Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 192: Gorgeous Way to Die

Shocked, Xia Yi tried her best to dodge, but it was too late!

At this distance, it is impossible to avoid it!

Even the cold weapon boss named Xu Chun, who seems to be able to chop bullets so neatly, needs to keep a certain distance.

And once you get within 7 steps of the person holding the hot weapon, you must maintain flexible movement and change of direction, combined with anticipation and intuition, in order to intercept the bullet.

In fact, with a high level of physical fitness, the distance within 7 steps is just an instant. As long as you dodge or intercept a bullet, the next blow will basically end the battle.

Even so, you still have to choose to protect your head and heart weaknesses, and occasionally being shot in the body is inevitable.

Xia Yi was sitting in the narrow cab, the armor-piercing bullet was less than half a meter away from her head, this distance would definitely kill her!

Xia Yi's eyes went dark, she resurrected and returned to the starting point...

The cab fell into silence.

After a while, Xia Yi said angrily: "Why is my game different from others?? What does a sniper rifle mean? Can't you play it?!"

The barrage burst into laughter.

"What is VIP treatment!"

"Sweep the bed and wait!"

"Please enter the urn!"

"They're enthusiastic...I'm crying to death!"

"Is this the difficulty of a perfect ending?"

"Ayi, shake people! Obviously, the difficulty of a perfect ending is much higher than that of a normal ending!"

"That's right! It's all for a perfect ending, no shame! Super Tomatoes are half beaten!"


But Xia Yi refused to admit defeat: "I can win! I failed this time because the assassins from their Alliance Club don't practice martial arts and sneaked up on me, a lesbian in her early twenties!"

"Wait and see, this time I'm mentally prepared, I'll beat them to hell!"

Xia Yi drove on the road again confidently.

When she drove close to the textile factory again, it was different from the ease last time, this time she focused on the front.

As for what was said in the bullet screen, "a side mission where you can get a bulletproof helmet", she just ignored it.

Just kidding, what kind of bulletproof helmet can block the one-finger-long steel-core armor-piercing bullet she just saw?

Even if it can be blocked, the neck must be broken, right?

Still have to rely on [Assassin's Bloodline] and dodge, which is the correct solution.

With her high concentration, even in broad daylight, the hidden sniper was careful enough to shoot, but Xia Yi's [Assassin's Bloodline] was triggered at the moment of shooting.

In the decelerated world where everything is slowed down, Xia Yi immediately noticed the very inconspicuous gun flames, and easily escaped the attack.

Then in the next second, a bullet from the car behind him turned a corner and got into the window with unimaginable accuracy, forcing the sniper back.

This is Xia Yiding's strategy: Players can be resurrected even if they die, but if the cross and Firefox are allowed to open the way, if one of them dies, even if the game is cleared in the end, it will be useless, and even if you have to start all over again, the loss will be too great. big!

At this time, Xia Yi didn't know whether it was the cross or the fire fox that shot, but it didn't matter, the gate of the textile factory was in front of her eyes!

According to the experience summed up by the players, the courtyard behind the gate of the textile factory is actually a bit like an urn. The outer walls of the surrounding castles, the buildings inside, the rooftops... Countless locations can become firepower points.

If you don't use mouse bombs to disrupt these firepower points, it is almost hell difficult to rush into the building!

Fortunately, under the cover of Firefox and the cross, Xia Yi finally smashed the gate and released the mouse!

But before she had time to be surprised, she saw a huge fire dragon descending from the sky!

Before the rats had time to disperse, they were directly covered by fierce flames, and the rats made short and tragic screams.

To make matters worse, the timed high explosives strapped to the rats were directly detonated.

——The high explosive used in the bomb itself has extremely high stability, but the timing device that triggers the explosion does not have this stability!

Under the jet of extremely high-temperature flames, an explosion soon occurred, and the explosion of one or two bombs triggered a terrifying chain reaction...

The audience in the live broadcast room were fortunate enough to enjoy a huge firework: the entire entrance of the castle, including the gate and the wall, were all razed to the ground in an instant.

Under the witness of hundreds of thousands of viewers, Xia Yi became the one who died the most tragic death since the release of "League of Assassins"——was sent to the sky by 1500 high explosives!

After the resurrection, Xia Yi was sitting in the cab. Before she could react, a burst of light slowly gathered in front of her with a special sound effect, turning into a crystal achievement trophy.

"?" Xia Yi looked at this scene in confusion.

She took the trophy that had turned into a reality, looked at the base of the trophy, and saw the name of the achievement engraved there——

"I'm fine, I don't feel any pain at all"

Xia Yi pushed open the car door and smashed the trophy on the ground angrily, "What the hell! Are you mocking me?!"

She got out of the car in frustration and kicked the trophy away on the ground.

"By the way, why is there a flamethrower! It can spray more than 30 meters!" Xia Yi roared frantically, "Put flamethrowers in the textile factory! Are you not afraid of fire?! Is this reasonable! Is it fair! I think this game is aimed at I!"

The audience in the live broadcast room had already burst into laughter.

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

"The most gorgeous way to die so far!"

"A death that will be recorded in the annals of virtual games!"

"Fireworks are coming!"

"I'm not afraid of being crushed to pieces, because it doesn't hurt at all!"

""I'm Actually Alright""

"This is definitely Lin You's handwriting. This person is too wicked! He is completely inappropriate! I have seen through him!"


Although Xia Yi was upset, she finally took back the achievement trophy, no matter what, it was a trophy!

But things can't be left alone!

She opened her team group and shouted in the group: "Avengers, assemble!"

——After being ambushed and swept by the metropolis gangs before, they made up their minds to take revenge, so the group name is "Avengers".

It's just that we can't always bump into each other when we play, and some people still have serious jobs, so this goal has not been achieved yet.

Fortunately, today is the weekend, and everyone has time, so Xia Yi can call out boldly.

Even so, the 9-member team could not be assembled in the end, and "Innocent Boy" and "Rich Aunt" were not able to show up.

By the way, these are all nicknames given by the audience.

Although the rich and rich aunt has never been able to find an opportunity to spend money and show off her financial resources, her "not bad money" temperament that she often shows inadvertently still makes the audience believe in her "not bad money" essence suspect.

Very good, Xia Yi saw that her side had become stronger, waved her arms, and set off again confidently.

Although two group friends are missing, two NPCs with explosive combat power have also been added, and the actual combat power will only be stronger!

She even felt that she had already seen the scene of clearing the game!

And Super Tomato, who almost started the final level strategy with her front and rear feet, has defeated the leader of the alliance, Sloan, very smoothly.

It's just that he didn't stop for a while, and hit a few more shots.

As a result, Sloan bled so much that his blood bar bottomed out, and he died directly.

As a result, Super Tomato could only frown at Sloan's safe, thinking about how to open it.

—Maybe, you should find a master lockpicker?

1000 are ordered plus more.

Pain and happiness.

According to the agreement when it was put on the shelves, the farthest target is only 500 average.

Thinking of adding 10 updates in 3 months, just saving the manuscript is enough.

As a result, it has been over a month now, and 20 updates have been added...

I have been thinking about writing a single chapter, thank you very much.

As a result, the time to code words is not enough...

Anyway, again and again,

Thank you very, very, very much for your support.

I went to type.

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