Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 220: Game Warehouse?

Hearing about this kind of technology, Lin You immediately couldn't sit still, and couldn't care less about whether he was nervous or not.

"Show me quickly."

Immediately after speaking, put on the headband and head to the virtual world.

"Master!" Xiaomeng rushed forward habitually.

Lin You hugged Xiaomeng, "Where's the technical information?"

Xiaomeng didn't say anything else, and immediately called out the information for him to read.

But Lin You soon discovered that the information seemed extremely difficult: it was too far from the field of knowledge he had learned!

At a glance, the technical composition of the hibernation chamber also spans medicine, pharmacology, bacteriology, low temperature physiology, organic chemistry, engineering technology, bioelectric technology, and so on.

Compared with the technology obtained by Lin You before, the complexity is completely different!

"This, can we really make it?" Lin You asked suspiciously.

"Impossible." Xiaomeng didn't want to answer.

"Where is the main difficulty?"

"Many key drugs are not available in this world, and some organic substances cannot be synthesized by current technology. There is also a very important symbiotic bacteria, which does not seem to be available in this world. Without these, safe dormancy and awakening cannot be achieved."

"I'm so excited." Lin You flicked Xiaomeng's head after speaking, "You're kidding me!"

"Hmm!" Xiaomeng covered her head and said aggrievedly, "But we can create the most basic bioelectricity-related technology!"

"Bioelectricity? EMS?" Lin You had some bad associations with this thing.

The bioelectric muscle stimulation technology has a special positioning. On the one hand, it seems to be a very reliable technology, and it has been applied in some clinical treatment and postoperative rehabilitation fields.

But on the other hand, it is also packaged as a fitness and even weight loss device, which is widely used in the field of IQ tax in the form of various patches.

"It's different!" Xiaomeng shook her head like a rattle, "It's much better than this!"

Then Xiaomeng began to teach Lin You, telling about the development history of bioelectricity technology for hundreds of years, and the innovations and leaps of technology one after another.

"Wait first, wait first." Lin You interrupted Xiaomeng, "This technology is so powerful, can we make it? I don't think it can be used by installing electrode patches and connecting it to a power supply?"

Xiaomeng's eyes widened: "Master, what are you thinking! Of course it's not that simple..."

Lin You flipped through the technical information and looked at the part related to bioelectricity.

Sure enough, I saw the specific equipment needs, put aside the external appearance, and only looked at the most critical components, including the micro-current pulse generator and high-precision physiological condition feedback monitor, and finally added the key automatic algorithm.

The most valuable part is still the algorithm.

This complex control algorithm did not come out of thin air.

Instead, it relies on countless years of data in biology, medicine, neurology, and clinical medicine, summarizing and writing, and then optimizing and iterating from generation to generation in practice. I don’t know how long it has been and how many generations of hard work and hair , is the final result.

Its preciousness can be seen.

In terms of the gold content of technology, there is no doubt that algorithms are priceless, far exceeding the value of microcurrent pulse generators and high-precision physiological feedback monitors.

But when it came time to build this device, the algorithm became the simplest thing - as long as you have a hand.

After all, it is copying according to the ready-made content.

On the contrary, generators and monitors with not so high technical content take a lot of effort to make.

"By the way, isn't the hibernation chamber supposed to minimize body movement? Why does it have the function of promoting body movement?" Lin You asked strangely.

"Hibernation must also be awakened!" Xiaomeng happily explained, "When the astronaut is about to wake up, the hibernation chamber will restore and adjust the body's motor function in advance, otherwise it will not be able to stand up after awakening! "

"Oh, I see." Lin You understood immediately, there was no way, he had never traveled before, so how could he know such details.

"By the way, Xiaomeng! Can this technique cure ALS?" Lin You quickly thought of Xiaochun's question.

"No." Xiaomeng shook her head regretfully, "This technology is just more convenient. Compared with professional rehabilitation training for ALS, most of the effects are overlapping, and only a small part of the gap is made up. , and there is no fundamental change."

"Oh." Lin You sighed.

But he also knew in his heart that things would not be so easy. This technology is a hibernation cabin, not a magical medical cabin like in science fiction movies. It is impossible for a person to lie in it and cure any terminal illness instantly.

Not to mention that what can be made now is only a component with the lowest technical gold content and the most insignificant component in the hibernation warehouse.

He even started to be a little worried: if he decrypts any high-end technology in the future, will he be limited by the current overall technical level and will not be able to do it at all?

Lin You shook his head, throwing this unfounded worry out of his mind - how can he have time to worry about that now?

Let's make this bioelectric technology that can be used first!

It still needs to be modified and adjusted, otherwise, is it possible to make a hibernation chamber that has no functions other than bioelectric technology, just an empty box?

Then how to sell it? Which idiot would buy such a semi-finished product? Even semi-finished products are compliments, at most one-tenth of finished products!

wrong! Wait a minute... A flash of lightning suddenly flashed across Lin You's mind, "Isn't this the game room?"

Thinking about it this way, it seems... not impossible...

He quickly shook his head to calm himself down.

Go offline first! Interview your own career manager! Think about it when you're done.


During the two days of the weekend, Lin You was not free all day.

He successfully recruited the professional manager he wanted: Kong Xinsheng.

An entrepreneur who once engaged in the implantable brain-controlled prosthetics industry.

It's a pity that this kind of prosthetic limb needs to go through specialized invasive surgery, which is not widely accepted in Daxia. Coupled with the high cost, it has never been able to open up the market, and eventually the business failed and ended dismal.

But Kong Xinsheng did not give up, he chose to continue his studies, hoping to further improve his skills, and then compete in the second round!

It was only at this time that Lin You came to him and showed him a technique that he could only imagine in his dreams.

After Kong Xinsheng personally experienced the current finished product, he did not hesitate for a second and immediately chose to join!

On the same day, with Lin You's generous investment of 100 million start-up funds, he began to contact his former subordinates, communicate with his former contacts and channels, and even contact the media. He couldn't wait to do a big job!

This time he has full confidence that he will succeed!

The next day, Lin You went to the experience store again, and asked Liang Tian to put the opening of a branch on the agenda as soon as possible.

Lin You told him that the experience store in the small county in his hometown could open at any time, but Xia Jing would add at least three more branches within two months.

Liang Tian responded immediately, gearing up, and began to look at the store that day.


On Monday, Lin You logged into Yunmeng's virtual office on time again.

Today will be another busy day.

The follow-up operation plan of "Light Yu" needs to be finalized.

The production progress of "John Wick" cannot be slow.

But more importantly: the large-scale event [Freedom Day] of "League of Assassins", the event plan must be finalized.

Starting today, players will see in the game that the police in the metropolis have started to march.

And by next week, a collective strike will begin, which is the schedule that has been finalized.

In other words, there is only one week left before the [Free Day] event begins!

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