Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 164 I will kill you today!

Lin Shun felt very reasonable! Isn't there a picture of the train falling into the canyon in the promotional film?

That should be the impact of the fierce battle between me and the boss, right?

Lin Shun is full of confidence. Although the skill level has not been raised to the highest level, he believes that manipulation is the most important area for increasing damage!

He is fearless!

The barrage in the live broadcast room has also become very lively!

Although Lin Shun focused on promoting the plot, he didn't chat with the audience very much, and he didn't know how to make any live broadcast effects, but he was a star professional player, and everyone was very concerned about the final honor of the game's first pass. It is still very high, at least a hundred thousand people are watching Lin Shun's "final sprint".

The moment Lin Shun shot at the back of the cross, the only doubt crossed his mind: In the second promotional video released by Yunmeng, it seems that there is still a battle in the textile factory?

Is that some side plot that I missed?

However, he quickly put the doubts behind him, concentrated all his energy and began to pursue the mission.

Lin Shun immediately realized: it is indeed the final boss battle, and the difficulty is really ridiculously high!

There are a lot of people in the carriage, not only the seats are full, but there are also people passing by constantly in the aisle. If you want not to hurt innocent passers-by, you must be careful when shooting and carefully consider the trajectory.

——On this, he has already subconsciously ignored the possible ricochet problem.

The worse problem was that because of his impatience, he shot directly at the back of the enemy when he was still a distance away. As a result, he was dodged by the cross, and the passengers also became terrified.

Some screamed in panic, some tried to get under the seat, and some even left the seat in a panic and ran around, trying to rush out of the car.

All this caused great trouble to Lin Shun. He could only put down his gun temporarily, and continued to chase while trying to push the passengers away from the road.

This greatly delayed his pace.

The audience in the live broadcast room sent barrages with emotion: "As expected of Lin Shun, what a child!"

No wonder they said that, there are already other fast-paced players who have started to kill.

After fighting for a day, Cangniao finally caught up with the progress and reached this level.

Just in a hurry, he mercilessly killed three NPC passengers running around, and shouted: "Get down on the ground!"

All the passengers fell silent in an instant, not only stopped screaming, but also immediately obediently lay down on the seats or the ground, and finally stopped interfering with his pursuit.

It's just that when he rushed into the next carriage with a hint of complacency, he was immediately hit by bullets!

That was the counterattack from 5 Hispanic train police officers!

These five marshals held a thermal weapon in one hand and a bulletproof shield in the other, forming a turtle formation, and began to approach him with the bullets of the warehouse bird!

——This was naturally designed by Lin You.

Lin You doesn't want to allow players to do evil deeds that hurt passengers.

But it is also necessary to take care of the player's game experience as much as possible, and it is impossible to do something like "make all NPCs invincible" - that is a 12+ game, not a 16+ game.

So he designed a special feedback mechanism: If the player does not hurt innocent people, then the only opponents are crosses and mercenaries ambush by crosses, and the train police will not appear at all.

If only the passenger is injured, there will be marshals with batons and shields.

If death is caused, there will be marshals with hot weapons and merciless shooting.

And the greater the casualties caused, the more ferocious the number of policemen and firepower that will appear!

Even further, if more than 10 passengers died, civilian heroes who "possessed special skills" and "courageously acted bravely" would even emerge from among the passengers.

Such "hero NPC", [Shooting Specialization], [Cold Weapon Fighting], [Unarmed Combat] and other combat skills are all almost full-level Lv.9. In the later stage, it is also a proper BOSS-level character.

Fan Rui asked Lin You why he didn't design it as a full-level skill.

Lin You explained to him: This is because there are players who like to challenge the limit and want to do a whole job like "challenge the hidden boss with full-level skills alone".

These "hero NPCs" only appear when the passenger casualties are serious, and there may be a very bad situation at that time——

That is to say, the player deliberately slaughters NPC passengers, just to challenge the "hero NPC".

Although it is inevitable that there will still be players who want to work hard, but without the gimmick of "full-level combat skills", there will be much fewer people willing to do it.

Lin You even hid a few real "full-level combat skills" NPCs in other locations, in order to attract the players' attention.

The shield protection of the marshals is very tight, even the top of the head and both sides are protected by shields. With the skill level of Cangniao [Arc Shooting Lv.2], it is impossible to shoot a ballistic with a large enough arc to bypass the shield.

——This kind of large-angle arc trajectory is only possible with at least Lv.5.

Cangtiao, who finally caught up with the progress, could only retreat while looking for opportunities, and fell into a fierce battle with the marshals.

After finally catching up with the progress, it was pulled away again!

In contrast, although Lin Shun was slowed down by a few passengers, he didn't need to fight extra, instead he passed through the scene faster and reached the next carriage.

It's just that in this carriage, the passengers had already sat on their seats obediently, Lin Shun didn't think much, and rushed towards the next carriage quickly.

But when he ran to the middle of the carriage, a figure suddenly rushed out from the right side, and instantly hugged his arm from behind.

Lin Shun was restrained in an instant, struggling desperately, but still unable to move!

——Of course I can’t move. The cross is the pinnacle of combat power in the game. The character level is the full level of 10, and the bloodline level of the assassin is three times higher than that of Lin Shun. It’s no wonder that Lin Shun can struggle to move.

But the cross didn't kill him, it just pressed him hard against the car window, and opened his mouth to say something: "Wesley..."

But the next moment, a bullet shot at the two of them from outside the train!

——It was the Firefox that was thrown off before, and she was driving a car at this time, chasing up all the way along the railroad track!

The cross was vigilant for a moment, and pulled Lin Shun to the ground together, dodging the bullet that was shot at the forehead.

Lin Shun's forehead was hit twice, and he was still a little dizzy, but he tried his best to ignore these effects, held the gun again, and looked for the target in the shaking field of vision.

At the same time, the Firefox outside the car continued to attack the cross, and bullets pierced through the car window in arcs, attacking the cross.

Cross did not fight, got up and continued to retreat to the rear compartment.

Lin Shun got rid of the effect of the dizziness, got up and clenched the gun in his hand, and chased after him again.

The panicked crowd also delayed the pace of the cross. Lin Shun was subdued because of his own mistake again, and he was inevitably a little angry. He waved his arms vigorously through the passengers in the middle—swinging the gun!

The cross in front of him became alert again, he swung his arms almost at the same time, and the two bullets were fired at the same time!

The bullets each drew a perfect arc in the air, bypassing the blocked passenger's head, and met on the side of the head. The huge momentum caused the two bullets to deform and twist from the point of collision...

Lin Shun, who had activated the blood of the assassin, stared at this amazing moment with a dumbfounded look.

At the same time, looking at the opponent's unhurried, ready look, once again felt the unfathomable strength of the opponent!

But Lin Shun only hesitated for a moment, and then resolutely chased after him.

It's not unbearable to fight to the death!

Anyway, I will kill you today!

no sooner said than done!

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