Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 245 Real estate and gold mining

Lin You was stunned by Fan Rui's assurance.

"No, you made a mistake." Lin You shook his head quickly, "It's not that you are asked to work overtime, it is impossible to work overtime."

"The time may be a little tight." Fan Rui frowned a little.

Lin You was speechless, "I'm just showing you a player's outrageous guess, just for fun. The development plan doesn't need to be changed, just keep the original rhythm, we're fast enough."

"If that's the case, do you want to spread a rumor? In order to prevent the players from raising their expectations too high and urging us anxiously if they can't wait a month later." Fan Rui asked Lin You.

Lin You looked at Fan Rui in puzzlement. What's there to refute rumors like this kind of wild guessing by players?

But Lin You blinked, thinking that this was Fan Rui's first time as the main person in charge of a game project, and it's normal to feel pressure in his heart.

So he didn't refute, but gave the choice to Fan Rui.

After all, Fan Rui will take on the big responsibility sooner or later, and the "John Wick" project is just the beginning.

"You are in charge, you decide for yourself."

Abandoning Fan Rui who was in trouble, Lin You started to make the Continental Hotel in "John Wick".

Here we need to be in line with the Continental Hotel in "Assassin's Creed", but also to make some new ideas.

These new ideas should not only be reflected in the decoration and layout, but also add some explorable content, so that players can have more game fun.

This complicates things a lot.

Decoration and layout require the intervention of an artist.

In fact, Yunmeng's artists are now somewhat different from traditional artists.

The content of daily learning and improvement of many artists is no longer painting, but architectural design, interior decoration, display layout and other content.

Even the art recruitment led by Xiaochun directly recruited several architectural designers, senior decoration designers, and some interns of related majors.

The birth of virtual reality games is having a lasting and far-reaching impact on many professions.

The employees of Yunmeng Studio are also constantly adjusting their direction of improvement based on their work experience, improving their abilities in all aspects, and adapting to their work needs.

Fortunately, Yunmeng's daily working hours are indeed not long, leaving ample personal time for everyone.

As long as you are willing, you can spend some time to learn the knowledge you are interested in, and enter the once unfamiliar field.

As for the design of explorable content, the game system planning and level designers are required to intervene.

Not surprisingly, these guys are also working on architectural design...

Because the mechanism design that was very common in the game, in the world of virtual reality, it will look very unreasonable.

For example, a very common design in the past: a thick stone door hidden in the basement that will open automatically.

It is not difficult to make it, but it is a bit difficult to make it reasonable and unobtrusive, so that players will not feel outrageous when they encounter it...

After all, there is a big difference in experience between being there and seeing it through a monitor.

In a highly realistic environment, the sudden appearance of counter-intuitive and unreasonable design can easily destroy the player's sense of immersion.

The mechanism trap must take into account the basis for its realization. It does not insist on 100% authenticity, at least it cannot allow players to easily find flaws.


The number of players who participated in the Freedom Day event on Monday and fought in the virtual battlefield of the metropolis was much less than that of the weekend.

In addition to the influence of the first day of the working day, there is another factor: today is the first day that the dynamic real estate system goes online.

Many players are not in the mood to pay attention to the game, and can't wait to enter the metropolis to observe whether the price of their house has risen or fallen.

Of course, even on the day with the fewest players, there are still 1.4 million players participating.

Trying to adopt "reverse thinking", there are quite a few players who sign up on this day.

Xu Chun and Zhang Muyu also participated in the competition today.

Xu Chunyi was so bold that he directly chose to randomly match his teammates.

Zhang Muyu contacted some retired players who were still enthusiastic about the game, and they formed a team of "returners" to fight back.

They are different from Xu Chun's adaptability, they have high expectations for the results of the competition, and for this reason they also carried out high-intensity running-in training.

And this veteran team was marked by Xiaomeng as the focus of attention from the very beginning, and pushed to the director team.

The directing team even switched to the main screen of the live broadcast room immediately.

Ren Jian took a look, is this worth it?

I was embarrassed by Yunmeng's routine before, like an unprofessional layman, but now it's different!

We are professional commentators, these retired players don't even need to look at their IDs, they can recognize them just by looking at their faces!

Even their classic games, records, and personalities can be clearly shown to you one by one!

It's time to show the professionalism of professional commentary!

Renjian and Xixi began to introduce these people to the audience with each other.

Many players who know them are also constantly brushing "Ye Qinghui" in the barrage, hoping that they can rise again and kill the Quartet.


Different from the open fire fighting on the battlefield of the competition, the metropolis outside the event has rarely fallen into a short period of peace.

The players are all researching the "Dynamic Real Estate Investment System".

They were surprised to find that after this system update, not only can they directly operate the purchase, sale and lease of real estate through the panel, but even the previously unopened shop lots can now be bought directly!

The openness of the gameplay has been greatly increased, and the hope of buying the Metropolis will go further.

As for price fluctuations, it is actually not obvious-the city's central park area is always a prime location, and housing prices are still strong, and even have a slight increase.

It must be added that the Central Park of the metropolis is not a standard long strip like New York in reality.

No, the Central Park of the Metropolis has an irregular shape, an irregular ellipse with gaps.

And the gap extends inward, which is the central square almost surrounded by the central park.

Dressing up in camouflage uniforms, hideous players hiding in the park's large woodland were not uncommon in the previous two days of competition.

Even in the woodland of the park, hidden players searched for the traces left by others, and used cold weapons to hunt and counter-hunt wonderful scenes.

It almost has the sense of sight of "First Blood".

Getting back to the topic, the emergence of the real estate investment system has greatly increased players' desire to buy more real estate.

This led to the behavior of "buying gold" that had never been seen in "League of Assassins", and finally began to appear on a large scale!

In the past, it was quite easy for players to obtain the virtual currency of the Metropolis, and they could get hundreds of thousands or millions of virtual currency by grabbing a bank ticket, but there were very few places where virtual currency could be consumed.

So there has been no large-scale gold buying phenomenon.

Now that the real estate investment system comes out, the demand for "buying gold" has increased greatly!

This has given birth to the emergence of "dajin" players, and there may even be a large number of "dajin" studios soon.

The only limitation is that Mirage hosts are limited to purchase, and each person can only buy one. If the studio wants to get all the equipment, it has to let employees work with their own hosts, or even buy them with their own ID cards, which will cause a lot of trouble invisibly. .

And because each person can only log in to one account, the best way to improve the efficiency of gold mining is actually——

Improve your game skills!

The higher the technology, the faster the bank robbery!

1100 average order plus update!

In fact, it's already here, but I haven't been able to write and add updates, so I don't have the face to announce the good news to everyone...

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