Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 222 Determine the rules

"Then there is the specific competition mechanism." Lin Youfan looked at the event plan.

"Cancel all NPCs to make room for players. Players appear collectively in a team of 10, carrying basic weapons. Keep reducing the range of players' activities, forcing players to fight, and the last one left is the winner..."

Lin You felt a strong sense of sight. Why did the tens of thousands of people in the original imagination end up on the road of "PUBG Mobile"?

Is it really the end of the universe to eat chicken?

"No, I have to change it." Players may be very interested in this kind of gameplay, but Lin You is tired of watching it, and it's not enough to watch, so you have to add something new!

"The NPCs are all left. If all the NPCs disappear, the strike of the Metropolitan Police will be meaningless."

"If players shoot NPCs indiscriminately..." Qin Songyun said worriedly, "It will have very bad effects, especially if we want to broadcast live."

"This is related to what I'm going to say next." Lin You simply took the words.

"Introduce the point mechanism, defeat the opponent to get points, and kill the metropolitan NPC by mistake to deduct points."

"When choosing the winner in the end, divide the places, 60% will be selected according to the score, and 40% will be selected according to the survival ranking. If there is overlap, it will be postponed."

Qin Songyun thought for a while, and said with some hesitation: "Should we add a guarantee mechanism, the team's final points cannot be 0? Otherwise, even if the player's living area is continuously reduced, some people may fight all the way to the end. Not fair."

Lin You fell into deep thought, what he said really made sense.

Others took risks and fought hard and finally made it to the end, but in the end they were not selected because of the fierce battle, instead they did nothing, and those who just hid entered the finals, how unbalanced they felt?

But it would be a pity for him to completely destroy this way of playing the game.

Soon he thought of a solution: "Well, we can add a negative game penalty mechanism. Players who have not joined the battle for a long time, mark the negative game, and mark the location directly on the map so that everyone can see it."

"After joining the battle for one minute, the mark will be automatically canceled, how?"

Qin Songyun nodded decisively, "It's absolutely fine."

"One more question." Qin Songyun said again, "Are we going to put heavy weapons on the event map? Will it affect the fairness of the game?"

In the original map of the metropolis, there are heavy weapons. In terms of lethality, mines and grenades are not ranked at all.

There are armored vehicles, howitzers, helicopters, and even a Gatling!

Although players now have no chance to get many weapons at all, even if they get a high probability, they will not be able to operate them.

[Shooting Specialization] This skill does not include heavy weapons.

Of course, [Pilot Proficiency] cannot include helicopters either...

But with so many players, what if?

If a team of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon were to drive armored vehicles and carry Gatling to the streets without the checks and balances of the Metropolitan Police, the result might be a direct sweep of the competition!

Unless there is a team that can drive a helicopter to the sky and counterattack with a 30mm cannon...

Qin Songyun shook his head vigorously to get this outrageous idea out of his mind.

"Keep it." Lin You didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and even considered whether to add more heavy weapons to let the players have a good time.

"Anyway, those things are very difficult to obtain, otherwise, no players have obtained them until now. Teams that are not afraid of death and are willing to take risks are able to obtain them. At most, it is high risk and high reward. There is nothing unfair."

Qin Songyun opened his mouth, but couldn't find any reason to object, so he could only nod: "Okay."

"Then, let's start making preparations today, adding more randomly generated maps around the metropolis, arranging the landing location of the players, making sure it can accommodate 10,000 players, and then don't crowd them all together at the beginning. Equipment and supplies For supplies, we must control the density and guide the players to gather and fight."

"Understood." Qin Songyun nodded.

After Lin You finished speaking, he turned to Shen Ping, who was in charge of the publicity: "The promotion of the event is ready. This time, the "Metropolis News" will be released two days in advance, and the event preview will be released in the news, allowing players time to form teams and prepare."

Shen Ping nodded. Influenced by the vast number of netizens, everyone has become accustomed to calling this program "Metropolis News", and the title "Assassin Weekly" was quickly replaced without knowing it.

"Okay, let's do our own thing."

Lin You breathed a sigh of relief, wanting to take a lazy break for a while.

However, he suddenly received news from the administration: the head of the marketing department of Nanzhi came and said that he wanted to discuss cooperation with him.

"About cooperation? Why are you looking for me?" Lin You was a little impatient.

"Didn't you tell Zhong Chang that if they still want to cooperate, they will come to you in person?"

Lin You thought for a while, oh, there is such a thing, "All right."

It's been almost a week since the cooperation negotiation with Nanzhi. In Lin You's place, it was already included in the list of "past things", but now they have come to discuss cooperation again?

Lin You lacked interest and went offline to the rest area.

"Boss Lin, hello." The person in charge in suit and leather shoes stood up politely and shook hands with Lin You.

"Hello." Lin You sat down with him.

"It's really not easy to meet Boss Lin. It's even harder than meeting our boss. Boss Lin is really busy."

Lin You blinked, feeling that this was a bit wrong, but he didn't want to think about it, so he said straight to the point: "Yeah, I'm really busy, tell me if you have anything to do."

The person in charge from Nanzhi, named Jin Wenjun, secretly sighed in his heart that the nouveau riche just doesn't understand etiquette, but there was no trace on his face: "Of course it is to discuss cooperation with you."

Lin You frowned, didn't the cooperation talk collapse once? Now it looks like nothing happened, who is it for?

"What kind of cooperation, let's talk about it."

"You should have listened to the report from your staff. Of course, I would like to explain it to you in detail." Jin Wenjun looked very patient.

Lin You also patiently listened to his explanation, and wanted to see if they wanted to open up a little bit after a week.

But Jin Wenjun began to chatter about how powerful Nanzhi's brand is, its cultural heritage, and its international influence balabala... and the game industry is just a sidewalk, and it is impossible to get on the stage. It is a blessing for you Yunmeng to cooperate...

He didn't say that explicitly, but that's what he said. It's not hard to see that he respects the game industry on the surface, but actually doesn't think highly of the game industry.

Lin You frowned when he heard this, but he didn't say it clearly, and it was not easy for him to express his face directly.

He turned his head and glanced at Ye Xiaohe to make sure that she hadn't started filming, but after trying to "teach the show" to the dog in a muttering voice, he greeted: "Xiaohe, help me, get this... this gentleman a glass of water." .”

Lin You held a plenary meeting, and personnel and administration also participated in the meeting. Jin Wenjun came as soon as the meeting was over.

There were not many administrative girls, and they were busy with the things arranged at the meeting. They were so negligent that they didn't even pour a cup of tea.

Ye Xiaohe looked up at Lin You, a little surprised, but quickly realized: "Oh, yes."

In Yunmeng's studio, besides wine, there are all kinds of snacks and drinks, but Lin You only said "take a glass of water".

Ye Xiaohe was very clever, and immediately understood: the person who came was not welcome.

So Ye Xiaohe really took out a pack of disposable paper cups, unpacked and took out one, took a glass of water and brought it over.

After placing it in front of the visitor, he took out the high-quality Lapsang Souchong tea without stopping and brewed it, and then brought the tea cup to Lin You.

——Ye Xiaohe is actually very raw. She is a choreographer and director, and her level of tea art is zero.

But this is not important, anyway, the purpose is to run people, not really for drinking.

And such a bright and narrow-minded behavior, the effect is naturally leveraged.

At first, Jin Wenjun was just wondering why he only served him water and not Lin Youduan, but he didn't care too much, just pretending that he didn't need it.

But after a while, I saw the girl coming over with a teacup and placed it in front of Lin You. The contrast should not be too obvious!

Originally, he was still talking about Nanzhi's international influence, but when he saw this comparison, his expression became a little tense.

What's more, Ye Xiaohe hasn't finished her performance yet!

She took out three exquisite small porcelain bowls from the drawer, filled them with water and put them on the ground. The cats, cats and dogs formed a circle and began to drink water.

Ye Xiaohe also deliberately turned her head to look at Jin Wenjun, and then went on to pet the cat and "tell the show" to the puppy milkshake.

Jin Wenjun's eyelids twitched, why didn't he understand what she meant?

——Dogs drink from ceramic vessels! He only deserves disposable paper cups? !

With strong willpower, he resisted the urge to throw the paper cup in his hand, and finally he didn't bother to talk about those twists and turns, and started to get to the point.

But Lin You sounds the same old cliché: In the virtual world of the metropolis, all the clothing stores will be replaced by Nanzhi's virtual storefronts, and the storefronts will become a completely safe area like a playground.

"Stop, I think we've already said no to this once."

"Mr. Lin, don't worry. To be a businessman, you need to be mature and make a decision after careful consideration." Jin Wenjun is still confident, "Cooperating with Nanzhi, Yunmeng will get a lot of brand benefits. You must know that when you cooperate with a high-end brand, But it's a rare opportunity! And our offer this time is—a total of 10 million!"

"As long as you move your fingers, you can earn 10 million by changing a few lines of data. Why not do it?"

Lin You frowned, "Do you have any misunderstandings about the game industry?"

"What do you mean?" Jin Wenjun was puzzled.

"I sold 17 million hosts last Saturday, how much is the sales, do you need me to calculate it for you?"

"Our new game was launched last Friday, and the turnover in three days was 160 million."

"Oh, there is also "League of Assassins" that you want to cooperate with. I don't know if you have calculated it. A copy costs 500 yuan, and we sold more than 15 million copies. How much is the total?"

Jin Wenjun was speechless by this string of numbers. He really wanted to say that no matter how much you earn, it won't conflict with earning more through cooperation, right?

"We don't have more money than anyone else." Jin Wenjun lowered his tone a little bit, this is the power of money.

You, Nanzhi, are so awesome, is your annual revenue more than mine in a month?

Shut up if you don't!

No matter how much Jin Wenjun advocates culture, influence, and brand, he will become vulnerable under this huge money gap.

"We are talking about cooperation, and cooperation will benefit both. 10 million for an advertisement is already a lot of money."

But Lin You didn't want to waste time anymore, and he didn't bother to think whether his performance today was some kind of negotiating strategy or really mentally handicapped.

He stood up: "There is no shortage of you three melons and dates, keep them for yourself."

"Stop talking about cooperation, please come back."

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