Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 189 Can the game still be played like this?

The [Cold Weapon Fighting] in the game is absolutely impossible to do this step!

Lin You knew this better than anyone else.

Just because he has a talent for shooting doesn't mean he also has a talent for fighting with cold weapons.

Although Lin You has learned from a master of military strikes, this ability cannot be improved in a short period of time, and his own level is only average.

So in fact, after a high level of [Cold Weapon Fighting], most of the effects are simulated.

Although combined with the improvement of physical fitness after the personal level is raised, coupled with the time deceleration after turning on [Assassin's Bloodline], it can indeed achieve a more exaggerated effect.

But it's impossible for Lin You to think about how to easily chop bullets with a knife like in the video!

The only guess that Lin You can make is that this person is a real expert in cold weapon combat in reality.

Even a master of cold weapon combat may not be enough...

In a word, outrageous! It's outrageous!

The player comments below the video are all similar to Lin You's.

"I'd like to see it! Who is so brazen and underestimates my Big Bullet Turning God Sect... Sorry to bother you, I went to the wrong door, boss, please continue!"

"There is no most outrageous, only more outrageous!"

"Unbelievable fucking, open the door for outrageous - outrageous is home!"

"Honey! Come out and see the gods!"

"Isn't it really cheating? I can't accept it!"

"Master! Please accept my apprentice's bow!"

"Don't play tricks, to be honest. Is the boss accepting apprentices? The price is negotiable!"

"The game can still be played like this?! Thanks to the boss, I learned it!"


Lin You instantly understood why this video was so popular—who can hold back from saying something after watching this?

He already wants to be a teacher, okay?

At the end of the video, the player also showed his personal panel——

【Xu Chun】

[Character Level Lv.8], [Shooting Mastery Lv.2], [Cold Weapon Fighting Lv.8], [Assassin Bloodline Lv.7], [Unarmed Combat Lv.6].

Like other viewers, Lin You was speechless looking at this panel.

This buddy completely gave up improving [Shooting Proficiency], and also gave up the selling point of the game that Lin You originally valued the most - [Arc Shooting].

It really doesn't play hot weapons at all, and fights the world with a machete.

Basically all the skills are serving the cold weapon combat, taking evil to the extreme.

What else can he say?

I can only pray that too many players will not be led astray by him...

Anyway, Lin You absolutely does not believe that other players with the same skill panel can achieve the same effect as him. This is definitely because of his extraordinary talent!

Good boy, don't learn!

After watching the video, Lin You threw down the tablet, pulled up the quilt, and tried to fall asleep again.

But he found it uncomfortable that he had been completely woken up by this outrageous player with the ID [Xu Chun].

"Okay, okay, can't I get up!"

Lin You asked while changing clothes, "Xiaomeng, how is the host? Is it time for release?"

He didn't pay attention to check the time just now.

"It's sold out!" Seeing Lin You getting up, Xiao Meng no longer lowered her voice, becoming full of energy again.

Lin You was very surprised: "It's sold out again? How long has it been sold?"

"5 minutes!"

Lin You frowned, "Why is this happening? There are already 10 million units in stock on the market, and now another 8 million units will be added. Even if the market can absorb it, it shouldn't be so fast, right?"

There are players who buy VR equipment in China, isn’t there a total of more than 20 million players?

Xiaomeng heard Lin You's question and gave him an idea: "Xiaomeng doesn't know, but Xiaomeng has seen that there are some PC players and home console players on the Internet who are posting orders!"

Hearing this, Lin You was stunned.

He found himself walking into a misunderstanding!

Yes, because the virtual reality host is too advanced, and the price is also in the unit of "ten thousand".

So subconsciously, he always took the market stock of a full set of VR game equipment as a reference.

But he ignored a problem - the price of 10,000 yuan is much closer to the PC and home consoles of about 5,000 yuan than the VR equipment of more than 70,000 yuan!

Therefore, even if the potential market size of Mirage does not count the handicapped and the new casual player group, but just counts game players, it should also include PC players and console players!

How many PC and console players does Daxia have?

Start with 100 million!

There is no way to count exactly how many, because PCs and consoles have passed the era of dominating the market, and there has been no such detailed investigation for a long time.

It is meaningless to count the number of PCs sold alone, because the role of computers is far more than just playing games, and most of them are still used as production tools.

Although the price of Mirage is twice as high as that of ordinary gaming computers, and can only match the price of high-end gaming computers, there is no doubt that the upper limit is far higher than originally expected.

For Lin You, this is like telling him - you can continue to fill up the production capacity!

It's just because of his cautious character, he won't stretch his pace too much at once, and always leaves some margin.

So the next batch of hosts will be - 15 million units!

At that time, the total number of mirages will come to... 33 million units?

Hmm... Lin You felt a little obsessive-compulsive.

"Forget it, it's still 17 million units, let's add up to 35 million." He immediately changed his mind.

After the obsessive-compulsive disorder was cured, Lin You asked Xiaomeng in a good mood: "Is there anything else?"

On the screen, Xiaomeng shook her head, "Yes! Xiaomeng received a strange resume."

"Resume?" Lin You dried his face after washing, and put the towel back on the shelf. "What's so strange about resumes? Don't we receive hundreds or thousands of resumes every day?"

"It's different!" Xiaomeng shook her head, "The person who submitted this resume is Hu Rong. He said that he was the chief planner in NetDragon, and has rich experience in game production and game team management. He once led the team to produce many games. A classic game..."

"Wait, wait!" Lin You quickly stopped Xiaomeng's words, "Hu Rong, why do I seem to have heard of this name?"

"The master has heard it!" Xiaomeng helped him recall, "After Qin Songyun left the production team of "Flame 3", Fan Rui was the most promising candidate to take over as the chief planner, but the person who came down to take this position in the end was called Oh, Hu Rong!"

"???" Lin You was a little confused, "He resigned? A chief planner left just like that? Why?"

"Xiaomeng doesn't know!"

It doesn't matter whether Hu Rong resigns or not, the important thing is that he has already resigned, so should we make the DLC of "Raging Flame 3"?

If they don't do it, who will I release "John Wick" with?

Lin You deliberately inquired through Qin Songyun or Fan Rui, but felt that this was not a good idea.

It's a bit bad for people to ask former colleagues who have worked with them for several years—maybe even friends, to inquire about business content.

Don't be friends, no matter what kind of relationship you have before, you will basically become enemies.

Lin You let go of the eagerness in his heart and began to think about his resume.

The question that got him thinking was simple—where did Hu Rong get his face?

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