Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 176 The Other Side of the Princess

The princess has heard Lin You talk about angel investors many times, and she smiles knowingly every time she hears it.

This is like an exclusive joke between the two, but she always feels that what she has done is actually trivial, so she is really embarrassed to agree.

It was the same this time, she just shook her head with a smile, picked up the glass and took a sip of the juice.

Then he brought up the matter of Shuihua: "Lin You, do you still remember Shuihua?"

"I remember." Lin You nodded, "Your best friend, a little Internet surfer, Lin Shun's childhood sweetheart and dream lover."

"What kind of dream lover..." Zhu Cixia was embarrassed and wanted to refute Shuihua, but after thinking about it, it seemed that Lin You was right, so he could only smile helplessly and skip the topic.

"Shuihua wants me to ask, can you give her a copy of the plug-in that you gave me to modify my avatar? She has a lot of aliases. If she can't modify her image, she won't be able to use her avatar in the virtual world. "

Before Lin You could answer, she continued, "I also know that this matter sounds bad, but in fact, Splash is very kind, but her personality is too playful, and at most she would do a little prank occasionally. would be really deceiving."

Seeing Zhu Cixia's nervous look, Lin You didn't frighten her: "Yes, as long as I can guarantee that she doesn't have to do bad things like this."

"Well! I can vouch for her! Shui Hua is not that kind of person!" Zhu Cixia trusted Shui Hua very much.

"Success, I will unlock the plug-in for you later, and you can share it with her."

"I see, Lin You, thank you so much!"

"I think you should worry about her." Lin You shook his head, "Let her study hard, she's already in the third year of high school, and she's going to punish these moths."

Zhu Cixia was indeed a little worried. Shui Hua had never been the kind of top student, and her grades were just passable.

Relying on the convenience of Xia Jing's lower admission score, she has a good chance of getting into a good university. The problem is that she is restless and doesn't study hard.

She's already in her third year of high school, and she doesn't feel nervous at all. Last week, she took time off from class to play games, which really made Zhu Cixia worry about her.

But thinking of this, looking at the Mirage 2.0 in his hands, and thinking about the [Focus Mode] introduced by Lin You, Zhu Cixia felt that this gift has become more meaningful.

Thinking of this, Zhu Cixia suddenly realized a problem: "Even if you don't add the [Focus Mode], remove the wires, realize a complete wireless connection, and liberate the limitations of the use range of the headband, it is a great convenience innovation, enough As a new generation of mainframe production, will it be pushed to the market?"

"It is indeed possible, but the time interval is too short, so it is not suitable." Lin You shook his head, "Think about it, many players have just bought a console for two months, and a new generation of consoles is on the market before they are warmed up. What do they think?"

"Hmm." Zhu Cixia thought for a while, and it seemed that it was really not appropriate.

"Okay, don't think so much." Lin You looked at the time, "Did you eat before you came?"

Zhu Cixia shook his head.

After the work was over, she had been lying on the bed in a daze, and after receiving the call, she ran to him in a hurry, so she couldn't care less about eating!

Lin You scratched his face with his index finger, thought about the few ingredients left in the refrigerator, and said hesitantly, "Then, shall we go out to eat?"

Going out to eat with the princess in public is obviously troublesome and requires a lot of preparation.

The princess also saw Lin You's hesitation, and asked, "If I didn't come, how would you have dinner?"

"When I'm not busy, I'll go out to find things with Brother Yue. When I'm busy, I'll get something to eat."

Zhu Cixia looked at the large-scale equipment in the hall that was obviously not yet completed.

Apparently, Lin You was in a "busy time" these days, and when he said going out to eat, it was obviously to take care of her.

Lin You noticed the princess' gaze and explained: "No way, this matter is more important, so let's eat takeaway for a few days first. But Brother Yue seems to be studying cooking skills, and he wants to show off his skills these two days. Maybe it won't be long. You can have a feast made by him."

Of course, the "not long before" mentioned here is a very optimistic way of estimating.

In fact, Tianyue Pengju tried to make a meal once before. As for the result...not very optimistic.

In order to take care of his face, Lin You reluctantly tasted two mouthfuls, and the evaluation he gave was - the future can be expected!

Zhu Cixia hesitated for a moment, but still said: "If you don't mind, why don't I cook?"

Lin You already took good care of her, she didn't want to be unable to help and cause him trouble.

Lin You was very surprised: "You can cook?"

Even if it is an ordinary wealthy daughter, it seems that there are not many who can learn to cook, right?

Or, this is actually my stereotype of the rich and powerful. In fact, everyone is a good cook?

In Lin You's imagination, Zhu Cixia is very compatible with things like piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, dancing and tea ceremony, but the appearance of her holding a spatula and kitchen knife is really hard to imagine!

"I know very little." Zhu Cixia was very embarrassed, "I just followed my mother and learned some home-cooked meals."

There's just one thing she's too embarrassed to say: Mom only cooks for the family.

"It's already very powerful!" Lin You gave her a thumbs up without hesitation.

To be honest, Zhu Cixia has high attainments in art, and Lin You can only feel that it should be so: no matter the family environment or the education she received, they will cultivate her in this aspect.

With such unique conditions, it is only natural that he has high attainments.

But she would be willing to pick up the pots and pans with the hands that pluck the strings, and learn to cook in the ordinary atmosphere of fireworks. This is really a big plus for Lin You.

He also knows that this kind of aesthetics is somewhat simple, and it may not be elegant to say it, but there is no way, he just accepts it.

But of course he won't let the guests actually cook. If you are polite, you are polite. If you agree, you are somewhat ignorant.

Especially looking at that beautiful white dress, if it was stained with oily smoke, Lin You would feel distressed looking at it.

But it's really not appropriate to go out to eat, and it's not a small problem to be seen and photographed.

When he was in trouble, Yue Pengju knocked on the door.

Apart from Xiaomeng, Yue Pengju knew Lin You's situation best. As soon as Jian Xingde came in, he knew it was the princess.

He looked at the time, thought for a while, and then dragged Jian Xingde out to the restaurant he frequented.

At this time, they just knocked on Lin You's door with the food prepared by the chef.

Lin You looked at Yue Pengju, who relieved the embarrassing atmosphere in the room after the emergency rescue, and thought to himself while being grateful: If there is a chance, I must give him the whole third-class work again!

After Yue Pengju set up the tableware he brought out from the restaurant, he pulled Jian Xingde away with a wink, leaving the two young men chatting while eating.

Zhu Cixia was very embarrassed and ate very little.

Lin You didn't care much about his image, he ate very casually, and wanted to take advantage of the meal time to learn about Zhu Cixia's experience in "League of Assassins" these days for a purely casual player.

It's a pity that Zhu Cixia received education since he was a child, and he couldn't eat or sleep.

As soon as Lin You asked her something, she quickly swallowed the food in her mouth, put down the bowl and chopsticks, and then answered.

So Lin You immediately gave up this behavior and concentrated on eating.

Then he noticed that the princess's etiquette education was indeed extraordinary, and even her manners during meals were pleasing to the eye, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Just being stared at by him, Zhu Cixia felt red in the ears, and felt embarrassed to eat.

She straightened the hair hanging down her ears, and said softly, "Don't stare at me."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Lin You looked away, and praised generously: "But you are really pretty."

"Hmm—" The little protagonist made a cute voice like the howling of a small animal.

Lin You felt more and more that this princess was reserved and polite when viewed from afar, with a sense of maturity far beyond her actual age.

But after getting acquainted gradually, the innocence and immatureness of a girl will be revealed more and more.

It's really... a little cute!

Thanks to Night Wish for the reward of 1500 dots!

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