"The name is risky?" Lin You nodded clearly, "Then change it."

Originally, he was just playing with the stalks that only he knew, and he changed it as soon as he changed it. There was nothing to insist on.

The name is never the key, the real key is whether the event will be popular with players.

"Do you think players will like this event?"

Without thinking about it, Fan Rui said: "For players, the most important thing is the sense of participation. This event will allow all interested players to participate. I think it will be very popular."

"Of course, we have to control it. Don't let them be eliminated quickly at the beginning, that would dampen their enthusiasm too much." Fan Rui added.

Qin Songyun also answered: "My thoughts are similar. You must control the game at the beginning. Otherwise, players have been looking forward to it for a long time. When they meet masters at the beginning of the event and are eliminated directly, the frustration will be too strong."

"Then, at the beginning of the event, limit the number of weapons and ammunition supplies, and at the same time increase the number of armor and medical supplies." Lin You said while thinking, "Then introduce the 'dying' mechanism, so that players whose blood bars are empty It can be revived by teammates—on the premise that it is not killed by the enemy's supplementary gun."

"This should greatly increase the player's survival rate at the beginning."

"Indeed." Qin Songyun thinks it is very reliable. According to the upper limit of 10 people in each world of "League of Assassins", if the team size participating in the event is also relaxed to 10 people, then the possibility of individuals being killed instantly will be reduced. a lot.

Taking a step back, even if he is still eliminated, at least his teammates will be eliminated together.

Everyone feels sorry for each other, complains to each other, scolds the opponent, and the anger will disappear, and the frustration will not be too strong.

"Although it's an event, it's already equivalent to a large-scale event in which all players participate!" The more Qin Songyun thought about it, the more he felt that there was a lot to do!

The previous domestic competitions were proud of "millions of viewers watching online at the same time".

"Then!" Lin You made the final decision, "I announce that the preparations for the first large-scale event of "League of Assassins", [Freedom Day], will begin! Make a plan first, and finalize the specific plan first!"

Freedom Day, this is the name of the event he rethought.

Freedom and gunfights go hand in hand, don't they?

As for the time, it is initially estimated that after the release of "Guang Yu", there will be enough room for "Guang Yu" to ferment.

Otherwise, Xiaochun and the art girls might feel resentment in their hearts.

Xiao Xia, a little intern in the studio, is probably no exception.

After finally passing Shen Ping's pre-launch plan for "Light Yu", Lin You finally announced the dissolution of the meeting.

After the meeting, Lin You breathed a sigh of relief. Even if he became a boss, he still doesn't like meetings. He feels that one meeting is more tiring than a day's work.

But he can't rest yet, and he has to go to the unmanned factory in the afternoon, and he feels even more tired when he thinks about it.

So he went to the space carrier to find Xiaomeng and relax his nerves.


Even Lin You, who hates meetings, held meetings for employees on the first day of September, and NetDragon is no exception.

Speaking of it, it seems that holding a monthly meeting on the first or last day of each month seems to have become some kind of unwritten custom.

While the employees hate it deeply, the management is happy with it.

NetDragon's meeting room.

Zhao Yucheng stared at Wei Zhang angrily: "Two months are up, have you got any results from your research and development?"

Wei Zhang didn't know how to answer.

"Very good, no results." Zhao Yucheng suppressed his anger, "Then, I think, at least you can tell me the progress of your research and development? What's the progress? How long will it take?"

"Progress..." Wei Zhang organized his words, "We have ruled out all the current mainstream chip cracking methods, and are trying a new cracking method."

"???" After all, Zhao Yucheng studied management and didn't know much about technology, so he was inevitably taken aback when he heard this.

But he quickly realized, "So, after more than a week, all you did was to try all the mainstream cracking methods, and then all failed, right?"

Wei Zhang nodded bitterly.

"That is to say, there is no progress, right?" Zhao Yucheng pressed on step by step.

Wei Zhang nodded again.

Zhao Yucheng slapped his palm on the desk angrily, making a loud noise, and everyone at the conference table was taken aback.

"With so many people, no one can come up with a solution?!" He finally couldn't suppress his anger, and his voice became louder and louder: "You are all veterans who have worked in the industry for so many years, and you have been beaten by a person who has not yet graduated. College students are forced into this situation?! There is no way to deal with it, and they can only passively wait to be beaten?!"

The executives present bowed their heads and were scolded, silent.

Zhao Yucheng became even angrier when he saw how these people couldn't get a fart out of three sticks, "Think about it! The company's business is not doing well, and profits are declining. Can you still maintain your current income level?!"

"I know, some people don't care, they think it's a big deal and they quit, but let me tell you!" Zhao Yucheng almost yelled, "If you don't come up with a solution, even if you change companies, it's impossible to keep your current income. ! Think about the treatment of PC game and console game studios after the rise of VR! The income of practitioners has generally been reduced by at least a quarter!"

"If you still don't care, well, it's up to you!"

After venting his anger, Zhao Yucheng slowly calmed down, "But if you still care about it and want to maintain your current income level, or even go up to a higher level! Then, please use your brains and come up with a solution!"

After he finished speaking, he closed his mouth, crossed his arms, and looked around at the managers in the office.

In the office, the air seemed to be stagnant, and all executives felt the suffocating atmosphere.

Zhao Yucheng is indeed young, but no matter how young he is, he is still the boss, and because he has no experience of working with them for many years, he doesn't have much relationship to talk about.

Business is a kind of pressure on the elderly!

In this embarrassing silence, Wu Yong, the director of the marketing department, finally broke the silence and said, "I have an idea, but I have to report it to the boss alone."

Zhao Yucheng looked at Wu Yong who was speaking, and thought for a while. Wu Yong's performance during this period was actually pretty good.

He was the first to discover that Yunmeng had started producing Mirage mainframes, and later helped Wei Zhang snap up mainframes from the market. There were no mistakes, and each time the market assessment was relatively accurate.

Even the few times when there were mistakes, it was purely because Hu Rong was implicated in directing blindly.

He waved his hand, "The meeting ends first."

Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief, got up one after another, and left the meeting room quickly.

After only Zhao Yucheng and Wu Yong were left in the meeting room, Wu Yong finally sat close and said to Zhao Yucheng in a low voice, "Yesterday I got news that Yunmeng has signed supply agreements with three more unmanned factories."

Zhao Yucheng seemed to have realized something, followed Wu Yong's words and said, "So?"

"Two of them used to be our suppliers." Wu Yong said something that Zhao Yucheng didn't understand.

Since NetDragon built its own unmanned factory, it has stopped placing orders.

And Wu Yong is an old man in the company, and he took the lead in handling these cooperations in the past, so he is so familiar with them.

"If we can give enough benefits, this may become a breakthrough." Wu Yong's voice was very low, as if he was afraid that others would hear it.

And Zhao Yucheng's eyes brightened!

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