Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 173: Irrefutable Evidence!

Fortunately, Lin You didn't really want to cheat Yue Pengju.

Pit a person who protects himself every day? Isn't that a brain hole!

It's just that this is not what he can do, he knows a shitty image recognition and comparison algorithm...

It has to be Xiaomeng, this is Xiaomeng's specialty.

Reaching out to tap the screen of the phone just now was not an operation at all. Lin You just tapped Xiaomeng from the air, telling her to stop playing and get up and work quickly.

Lin You was still sitting on the chair in a daze, but the screen of the monitor started to move by itself. The 9 monitors in front of him were automatically divided into 9 equal parts and divided into 81 smaller windows. Each small window was playing at 12 times the speed. Surveillance video.

Yue Pengju heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the screen moving, and kept his eyes on the 81 small windows that were fast forwarding, trying to see if he could find something.

But the eyes of the short-haired girl next to her almost popped out!

She can't figure it out!

What algorithm is this? Can such a complex function be automatically realized with just two clicks?

Has automation reached this level now?

Is there such a smart algorithm in the field of image recognition? Why have I never heard of it?

What's even more outrageous is that all the people who appeared on the screen were marked one by one. Not only the height and body shape were recorded, but also the stride length, arm swing, and neck length were recorded, and hats, shoes, etc. were also automatically excluded. Interference with heels and clothes.

Yue Pengju didn't know much about these techniques, he just watched the excitement.

But this girl, who studied computer vision and image recognition in college, has been begging for food in this field after graduation. She can't be said to be top-notch, but she is definitely the group of people who follow the technological trend.

Whenever there is a new technology, she will learn and understand it as soon as possible, and never rest on her laurels.

This is something she has always been proud of.

But now, the self-confidence she had accumulated all along was completely broken!

"What algorithm are you...?" She felt her throat a little dry, "I haven't heard of it?"

"I tinkered with it myself." Lin You habitually perfunctory said.

But seeing her staring at the monitor with a look of shock, she couldn't bear it, and thought about whether Xiaomeng should leave a copy for her to study.

But thinking about it carefully, this thing may have a very great impact, and it is very irresponsible to spread it casually. In the end, I withdrew my eyes and acted as if I hadn't seen anything.

Just in time, Xiaomeng's result has come out.

Most of the 81 small windows were closed by Xiaomeng, and there were only 8 screens left. After zooming in and rearranging, they occupied 8 monitors respectively.

"Pay attention, the result has already been reached." Lin You reminded the two of them.

The screen labeled "1" moved first, and a person wearing a sweater, jeans, and a blue peaked cap briefly passed the screen.

Next is the picture marked "2", the same person passing by, but showing a small side face.

Next is the mark "3". It's still the same person with half a face, but he has changed into a suit of clothes, and he is a few centimeters shorter. It is obvious that the shoes from last time have been tampered with.

Followed by the label "4", the label "5"... until the last label "8".

After all the scenes were played, the eyes of Yue Pengju and the short-haired girl in the security team had unconsciously become focused and menacing.

The reason is simple, the three suspects have been locked!

They left their marks here at different times, wearing different clothes, and even the height, shape and stride have been deliberately changed.

This made it impossible for the security team's algorithm to successfully identify them, but to rely on experienced professionals to identify them with the naked eye. I don't know how long it will take to get the results.

Among them was a suspect in black, even far away from the experience store, arrogantly holding a console and swaggering through the market! This is simply provocative!

Immediately afterwards, another new window was opened. This time Xiaomeng found the picture of the first two people appearing in the store directly from the earlier monitoring backup of the experience store.

"Immediately carry out large-scale data matching to find these people!"

"Wait a minute." Lin You interrupted the two of them.

"What's wrong?" Yue Pengju asked, both of them looked at Lin You strangely.

Lin You hesitated and said, "The third person... I seem to know him."

"Are you sure?" Yue Pengju's color changed instantly, as if the matter had become several times more serious at once. "Where have you seen him? Could it really be aimed at you? Could this be a test of security measures?"

Yue Pengju asked a series of questions like a cannonball, speaking quickly and urgently.

"Relax and relax, it's not that serious." Lin You quickly persuaded Yue Pengju not to be nervous, "The third guy in black looks like Ma Lian. When I was still living in a rented house, he came and smashed my car. Door."

"Why did he smash your house?" Yue Pengju asked.

"Because he was brainwashed by the navy to bring the rhythm, he thought I would delay him from playing games, so he rushed over with enthusiasm."

Yue Pengju thought about it for a while. At that time, Lin You was still a street mouse that everyone shouted and beat on the Internet. It was unlikely that any dangerous person would deliberately target him. It was probably a coincidence, so he felt relieved.

"Anyway, just grab him and ask." Yue Pengju turned his head and said, "Contact the police station and find this man named Ma Lian."

Lin You raised his right hand hesitantly, "I have his phone number and ID number, do you need it?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Lin You immediately noticed that the two of them looked at him a little strangely.

"Forget about the phone, he smashed your door, why do you have his ID number?"

"The police intervened! He wanted to apologize, but I asked for his ID number to accept the apology, and gave up the pursuit."

The two became even more strange, "Why do you want his ID card? You can't calculate it in advance. He wants to steal your host, right?"

"How is it possible, I'm not a fairy, I just want to block him, so that I won't sell him the host I made."

These words gave Yue Pengju a deeper understanding of Lin You's narrow-mindedness.

But at the same time he was also very excited! There is no other reason - the clues have been strung together!

The short-haired girl in the security team obviously thought the same way, her eyes lit up, and she concluded——

"So, it was because you were blacklisted that Ma Lian couldn't buy a game console. This made him hold a grudge all the time, so he found a group of helpers and instigated an employee of the experience store to plan a game last night. Organized a protest to attract everyone's attention, Ming repaired the plank road, secretly stole the store's mainframe!"

"That's right!" Yue Pengju nodded repeatedly.

Lin You vaguely felt that something was wrong, but the logic was very smooth, and the surveillance video was put in front of him as evidence. It can be said that the evidence is as solid as a mountain!

He thought about it, but he didn't find any flaws. The more he thought about it, the more reasonable he felt, so he nodded in agreement: "Well, it seems that's the case."

The two security teams present looked at each other and nodded for confirmation.

"Call and arrest!"

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