Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 250 The world is popular

Lin You's brief appearance at the press conference had an effect far exceeding expectations.

During the time he was on stage, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room soared like a rocket, and before he stepped down, it had soared to more than two million people.

The influence of Lin You, the astonishing effects of [Bafang] visual and auditory aids, the assembly line prepared in advance and the stock of millions of units...

The combination of these conditions will definitely give Kong Xinsheng the first shot to enter the market. Compared with his first start-up, it is definitely a Tianhu start!

And Lin You can also get out of the prosthetic work, and even the work of developing and updating the prosthetics can be handed over to Kong Xinsheng.

Kong Xinsheng already has a technical background in making high-end brain-controlled prosthetics, and he is not short of contacts.

Now with Lin You's generous injection of funds, the establishment of the company's own research and development center, the hiring of sufficient technical personnel, and the development of prosthetic limbs based on the core technology given by Lin You, and even future upgrades, are all necessary. It's not a difficult thing.

Moreover, letting Kong Xinsheng bring these professional technical talents to do research is much more efficient than Lin You learning from scratch and doing research step by step.

Like before, Lin You struggled for a long time because the materials could not be cheap, durable, and lightweight at the same time.

But such a problem, in the eyes of those in the industry, shouldn't be a problem at all, at least not worth wasting effort to study.

Just make high-end styles and mid-to-low-end styles directly!

To study prosthetics, it is impossible to start with the most basic material science.

In their opinion, Lin You's behavior was outrageous to a certain extent.

Therefore, in the future, Lin You will only give suggestions on the general direction and make decisions on the final product.

As for the research and development process, leave it to these professional talents!


As for the "out of control" situation that Xiaomeng mentioned, it is very interesting.

Before the start of the game on Thursday, Xiaomeng reported a statistic to Lin You: the proportion of the Red Army has exceeded one-third of the participating players.

At the press conference, Lin You also saw a team in blue shirts surrounded by about 30 red-clothed players from five different teams and violently beaten.

As a result, before the group was wiped out, three teammates rushed into the clothing store on the street, changed into red clothes on the spot, and turned enemies into friends.

When they came out of the clothing store, even the thirty or so enemies were dumbfounded.

The most outrageous thing is: After the thirty or so enemies had a brief discussion, they actually stopped fighting!

Then the two sides shouted briefly, and after a few words of communication, they actually accepted these three people!

And these three players had no intention of avenging their teammates, so they joined the Red Army sincerely.

Even after feeling the joy of bullying the few with more, he cooperated very well with the red-clothed army, turned around, and beat up the original major alliance allies in blue clothes!

And the more they fought, the more vigorous they were. Lin You looked at their expressions through the screen and felt a little abnormal.

The bullet screens are also "smiles gradually perverted", "fire suppression", "eat the bullets I love!"

When Xiaomeng told Lin You again that "the situation of the Red Army players is a bit out of control", Lin You wondered, could it be that the number of Red Army players exceeded half?

However, it turns out that he is still small.

The bizarreness of the matter was far beyond his imagination.

In many maps of the metropolis, the red clothes in the clothing store have been swept away by the players!

Although the way of shrinking circles is changing every day: from the outer circle to the inner circle, clockwise collapse, counterclockwise collapse, random dial area collapse, chessboard random area collapse...

But the fact that the map is getting smaller and smaller is never going to change.

Likewise, the number of clothes is limited.

And considering that the proportion of red in daily clothing is not too high, the proportion of red clothes in clothing stores in the metropolis is not high.

In the end, after the player is killed and eliminated, the weapons and armor will remain, but the corpse and clothes will disappear together.

——It is impossible for Lin You and Qin Songyun to allow the player to touch the corpse, and it is even more impossible for the winner to pick off the clothes worn by the player...

If you dare to play like this, Yunmeng will die the next day...

Various factors have caused the red clothes on the map to become very tight.

There was even a fight between the two teams over a red old-fashioned POLO shirt, highlighting an outrageous one.

This outrageous scene was caught by the director and pushed to the main live broadcast screen, and the two commentators also got stuck for a rare moment.

In the end, I could only comment briefly: "This dress is really precious, worth six lives... I hope they will cherish it!"

In the map where these red-clothed players have an absolute advantage and are still spreading, whether it is a free player who has not joined any alliance, or a player who puts on the corresponding color costume of the major alliance supported by the player in advance, all of them have not yet joined the game. Halfway through, they were all cleared out of the battlefield by the red-clothed army.

The advantage in numbers is too great! Pure fire suppression crushes all dissatisfaction!

Only in more than 20 metropolitan battlefields, the Red Army Corps did not form a general trend and was cleared out of the battlefield in advance.

For all the remaining maps, in the second half, the entire metropolis is full of players in red clothes!

I'm even worried about covering the color of the clothes, and I don't want to wear a bulletproof vest-it's easy to block the red clothes if I wear them, which will lead to being set on fire by other players, which is more dangerous than not wearing them!

Looking at the entire battlefield, as far as the eye can see, the world is popular!

The screen looks very hot, but the remaining players in the game are a bit Muggle.

——The players not wearing red clothes were indeed cleared out of the battlefield, but there were still hundreds of teams left!

And there are only 10 qualifying places!

Immediately, the way everyone looked at each other became strange.

So Lin You understood why Xiaomeng called him to watch the excitement in such a hurry.

——Before everyone felt that they were surrounded by allies, and they were not careful in their positions. Many teams were interspersed with each other.

Now the atmosphere suddenly changed, the position moved forward, and the teams with no shelter around them suddenly began to feel guilty, and moved their positions carefully, wanting to find a good position before the battle.

But their movement attracted more gazes, and then——

The battle broke out!

Countless bullets were poured over without knowing it, and the team that lacked cover was immediately focused on fire, and they paid a heavy price for their carelessness!

The allies who were fighting side by side one second, turned their guns around the next second, and mercilessly fired black shots at the allies.

Highlight a love and kill each other!

Team after team suffered a catastrophe and was wiped out by the team that was an ally just a second ago.

After being forced to withdraw from the battlefield, these squads were all furious, and angrily scolded this group of people for not practicing martial arts, and actually engaged in sneak attacks, and the victory was invincible!

But being eliminated has become a fact, and it is too late to say anything.

Their deeds are just a reminder to players who haven't participated in the competition yet, they must be vigilant against their allies!

After Lin You had finished his lunch, he came to the virtual world again to look for Xiaomeng and watch the game start in the afternoon. Together with Xiaomeng, he and Xiaomeng saw a somewhat unreasonable scene——

All the players, before entering the game map, all changed into bright red clothes in their own virtual locker rooms.

Almost without exception!

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