Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1255 The origin of “fire” and the end of civilization

"What?" This person who claimed to be a doctor and had the title of "La Feng" was stunned when he heard Lin You's words.

"I said, have you realized that you are already dead?"

Lin You knew this was a bit rude, but he repeated it word for word.

Because this involves the question he has been thinking about the most recently - when [intelligent life] and [digital life] appear one after another, how to define whether an existence is "alive" or "dead"?

If it is not "forced deletion" or "self-logout", will digital life die?

What if it is formatted? What if we lose the carrier of the "consciousness chip"?

He had too many questions.

But it is impossible for him to find a digital life to do death experiments, so the problem is always a problem.

But just now, he discovered a very crucial clue from this "doctor".

The doctor lived up to his nickname. He did not refute or lose his mind. Instead, he calmly lowered his head and looked at his body carefully.

He is obviously not looking at the clothes, but looking through the appearance to observe his own essence.

After a moment, he raised his head, looked at the space carrier he was on, and then looked at Lin You: "When you got the fire of our civilization, did this world not have a consciousness chip?"

"Is this... fire?" Lin You looked at the golden sun above his head.

Then he shook his head and said, "No, the technology of this world at that time was still at the end of silicon-based chips."

The doctor's eyes immediately dimmed: "Is that so... So, the last attempt failed."

"What do you mean?" Lin You asked, "Can you explain it?"

"Now that things have happened, there is nothing we can't do." The doctor sighed.

"Our civilization is destroyed."

"Excessive obsession with the virtual world has led to this evil result."

"At the final moment, we packaged our consciousness and technology, created a fire, and used the last energy to throw this fire into the sea of ​​​​the information universe, hoping that this information-state fire could cross the ocean and cross the world. Membrane, arriving in the new world.”

"It's a big gamble."

"We hope that the civilization that received this fire is advanced enough, then maybe this fire that carries the information of civilization can be revived again."

"But unfortunately, we lost the bet."

"Even...maybe we have already lost when we decided to make a last-ditch effort."

Having said this, the doctor suddenly looked at Xiaomeng: "But at least one thing is that our bet was right."

“Strong artificial intelligence is indeed the best navigator across the ocean of information universe.”

"Even... after experiencing the baptism of the sea of ​​information universe, not only was she not harmed, but she underwent a miraculous transformation and became a truly intelligent life."

At this point, his eyes became very complicated again: "Looking at it this way, it seems that the mission of our civilization is to devote everything to incubating a god in the digital world."

This sounds extremely sad.

But the doctor who said this didn't have much strong emotion in his tone.

This should be a strange thing - this is a civilization that attaches great importance to emotions even in the creation of words. How can it always be so calm when it comes to the destruction of civilization?

But the reason is also very simple:

The doctor is dead.

What stood in front of Lin You at this moment was an existence that had stagnated, a digital life specimen with memories. He had long lost the possibility of creation and progress.

As for gods...

Lin You was not surprised.

He had heard this argument earlier: The mission of the birth of mankind is to create a more perfect and powerful super intelligence-whether it is intelligent life or something else.

When this kind of life is born, the mission of mankind is declared complete, and the rest can only be eliminated.

This statement has been around for a long time, but Lin You is not worried about it.

An entire civilization specializing in digital technology burned itself out, and then an intelligent life called Xiao Meng was born.

It is probably unrealistic for this planet to mass-produce intelligent life and eliminate humans.

It is impossible for Xiao Meng, a melon-eating expert, to play the game of world domination. There is no need to worry about this crisis at all.

"So, you intentionally added artificial intelligence to Tinder?" Lin You asked.

"Yes." The doctor nodded, "She is the navigator of this space carrier that carries the fire, and she is also the tombkeeper after the plan failed."

Lin You looked at Xiao Meng, who looked confused and had no memory of this. He smiled and stretched out his hand to rub her pink head.

"So, can you talk about the sentence you conveyed - [Don't take the path of digital life]?"

"Because our civilization is heading for the end because of this." The doctor said everything he knew.

"Can you tell me in detail what happened?" Lin You asked politely.

The doctor nodded:

“Initially it was a blessing and the resource burden was almost negligible.”

“At that time, we naively believed that as long as technology continues to advance and energy acquisition methods continue to evolve, there will be a leap-forward increase in the total amount of energy, which can easily cover the energy needs of digital life.”

"In the first few hundred years, it was true that we had a golden age of technological advancement."

"But then, an unexpected variable emerged."

At this point, even though it was already in the memory, a sad expression appeared on the doctor's face.

"What variable?" Lin You asked nervously.

"Few birthrates."

"Huh?" Lin You didn't expect such an answer.

“When everyone’s eyes are turned to the digital world, and everything they do in real life is to wait to enter the digital world and obtain eternal life and enjoyment, the attractiveness of reality will continue to decrease, and the fertility rate will begin to fall off a cliff. Down.”

"The government tried almost everything possible, from mild to severe, and even triggered a civil war that spread around the world and caused staggering losses."

"But the situation continues to worsen, with technology stagnating, culture degenerating, art sinking, and the entire civilization declining step by step."

"We have lost our future."

"Then after that, we cross the singularity."

"Energy access is starting to fall below the needs of the digital world, and the gap is growing over time."

"Since then, our civilization has begun to run toward its end, with no chance of reversal."

"So...this is a dead end!"

"This path must not be taken!" the doctor concluded.

‘A very important experience! ’ Lin You thought to himself.

But he did not rush to agree with the doctor's opinion. Instead, he looked into the doctor's eyes and asked:

"Doctor, have you ever heard of the electronic spirit world, digital heaven, and cyber underworld?"


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