Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 182 Lin You who was robbed

Early the next morning, Lu Wei knocked on Lin You's door with a large group of people.

Lin You was also well prepared, got up half an hour earlier, and opened the door with sleepiness.

But when the door was opened, he saw that the corridor was crowded, and a group of white-bearded old men were crowded in this narrow corridor, which made him feel drowsy and quickly invited everyone into the room.

The ones standing close to him belonged to his grandparents. Even those who stood further back were two rounds older than him, so they dare not neglect.

As soon as people were invited in, the living room immediately became crowded.

His house is more than 300 square meters, which is indeed not small, but it is divided into rooms, not counting these rooms, just looking at the living room, one-third is enough.

Not to mention that in the middle of the living room, there is a large neural modem that is as tall as a person.

When more than 30 people entered the room, it was not only a bit crowded, but there were not enough seats!

Lin You felt a little embarrassed.

He used his brain intensively all day yesterday, and he was already very tired. After making the phone call, he went to bed early and did not make any preparations.

After all, in his mind, Lu Wei would invite dozens of interns to come over, wear headbands, stand for ten minutes, and disband and go home after the test.

Even if the time is longer, it is not a problem for everyone to sit on the ground.

But he never expected that a group of white-bearded scholars would come, so it would be very difficult.

Fortunately, this group of people didn't care about whether there was a place to sit. As soon as they came in, they would stare at the big cube around the middle three floors and three floors outside.

Lin You hurriedly grabbed Lu Wei: "It's just an ordinary test, why are you bothering such a group of bosses?"

Although he didn't know these people, he could guess just by looking at their age and energy, that they were the masters of the lab all the year round!

Lu Wei spread his hands helplessly: "I can't help it. Originally, I wanted to find some graduate students to come over, and then find an old professor to lead the team. As a result, these old professors insisted on replacing their students, and I couldn't help it. .”

As to why these people would know, that's even simpler - they're doing the same research.

Although Lu Wei entrusted this matter to Lin You, Da Xia never had only one plan when doing things.

It is a routine operation not to think about victory, but to think about defeat first, and to prepare for many hands.

While Lin You was conducting research, another research group composed of experts and professors was also conducting the same research.

Even for the other two proposals proposed by Lin You, a dedicated group conducted feasibility studies.

——It doesn’t matter whether it’s useful or not, as long as it’s done, it’s not a loss!

When Lu Wei asked someone to do the test, he naturally found it from this research group, and he couldn't hide it from these experienced professors.

These people looked at it, good guy, I just finished the feasibility demonstration on my side, and the idea is clear, and you have already done it by yourself?

Is this worth it?

Then you must go and see it!

Don't look at them all, they all look like bad old men, but in fact, all of them are treasures.

If you add them all together, Lu Wei can't afford to provoke them!

What else can I say? Move the stool!

There were not enough stools in the two rooms of Lin You and Yue Pengju. In the end, they even spread pillows and pillows on the floor to barely make enough.

Lin You urgently printed out 30 copies of the materials, and without a word, one person would send one copy first.

Anyway, let everyone calm down and start reading the materials, and stop pestering him to ask this and that.

Lu Wei is not like these researchers. When he saw the huge neural modem, what he thought of was not the performance problem, but——this house is a bit small!

If this big guy wants to take it away, he obviously has to take it apart, otherwise he won't even be able to pass through the door frame!

Several thoughts popped up in Lu Wei's head in an instant: Do you want to change Lin You to a bigger house? Change villa?

But if you change places, the security problem is not easy to solve!

Or give Lin You the house where Yue Pengju lives, and ask him to open it up and make a big flat?

No way, this is a residential area after all, if it is a big guy, many restrictions are unavoidable, not to mention the sound insulation renovation, the power consumption of high-power equipment is also a problem.

The cables used in residential buildings may not be able to support high-power industrial equipment.

Ideas emerged quickly one by one, and were rejected by him one by one.

Suddenly, Lu Wei's eyes lit up, and he thought of a good place - the air defense basement!

During the construction of this community, all kinds of safety specifications were full. Under the underground garage of each building, there was an underground air-raid shelter as part of the civil air defense project.

Although these civil air defense projects are not allowed to be bought or sold, they can be rented out!

Although theoretically only short-term renting is allowed, this is not the first time for Lin You to make an exception!

The space is large enough, the security is excellent, the water and electricity are fully guaranteed, and there is a very crucial point - it is just downstairs!

According to Lu Wei's understanding of Lin You, with his salty fish personality, he might not really be willing to go if he was pushed far away.

Although he had made up his mind, it was obviously not the time to talk about it. Lu Wei planned to solve the immediate matter first, and then go to the air defense basement to have a look in person. If necessary, carry out a certain degree of renovation, and then take Lin You to have a look.

Over there, Lin You was already surrounded by several old professors, and it was a compliment to catch him.

Lu Wei hurried forward to rescue Lin You, and it took a lot of effort to make the test go smoothly.

Half an hour later, the test was initially completed, and all the results perfectly met the requirements. There may be some improvements in details in the future, but Lin You was very happy to find that he could be a shopkeeper!

Yesterday he also planned to tidy up the wiring to make the equipment more beautiful, and today someone else will do it for him.

And not only wiring problems, power consumption reduction, partition layout adjustment, cost actuarial calculation and control... and other trivial issues, there will be dedicated personnel to take care of them.

In other words - Lin You, freed!

After the test was over, these old professors gathered around Lin You and started boasting non-stop.

"Young and promising", "witty and quick thinking", "extraordinary talent", "God rewards you with food"... all kinds of compliments don't need money.

To be honest, if only one or two old men praised him like that, Lin You would be overjoyed.

But with so many old men unanimously praising him, he has to think carefully, is there something wrong...

The last old man finally came to see him: "Come and apply for my postgraduate program! I guarantee that you will get a Ph.D. degree in at most 3 years!"

Before Lin You could react, a group of old men became anxious, pulled the old professor who sent the invitation aside, and enthusiastically said to Lin You: "Don't listen to his nonsense, report it to me! He is not as good as you, he can teach What are you!"

"Are you much stronger than me?!"

The professor ignored him at all, just looked at Lin You and said, "I promise not to interfere with your research freedom, and I will try my best to get you funding, and you can research whatever you want!"

Before Lin You had time to say anything, another professor said again: "Don't pay attention to them! Aren't you studying at Donghua University now? You will be directly recommended to the graduate students of this school, and you will be able to study for a Ph.D. in one year!"

Lin You was completely confused.

No, before you scramble, don't you ask me if I am willing to continue my studies?

What if I'm not going to read on at all?

In my current situation, what can I do if I want to study?

As for research funding, I appreciate your kindness, but—do I look like someone short on money?

There is one more chapter to add.

This is the last draft.

Learn the lesson later, and carefully study how to write in daily life.

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