them greatly.

It's scary enough to have the most senior technicians suddenly on the front lines.

It would be even more terrifying if this "technician" disappeared silently from the "security bubble", crossed two provinces, and appeared in a secret nursing home in Ludi like a flash!

When He Peng got the news, his first reaction was not to worry about Lin You's safety - he had not worried about this problem a long time ago, nor to blame the security team for not working hard enough - not to mention that the bubble was not for external use. If it is not internal, even if it is internal, it is impossible to stop Lin You.

His first reaction was: Is there something wrong with that nursing home and the people who are undergoing digital life transformation? !

If there was no problem, why did Lin You suddenly appear there? !

He Peng rushed over almost as fast as flying.

But by the time he arrived, Lin You had already left here and gone to Yuzhong.

——He just glanced at the white-haired old man in the cabin. After confirming that he was the same person as in the information, he briefly checked the work log and left quickly.

He Peng had to chase after him again.

Just like this, He Peng chased after Lin You for five provinces before finally successfully joining him.

"Are you doing a private interview on an incognito server?" He Peng immediately complained, "If you really want to come and watch, just tell me no, and no one is stopping you from coming."

No one refused to let me come, but if I wanted to see the truest situation, I really had to conduct a private visit incognito.

This thought flashed through Lin You's mind.

When he opened his mouth, what he said was: "I've been lying down for a long time, and I want to come out for a walk. I can take the princess for a walk with me."

The results of this sudden attack-style inspection made him very satisfied, and he felt much more at ease.

After that, he went to several places with He Peng to check the operation of all aspects of the entire project. He was so diligent that He Peng was confused.

But after repeated inspections and confirming that nothing was wrong, he could only blame it on Lin You's whim.

Xiaochun also returned to Xia Jing for a few days during the break between treatments.

After landing, the couple went straight to Lin You's home, only to learn that Lin You was no longer in Xia Jing.

Unable to see Lin You, they shared the joy with their colleagues.

Qiao Nanyu happily held a celebration party for Xiaochun. The games developed under Xiaochun's leadership also launched limited-time welfare activities and gave players a round of welfare.

After Lin You got the news, he also attended the celebration remotely with his headband on.

During this meeting, he could finally clearly feel that Xiaochun's physical condition had changed a lot.

Her whole person became active, and even her personality shifted from "gentle wife" to "lively big sister".

After he told Zhu Cixia this idea, the little princess was so angry that he rolled his eyes several times.

Finally, a small episode also happened in [Space City]——

After being captured by the players and transported to the space city, the alien was kept in a glass cage as an animal and was visited by selling tickets...

Escaped from prison.

In the beginning, this didn't attract too many players' attention.

After all, it's just an elite monster. How much trouble can it cause in a [space city] where hundreds of thousands of people are online for a long time?

But they soon realized:

How wrong I was!

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