Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 138 Under All Eyes

Xu Wen tried his best to calm down, opened the webpage, and tried to search for information about this "great law firm".

But I searched and searched and couldn't find any information.

Even this law firm doesn't even have an official social account!

As for who he wanted to find out who Yunmeng's attorney was and whether he had any records, he was completely unable to start.

At this moment, a group that has been silent for many days, suddenly someone sent a message.

"I was sued by Yunmeng?"

what's the situation? Has anyone else been charged?

Xu Wen quickly opened this group and found that this group was the "Anti-Yunmeng Alliance".

The person who asked the question was one of the media who posted a news on the Internet and accused Lin You of "falsifying the official seal" - [Player Tribe].

He hurriedly asked, "You have also been sued by Yunmeng?"

As a result, as soon as the message was sent out, an identical message popped up almost at the same time.

[Almighty Raiders]: "You were also sued by Yunmeng?"

"???" Xu asked even more surprised, what's going on? At the same time, three media were sued by Yunmeng?

The other two media leaders were still angry in the group, scolding Yunmeng for not talking about martial arts, "If you want to sue, sue whoever is afraid of whom! Delay him for a year and a half, and in the end he will be compensated at most for three melons and two dates. Bitch, do you think I'm afraid?!"

Xu Wen has already grasped the key point: including his Sanwen Media, all three media outlets have gone too far, accusing Lin You of 'forging official seals'.

Since Lin You has already filed a lawsuit, he probably left evidence from the very beginning. It may be difficult to win this lawsuit. Of course, you should ask a lawyer for details.

While logging into the official account, Xu Wen deleted the news about Lin You's "fake official seal" rhythm, while searching for a reliable law firm.

At the same time, he did not forget to leave a message in the group: "Yes! Can't admit defeat! Who is afraid of whom!"

Even if he wanted to seek reconciliation in the end, it would be better if there were other idiots to fight with Lin You, so that he might pay less.


On the other side, NetDragon R\u0026D Center.

As always, Weizhang once again issued a general notice of grabbing goods.

The difference is that this time he finally understood why the thousands of employees couldn't get a piece of equipment before——the method of cracking down on scalpers announced by Lin You had undoubtedly affected them as well.

It can only be said that it was affected, not accidental injury-because what they did was indeed the same as scalpers grabbing goods, but they didn't intend to resell them.

Even Wei Zhang was inspired by this announcement: even if there is no anti-scalpering measures, Yunmeng may reject the application from NetDragon's IP address.

After all, they are no longer just business competitors, their relationship with each other is completely equal!

——Although apart from having an advantage at the beginning, Net Dragon has always been the one who was beaten.

In short, he learned a lesson this time and asked all employees to use the mobile network to grab goods. He also reminded everyone in the group not to send the goods to the company uniformly, and the delivery location must be filled in his home.

Just in case, Wei Zhang even asked everyone to go to work two hours late to clock in, and place orders directly at home!

Finally, anyone who grabs and submits will get a salary increase directly! A bonus of 50,000 yuan!

No wonder Wei Zhang was in a hurry. A week ago, he had already obtained 12 mirage mainframes purchased by the marketing department, and disassembled and reversed them immediately.

As for the results, it can't be said that there is no-they have completed the analysis of Mirage's head ring and most of the hardware inside the mainframe.

The conclusion is: it is very simple, there is no difficulty in imitation, and any researcher can assemble it.

But there was one particular part of the mainframe that they couldn't figure out—the neuromodem.

They can easily guess the function of this thing-to complete the mutual translation and conversion of electrical signals and nerve signals.

But how is this thing made? And how does it work smoothly?

They are completely clueless.

Wei Zhang encountered great difficulties in cracking the chip.

After distributing the 12 chips dismantled from 12 Mirages in this week, all the research teams have gone through it and tried all mainstream non-invasive cracking methods.

The result is - nothing!

After that, Wei Zhang had to give an order, and instead adopted an intrusive cracking method.

This kind of physical attack method may not only cause damage to the chip, but also requires professional equipment, a lot of time, energy, and inevitably huge expenses.

As soon as the research on physical cracking started, Wei Zhang discovered unexpectedly: these chips also have very complicated anti-physical attack measures!

The time promised at the meeting was getting closer, and Wei Zhang's methods became more and more extensive. In a week, a full 8 chips were completely damaged during the cracking process.

A lot of money and energy wasted, and the result is still - nothing!

Now Wei Zhang urgently needs to add a batch of new chips, otherwise the research will not continue!

It's still not an easy task to grab Yunmeng's mirage host.

Although he avoided the trap that was blocked by Lin You and Xiao Meng all the time, they are not the only ones staring at the sales page of Yunmeng Mirage now?

Even more than a player?

The "middle-aged money making group" that Splash was invited to join was just the tip of the iceberg.

There is no distinction between men and women, or young and old, when it comes to making money!

Even many anchors are worried that even if there are 5 million hosts, they may not be able to get them!

So they openly said in the live broadcast: If they can't get the host, but if any viewer gets it, please be sure to contact him, he is willing to buy it at 8 times or even 10 times the price!

After all, as an anchor, you are far from being as glamorous as outsiders seem to be. If you keep falling too far behind your peers and miss hot traffic, the losses you will cause are immeasurable.

Maybe because of this, the popularity will start to go downhill.

Even a well-known anchor, unless you are really special, no one else can replace you. Otherwise, in the industry, you will always be sailing against the current, and if you slack off a little, you may be shot to death on the beach.

What's interesting is that after some anchors publicly stated that they "may want to buy", they would nervously state: "It's completely for personal use, and will never be resold! And there is no idea of ​​using this to make money! Don't treat me like a scalper! Really not!"

This is the legacy of Yunmeng's last public letter to prohibit a group of anchors from broadcasting Yunmeng games.

Even though almost 3 weeks have passed, the deterrence is still amazing.


In the midst of all this anticipation, the time has finally arrived.

【Saturday, 08:00】

Xiao Meng didn't wake up Lin You who was still sleeping late, and quickly put 5 million mirage hosts on the shelves.

Then she continued to add purchase options to the mall page of "League of Assassins", price: 500 yuan.

This price is much more expensive than games on computers and home consoles, but much cheaper than VR games.

The game evaluation area will also be opened.

It's just that most people's eyes are now firmly fixed on the sales page of the mirage host, and they haven't had time to pay attention to these.

Even many people who already own the console want to join in the fun and see how long the console can last before it is sold out.

Of course, there are not a few players who want to log in to "League of Assassins" for the first time, and they pay without hesitation and start downloading.

Then immediately surprised to find that the game is ready? !

They don't understand why it's so fast, but they don't care about it anymore. The most important thing is to enter the game as soon as possible!

But they were still stopped outside.

——because Mirage finally ushered in its first major update.

550 average order plus update!

It's actually a little bit worse, but it's a holiday!

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