Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 166 Lin You Can You Sleep?

Lin Shun has always been very obedient, so he made a rare request to his parents at the beginning, wanting to play games for a few more hours.

Parents agreed to him very well.

Unfortunately, he can't finish the task tonight.

——Lin Shun's parents agreed, but Lin You disagreed.

He was rescued by the former white-bearded old man, Peck Valski, and brought to the residence of the real father, the Cross.

Lin Shun found that this house is only one train track away from the house he appeared at the beginning of the game—the house where the protagonist has been living.

This old man has been living with his son all the time, but he never showed up just to keep his son away from disputes.

Listening to the white-bearded old man talk about how much his father cared about him, he would rather use his own life to protect him. Every attack he thought before was actually to rescue him from the control of the League.

By the way, Lin Shun also knew the reason why Cross left the League—the leader of the League, Sloan, whose name appeared on the Loom of Destiny, had already abandoned his faith.

The league has also become a money-making tool for Sloan to create targets at will.

Daddy Cross is not a traitor to the League, but Chief Sloan is the real traitor!

The anger of being fooled surged into his heart, and Lin Shun completely lost his composure. After finding the workshop where the cross was hidden, he grabbed the weapon hanging on the wall, and rushed directly to the textile factory without thinking.

The result is self-evident - violent death, violent death, violent death again.

For such a well-defended, fortress-like killer base, he can't break through it alone.

Then Lin Shun was directly kicked off the line by the system.

High-intensity battles consume a lot of energy, not to mention that Lin Shun has been fighting fiercely for a long time, and he is not yet an adult, so the standards are already stricter.

He could only go back to the bedroom with strong unwillingness.

But I tossed and turned on the bed for a long time, unable to fall asleep.

He took out his mobile phone angrily, and wanted to post a post to complain.

But halfway through the post, he thought about his identity as a professional player, and thought that although this game made him very unhappy now, it still couldn't conceal its epoch-making excellence.

So unwilling to delete every single word.

In the end, he only sent a very short post:

“ @Lin You, can you sleep? I can’t sleep!”

The comment area was full of jubilation:

"Someone broke the defense, I won't say who he is."

"Feel the malice from the producer!"

"Wooooow, Lin You, you are not a human being, you broke my giegie's heart!"

"My wife cheated, my father died in my own hands, the chance to change my destiny is actually a huge scam... Did the planning of this game suffer from some kind of psychological trauma?"

"Don't look, @Lin You! It's you!"

"Could it be that Lin You was raped by netizens in the past, so he made this game? It's for revenge on the society?!"

"Is it so cruel... How many people have to be accidentally injured..."


The hustle and bustle didn't last long, nor did it affect offline.

The Yunmeng Experience Store, which is operating as usual, welcomed a special customer today.

Ma Lian, holding his father's ID card, made an appointment in advance and came to the experience store.

At the beginning, because of impulsiveness, he ran to smash Lin You's door, but he was directly blocked by Lin You. As a result, until now, he can't register Yunmeng's account, let alone play games.

Parents will not buy him a game console anymore, especially after being criticized and educated by the police last time.

Later, he thought about making an appointment at the Yunmeng Experience Store, but soon discovered that he needed to log in to his account from the moment he made an appointment.

After that, he wrote many emails to Yunmeng helplessly.

From being aggrieved at the beginning and cursing at unfairness; to later admitting his mistake sincerely, expressing that he has deeply realized his mistake; and finally, in a tone of almost tearful tears, he pitifully begged Yunmeng to lift the ban on him.

It's a pity that if Yunmeng's mailbox is really managed by an employee, they may feel a little compassion, but Yunmeng's public mailbox is managed by Xiaomeng.

Only after Xiaomeng passed the first round of screening will he selectively distribute the emails to the staff responsible for processing.

Just like the resume email sent, it will go through the first round of screening at Xiaomeng before being distributed to Qiao Nanyu, Yunmeng's HR director.

So it's all flirting for the blind.

No, Xiaomeng is not blind! Xiao Meng simply inherited a narrow mindedness from Lin You, as long as the master doesn't open his mouth for a day, it will be ignored.

Ma Lian looked at the automatic replies one by one, but couldn't give up, and would send an email every once in a while.

Two days ago, he finally couldn't stand such useless work anymore, took his father's identity information and mobile phone, registered Yunmeng's account, and then used this account to make an appointment at Yunmeng Experience Store, intending to gamble that he would not be recognized.

For this reason, he also specially dressed in black: black clothes, black trousers, black mask, black peaked cap, and the time was also reserved after dinner.

After all, the Yunmeng experience store is an Internet cafe, and it is impossible to get off work at 5 o'clock like a studio, but the number of employees is relatively sufficient, and three shifts are arranged.

Ma Lian successfully muddles through, enters the small private room, and puts on a headband for himself.

He took two deep breaths nervously, closed his eyes, and pressed the start button on the side of the headband.

The next moment, he opened his eyes and found that he had come to a vast expanse of calm water.

He had seen this place through the live broadcast, but after he actually came here in person, he felt so incredible. Even such a monotonous environment shocked him!

He tried to stretch his arms, kicked his legs, and squeezed his hands. The genuine feedback shocked him beyond words.

Then the system pops up a prompt:

"Please log in to your Yunmeng account."

Ma Lian enters the account password for verification.

He anxiously watched a circle appearing at the bottom of the interface, and his heart sank slowly.

——In the live broadcast, he has seen the scene of binding accounts when others log in for the first time, and the verification is almost instantaneous, and he has hardly seen such a loaing interface.

Sure enough, his worries came true.

A small triangular red warning exclamation mark pops up on the interface.

"There is a large discrepancy between the identity information of the verified account and your appearance information, please verify that the account is accurate."

Unwillingly, Ma Lian tried twice more, but still failed.

In the end, even a security warning popped up:

"Multiple logins failed to verify the identity information. The account may have a serious security risk. It has been frozen. Please apply for unblocking after 24 hours."

Then he was kicked off the line.

Ma Lian took off the headband and held it in his hand, gnashing his teeth with hatred!

Anger starts from the heart, and evil grows from the gallbladder!

He raised the headband and was about to smash it to the ground!

Don't let me play, right? None of us should think about it! I will come to your store every day to make trouble! Let's see who can't stand it in the end!

But before he smashed the headband off, he suddenly heard the sound of many people's panicked footsteps and shouts from outside the small private room.

He vaguely heard someone shouting: "Put it down! Stop him!"

Ma Lian poked his head out, took a sneak peek, and found that two people were holding a mirage host each, and ran to the door while the shop assistant was not prepared.

Then, instead of running, he stood at the door of the store, held up the mirage host and shouted: "Monopoly! Dictatorship! Destroy the ecology of the game industry! Destroy the environment! Spiritual opium!" and other messy protest and demonstration words.

Immediately, a crowd of people gathered outside the store to watch. Not only did no one stop them, they even raised their mobile phones and started shooting videos.

Ma Lian also noticed that there were still a few people in the store who seemed to be covering, yelling and booing while sneaking into the store.

Those who did not enter the virtual world in the store were also attracted and ran to the door to watch.

All the clerks in Yunmeng Experience Store were so anxious that they rushed forward, trying to stop them.

But looking at the gathered crowd and the camera, I was a little daunted.

This hesitation was quickly stopped by the accomplices hiding in the crowd.

The employees of the experience store ran to the door, and the idle players also left the store and gathered at the door to watch the fun. In the end, the remaining players stayed in the small private room, still immersed in the virtual world.

This left the store briefly unattended.

Then Malian heard the sound of the door being opened.

He followed the sound and found that the normally closed fire door in the store was opened, and a group of people dressed in black, black hats and masks quickly entered the store.

Then he walked to a door with a clear goal, opened the door and began to move the backup mainframe from the inside out.

Someone took a big bag and started to load it, packed two or three of them and ran away, quickly leaving the open normally closed fire door, with quick hands and feet.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ma Lian's heart beat wildly!

Thanks to the old friend book friend tail number 3168 for the reward of 500 points!

Thanks to Red Rose for the 100 point reward!

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