Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 268 Amendment and Fairness

Zhong Chang pulled Lin You, and carefully asked about the precautions for selecting a partner, what specific requirements are there, what kind of cooperation conditions are expected to be given, and so on.

So that when contacting these companies, you can quickly grasp the key points.

It's just that Lin You's request is completely different from what he thought: the company's strength is indeed needed, but enough is enough.

The real key is the company's values. It must have a vision of deep cultivation and development in the game field. Companies that simply use games as a tool to make money must never cooperate.

Zhong Chang was a little puzzled: Isn't it just to find someone to help sell the machine?

The core things are still in our own hands, and they can’t handle us anyway. How about their values, is it really important?

But he is a subordinate, since the boss has made a clear request, he can only do it without discount.

Back in the department, Zhong Chang pondered for a long time, but was still puzzled.

——It can’t be that the boss has a mental cleanliness, and it’s not good to see a company that uses games to make money, right?

In the end, he could only comfort himself: the boss, Lin You, is a genius recognized by the world, and he has made the company a leader in the industry in less than three months. I can't understand his strategic thinking for a while, so it's normal...

He let go of his confusion, went to Qiao Nanyu, and urged him to add some people as soon as possible.

No way, now that the new office location is confirmed, all the departments are clamoring for lack of people, shortage of people, shortage of people!

As the head of the department, he felt that he had to personally urge him.

As long as you show enough urgency, you will always take care of your department.

Of course, there is also looking for Shen Ping...

Zhong Chang quickly kept himself busy, barely touching the ground.

Lin You went back to find Xiaomeng, and together they started to make a new version of the playground.

For a game with uncomplicated rules, Xiaomeng can play it very fast.

Completing "Journeyman" in two or three days at the beginning has fully proved Xiaomeng's strength.

Now Xiaomeng has more than 6 billion "Dongting" supercomputers, and tens of millions of players' idle computing power as support. Compared with the original strength, it is already a world of difference.

At the beginning, some workers in the industry complained that Lin You did not invent the virtual reality console, but the "wishing machine".

In fact, now Xiaomeng is going all out to make games, and compared with the real "Wishing Machine", the effect is not far behind!

The old rules, the first step is to "deduct" the playground of the metropolis and turn it into an independent map as the main framework of the new game.

Then make a candy-themed door as the entrance to the arena dungeon.

Next, it's "cheat time": Xiaomeng reads his memories of "Boys and Girls Rush Forward" and "Jelly Bean Man", and then reproduces all the maps and tracks.

After the reproduction is completed, Lin You will delete and modify it as needed.

There are still many things that need to be modified.

First of all, the most obvious point: the track of "Boys and Girls Rush Forward" is built on a pool, and if you make a mistake, you will only fall into the water.

Not only is it okay, but it will also feel cool in summer.

But "Jelly Bean Man" has many maps, which are built on syrup, and mistakes will fall into the syrup pool.

The player will not have any special feeling when the cute villain falls into the syrup, and even thinks it is a little cute.

But if it's the player himself, falling into the brightly colored, sticky, sweet syrup, that's a different story...

It is estimated that players with cleanliness can be driven crazy!

So the syrup pool has to be removed directly and replaced with water.

Then there are the rules of gravity.

If the gravity rules of the real world are used, then if you want to knock the player off the track with a rotating sponge pillar, you may have to smash the player until you vomit.

The mechanism turns like a propeller, whoever sees it is not afraid?

Moreover, the falling speed is too fast, and it is not very friendly to patients with heart disease and high blood pressure.

So the rules of gravity still have to be changed.

First weaken it by 20 to 30%, and then fine-tune it later when you find employees to test.

There are also important factors that once led to the loss of popularity of "Jelly Bean Man". The number of tracks is limited, and the gameplay is also highly repetitive. After playing for a long time, the loss of players is inevitable.

Although Lin You didn't care about the loss of players, and even lost the new game that happened to be playing Yunmeng, it wasn't a big problem.

But for the playability of the game, it is still necessary to add the function of custom track.

This is not too complicated. It is almost enough to castrate and castrate the game development tools used by employees, and then improve the usability and operation guidance.

The real problem is the fairness of the game.

Although Lin You's original intention was to create an environment where everyone can play together, as a supplementary gameplay for the playground.

But once a game is involved with elements such as competition and PVP, fairness will always be an issue that has to be considered.

If the issue of fairness is completely ignored, and all players are thrown into the track, there will definitely be players who are shameless, standing in front of the finish line, one player stops another player, or even directly pushes the player off the track.

Leaving aside the difference in strength between male and female players, even if the game is forcibly smoothed out, what about fighting skills?

To extend it, if a player who has practiced in a boxing gym insists on knocking down an ordinary player, even if the absolute strength of both sides is the same, it will be difficult for an ordinary player to resist.

But this is a playground, everyone is here to play games, not to fight UFC!

What's more, what if adults want to bully children?

Even if you don't bully, the child's short legs can't be expected to win.

Even if the adults and children are separated, if a 10-year-old child meets a 6-year-old child, that is still a crushing advantage...

You can't let the younger one win unconditionally, right?

They are all standing on the same track, everyone is here to play games, why should I let you?

Having said that, can a 6-year-old play this obstacle course?

Thinking of this, Lin You shook his head vigorously.

——In any case, the classification of the track is imperative.

But how to classify is also a problem.

Divide the track by age? Plus the sex track? Pro and amateur tracks?

"Xiao Meng, what do you think?" Lin You looked at Xiao Meng.

"Xiaomeng has watched the sports competition of the underage group!" Xiaomeng is very happy to participate, "Xiaomeng thinks that players under the age of 16, we can refer to the grouping method of sports events in reality."

"And there is a minimum age for participation in sports competitions!"

Lin You nodded and fully affirmed Xiaomeng's opinion: "Then we will follow what Xiaomeng said and set the minimum age, let's set it at 10 years old. Children under 10 years old should go to play younger entertainment. The facilities are better."

"For players over the age of 16, there are many ways to grade sports games! Master, do you want Xiaomeng to list them for you?"

"There's no need for this." Lin You shook his head.

Children assign opponents according to age because the physical differences are too large, and it may not be able to adapt to the forced unification.

After the body is basically grown, there will be no such troubles.

He has made up his mind to give all players over the age of 16 the same physical fitness.

And this quality will be better than the general sub-health state, so as to ensure a relatively good game experience for players.

As for the gap in fighting ability caused by gender and experience...

Maybe introduce a hidden ladder matchmaking mechanic?

There is another question that also made him very hesitant: Let players enter the track in casual clothes like in "Boys and Girls Rush Forward"?

Or like "Jelly Bean", put on a puffy doll leather case and enter the track?

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