Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 255 Surprised or not?

"Pay attention to safety! Be careful of all abnormal situations!"

The first time they landed, all team captains loudly reminded their teammates in the team chat.

Xia Yi looked around and found nothing unusual, so she issued another instruction: "Proceed as originally planned, find allies nearby, go to the middle circle together, and avoid fighting as much as possible!"

The captains of each player alliance issued similar instructions: don't worry about scoring points, gather allies as much as possible first, and accumulate a numerical advantage.

Of course, the tactics of different teams are not exactly the same as to whether to completely avoid the battle on the road, or seize the opportunity to cannibalize other alliance members.

Xia Yi's "Blue Army", following the principle of avoiding battle, assembled the seven teams in the field of vision in the middle circle as soon as possible.

There are likely to be more allies, but the game map restricts chatting with friends, so we can't communicate with them for the time being, so we can only look forward to seeing them at the scheduled inner circle assembly point.

After arriving at the middle circle, after gathering the team, Xia Yi was not in a hurry to ask everyone to find weapons. Instead, she formed a convoy and continued to move towards the inner circle, gathering allies.

She clearly remembered how Lin You ran across the metropolis with a screwdriver.

When she made the plan a few days ago, she also practiced it herself. With the dagger she brought with her at the beginning of the competition, she could easily rob a gun shop that was in business.

So she didn't plan to search for supplies in the middle circle where there was no one, but went straight to the inner circle with light clothes, and armed the team after robbing the gun shop.

This can also gather more allies.

Seven teams, the number is still too small to carry out her plan.

At first, everything went smoothly. Occasionally, I encountered scattered players wearing red, green, and black clothes. After seeing their convoy, they all consciously avoided it.

Xia Yi's team also moved forward wholeheartedly and did not waste time chasing after them.

Until you follow the road into the inner circle and enter the metropolis where NPCs actually live.

As soon as they entered the inner circle, the windows on both sides of the road suddenly opened, and the aborigines leaned out one by one. Their black muzzles were aimed at the convoy. Without any communication, all the NPCs pulled the triggers at the same time!

The next moment - death came!

The dense rain of bullets instantly covered the four front cars of the convoy.

The driver and passengers were directly beaten into a sieve! Then there are flames, explosions and crashes!

The vehicle behind slammed on the brakes and evaded, but the bullet rain immediately spread and covered it.

Because of the pursuit of speed too much, the lightly packed convoy only had about 20 guns in total, and it was impossible to organize a powerful counterattack at all, so they could only be passively beaten!

"Retreat! Retreat!"

"There is an ambush! Powerful sniping!"

"Scatter, scatter!"

Everyone was in a panic, and they were beaten to the point of fleeing.

While shouting for everyone to retreat, Xia Yi understood what the bell and air defense siren meant at the beginning——

That's a reminder to the natives of the metropolis!

Now it's not just a battle between players and players, the aborigines of the metropolis have also entered the city collectively!

If the players don't arm themselves and break through the obstacles of the aborigines, when the land collapses, everyone will be buried in the middle circle!

There might not even be a winner at all!

Xia Yi, who had always been fond of Lin You and Yun Meng, couldn't help cursing in her heart: This is so fucking inappropriate!

Not even a little bit of information was revealed in advance! It's outrageous!

But no matter how unhappy she felt, Xia Yi could only retreat with her allies, quickly search for supplies, and arm the team.

The other players were similar. Whether it was a standard 10-person team, a player alliance of dozens of players, or a few scattered players, when they entered the inner circle, they all encountered a head-on attack from the aborigines!

It's just that there are strong and weak sniper attacks, the more people there are, the greater the intensity.

Scattered players still have the hope of sneaking in, but after getting in, they are likely to be enemies on all sides, and the pressure to survive is very high!

Once you reach squad level, you must be fully armed to break through obstacles.

As for the player alliance, it is even more difficult!

But the advantage in numbers cannot be given up so easily. They all turned around collectively and began to quickly search for weapons, armor, and supplies to improve the team's combat effectiveness.

The only good news is: I don't know if it was because of the active attack, but at this time, the counterattack kills the aborigines, and no points will be deducted.


Only half an hour had passed since the start of the match, and with the loud rumbling noise, the ground began to tremble, once again catching all players by surprise.

The shrinking time is advanced!

Time became more pressing, and players had to continue to search for supplies despite the violent vibrations.

But the vibration is irregular, and it is more severe than during the sea election, so it is very difficult to act!

Many players are simply rolling and crawling, which is horrible.

In Yunmeng's virtual office, the employees couldn't help complaining: "The boss is really inappropriate!"

"Yeah, who said no?"


At this time, Lin You and Xiao Meng are nestling on the small sofa together, laughing unscrupulously.

He even opened Lingxi directly and sent a post with his own account——

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Undoubtedly, this news aroused public outrage, and countless qualified players who had not participated in the competition showed up one after another, denouncing him for being inappropriate.

But soon, players hundreds of times more than these players appeared in the comment area, not only praising Lin You, but even making comments that were even more inappropriate than him:

"What a surprise!"

"Good job! I did not misread you!"

"Please be sure to step up!"

"Where are the landmines? What about the broken tire nails? The traffic block? What about the RPG? There is nothing, and you have the nerve to say that you are blocking the car?"


Looking at these comments that fear that the world will not be chaotic, Xiaomeng laughed so hard that her whole body trembled.

After a lot of effort, Xia Yi's blue army was equipped with weapons and ammunition.

They divided all the players into five formations, took turns to activate the [Assassin's Bloodline] skill, and rushed to the intersection.

Against the concentrated firepower of the aborigines in the metropolis, they fought back while breaking through the obstacles and rushing into the inner circle!

Next, they finally robbed two gun shops according to the original plan, and raised the level of firepower again.

Then the team did not continue to rush towards the core circle, nor did they return to the junction of the middle circle and the inner circle to take advantage of the fire and snipe other players, but turned to the southwest area of ​​the city under Xia Yi's leadership.

On the way, six teams that were no longer full were assembled again, and more than 120 people were gathered together.

The commentator Ren Jian was very confused: "According to the map of the distribution of forces, they went to a very dangerous area where gang forces gather. According to the current situation of full-scale military intervention by the aborigines, the degree of danger will only be more terrifying! They are likely to suffer serious losses. They Why do you want to go there?"

Xixi also looked confused: "It's not just them, Super Tomatoes and other up owners, with their allies, didn't go to the core area to seize the position, but rushed to the north area. What are they going to do?"

The unorganized red army, the black army of the forum alliance, and the yellow army of the game platform discussion group are all taking advantage of the fire at the junction to accumulate points.

Only the green army of professional players, after rushing into the inner circle to replenish supplies, immediately went to the core circle to seize the advantageous position and build a stronghold in advance.

——After all, the method of shrinking the circle has been determined to start from the outer circle, and the core area is likely to be the last safe area. Now that the stronghold is built, there will definitely be a great advantage in the end.

These people are outrageous, not only are they satisfied with occupying a place, they are really burying high explosives, using vehicles to make walls and bunkers, and even pouring gasoline on the car body...

There are also observation posts, snipers, patrol teams...

They are really determined to create an indestructible position!

And according to their current progress, they are indeed very likely to succeed!

Unless the attack is launched before they are built, it will be difficult to defeat them even if several other player alliances attack at the same time after the stronghold is completely built.

If the other players' alliances can't unite, it will be even more useless, as many as they come are food delivery!

And the other player alliances have never come here at all, which allows them to avoid the most dangerous time and build with peace of mind.

Players looked at the more and more perfect strongholds on the screen, and substituting them for themselves, and felt that the construction efficiency and defense strength were outrageous, and they couldn't get in at all.

There were many discussions on the bullet screen, and some people thought it was beyond reproach:

"Worthy of being a player's league of professional players, stand out for stability!"

"This has opened up a big advantage, right?"

"The tactics are correct, the execution is in place, and the advantage is taken for granted."

But there are also many players who expressed dissatisfaction:

"What is this? Do you still play the turtle game after the finals?"

"It's not entertaining at all!"

"In the end, is it necessary to fight a positional offensive and defensive battle?


The commentator Ren Jian also exclaimed in disbelief: "It's less than an hour before the start of the game! Is it going to kill the game?"

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