Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 217 Can it be so similar?

Shui Hua hesitated and chose to go offline.

But Super Tomato is fearless. When it comes to the eerie cemetery level, it not only continues to play calmly, but even a little excited.

For up owners, playing games is not only for fun, but also for professional needs. Out of professionalism, it is also necessary to play and pass the level as soon as possible.

They're not afraid of difficulty or horror—at least not yet.

What they are afraid of is that they cannot find the material to use, and the game will be boring to broadcast.

The same goes for the anchors. As long as the game broadcasts the program well, then everything else is trivial. Even if you are scared to pee your pants, that is the program's effect.

Even if you really wet your pants, you might be able to get out of the circle directly...

Even with money and fame, social death and black history will come together, but there are definitely not a few people who are willing...

Of course, the top anchors are mostly exceptions. After the status and money have been guaranteed, they will naturally start to cherish feathers.

But Super Tomato is an exception. He cherishes his feathers from the very beginning, and never relies on this kind of extra-market to gain popularity.

Now he is excited because he has found new video production material——

He found that "Light Yu" really deserves to be the "sister chapter" that Yunmeng himself said. Many map production concepts are not only in the same line as "Wind Journey", but even almost one-to-one correspondence.

The first few levels are not so obvious because of the novice teaching and the establishment of the game art style.

But starting from the fourth level, I stopped pretending at all!

Xiagu map - track sprint mode.

When Super Tomato sprinted on the ice and snow track, he immediately thought of the sandboarding level in "Journeyman". Although one is skiing and the other is sandboarding, the concept is undoubtedly the same!

Even the golden sunset is exactly the same!

However, Yunmeng has carried forward this gameplay in "Light Yu", and added a brand new flying track. This is another attempt to bring forth the new, which is not a lot of fun.

Graveyard Map—Gloomy underground, dark dragons swimming in the sky.

Corresponds to the underground level in "Journeyman".

The dark dragon's body, sharp head and body, dense enough tentacles to make one's scalp tingle...

When slowly swimming past the top of the head, the terrifying sound, I don't know if it's a belly groan or a low growl, the oppressive force it brings is even worse than the mechanical flying dragon in "Wind Journey"! It almost made Super Tomatoes tremble with nervousness.

Forbidden Pavilion Map - Climb the Forbidden Tower and uncover its mysteries.

Corresponds to the temple level in Journey.

Although a lot of interaction, exploration, and cooperation mechanisms that promote player social interaction have been added, the essence is still to move up to the top of the map by interacting with agencies.

Of course, Super Tomatoes have to admit, the feeling of flying and walking among the stars as you go up through the layers is fascinating.

Especially seeing the transparent starlight Yaokun swimming in the sea of ​​stars, it is really beautiful!

And when it comes to the eye of the storm map, although the art style is very different from "Wind Brigade"——

One is a violent snowstorm that is white and almost invisible, and the other is a hurricane dust storm mixed with deadly falling rocks.

But there are still great similarities between the two: in "Journey", the cold will freeze the scarf, making you unable to fly, and you can only walk with your legs step by step for most of the journey.

But in the eye of the storm in "Guangyu", you have to act against the violent storm, let alone fly, if you are not careful when jumping, you may be blown away by the wind, and you can only walk step by step with your legs throughout the whole process go down.

The production concept of the two is still exactly the same!

That is to let players feel the most difficult and dangerous environment at the end of the journey.

When entering the final map, the Eye of Eden, Super Tomatoes even guessed what they would encounter.

See the eight words "Lost Light, Return to Skyrim" prompted by the system. He confidently said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "I dare to bet all of you, I will definitely fall before the final level, and then experience a 'resurrection'!"

Despite being mentally prepared, Super Tomatoes still greatly underestimated the difficulty of the next section of the road-the dense falling rocks kept falling, and the wings would be dropped if they were hit.

Even if you avoid it, the red stone after falling rocks and shattering will still lose energy when you touch it.

In such a dangerous environment, you have to sacrifice your own wings to liberate the souls that have turned into statues.

The only shelter is the statue of the god hidden in the dark, but it is extremely difficult to find it when you come here for the first time.

With tenacious will, Super Tomato gives its wings again and again to liberate those imprisoned souls.

Until in the last area, with the rain of falling rocks falling on the body, even if the wings are constantly smashed off, or even knocked to the ground, you still have to get up again and again, desperately trying to save the strange travelers who turned into sculptures soul, until it exhausted all its wings and energy, and fell powerlessly.

The barrage has become sparse, and millions of viewers almost held their breath, watching him being knocked down time and time again, getting up again and again, sacrificing the only wings that can protect him, until even the fire in his heart was destroyed. Exhausted, he fell powerlessly into the rain of falling rocks.

Everyone's mood was suppressed to the lowest point.

Some viewers with sensitive hearts even couldn't help but shed tears.

In the silence of the audience, Super Tomato, who had lost all light, turned into a little black man and woke up again in nothingness.

Looking at the shining statuette not far away, Super Tomato subconsciously walked forward, pulled up the statuette according to the prompt of the system, and hugged it.

Sure enough, the next moment the little golden man merged into his body, he became gleaming again, full of endless golden energy.

He flapped his wings and jumped, flying straight up!

The solidified sculpture outside his body was instantly shattered, and he continued to fly upwards without hindrance!

At the top! That circular gap, where the light comes in!

Super Tomatoes' predictions were spot on.

This is similar to the end of "Wind Journey", after being frozen and buried by the wind and snow, awakened by the ancestors, flew up with endless energy, broke through the obstacles of the snowstorm, and arrived at the holy, beautiful, and magnificent holy mountain. !

But Super Tomato didn't have any sense of self-satisfaction at this time, he just waved his wings with all his strength time and time again, tried his best to rush out of that gap, to see the end of the road, to really——


The moment he rushed out of the gap, the city in the clouds was already in sight!

The storm has long since subsided, following the shining golden birds, jellyfish, and remote kuns, all the way up, up, and up!

Travel through collapsed buildings, through smoke and rubble, and even...through the city in the cloud that has been shattered and only a few remnants remain!

Super Tomato didn't fully realize until this time that the city in the cloud no longer exists, and the murals in the cave at the beginning of the game have made it very clear.

It's just that there are still relics of the city in the cloud, reflected in the bright light from a distance, the outline is still so magnificent and beautiful, which makes people yearn for it.

So much so that Super Tomatoes and countless viewers in the live broadcast room have always felt that the end of the journey must be an exquisite, gorgeous and beautiful city in the clouds!

Even though I saw a lot of relics along the way, I couldn't change my mind.

But the fact is: it has already become decadent with the passage of time, and even continues to accelerate its demise.

It's just that he didn't wait for him to fully appreciate this regret, and accompanied by groups of luminescent creatures, he crossed the highest spire of the city in the cloud, but—still didn't stop!

Finally came—

Above the stars!

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