Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 272: Yunmeng's Big Move

"So, is it inevitable that industries related to VR games will be eliminated?"

Zeng Ningshuang asked a concluding question.

"I don't think it will be eliminated, but it will no longer be the mainstream." Lin You came to the conclusion very cooperatively.

"In the end, it should become a branch of the entire game field. The shrinkage of the scale is inevitable, but it must be possible to survive if it is well dealt with."

"The birth of virtual reality games just accelerated the process tremendously."

Zeng Ningshuang nodded, her most critical question was answered, and this interview was worthwhile.

——Of course she would not be stupid, blaming Lin You for the decline of the VR industry.

Although Lin You has caused the shrinking and predictable collapse of the VR industry, at the same time, he is also creating a world that is far larger in scale and has a more astonishing prospect than the VR industry. an industry.

Even the headbands quietly placed in schools; the sight and hearing aid headbands that have caused a huge sensation among the disabled...all show that what he created is far from being as simple as a single industry.

Who has the right to blame such a person? !

Anyone who dares to use this to blame Lin You does not need others to speak, Zeng Ningshuang, and even the entire "Daxia Industry Observer" newspaper will jump out and call him bloody!

After all, it is also the mission of their newspaper to care about the development of new industries with unlimited potential!

It's just that Lin You is too outrageous. As soon as the virtual reality technology was born, it took off directly on the spot, and there was no need for anyone to predict it.

——Because anyone who has eyes is very optimistic...

Even because of the special virtual reality technology, people without eyes want to buy one to take a look at it, which is obviously very "lookable"...

Zeng Ningshuang did not miss the rare opportunity. The following topics basically revolved around virtual reality games and other industrial opportunities derived from technology.

In the end, she still ended with a relatively realistic question:

"Since the success of "Journeyman" and "Light Yu", many producers in the industry believe that you have opened up a new path for the genre of casual games. Many small studios are learning from these two games. The design concept of the game is to make a casual game of travel and exploration type, and according to the information I got, several of them are very worried that you will sue them.”

Zeng Ningshuang looked at Lin You with interest, "Do you know how?"

This is new news. Apparently, Zeng Ningshuang had done a lot of preparation before the interview. This should be the news she got from another producer. It has not been disclosed on the Internet, so Xiaomeng doesn't know.

"If you just learn from the design concept, obviously you don't have to worry about it. If you imitate too much, you will be worried?" Lin You said to these people.

"As for worrying about prosecution, I can only say: they are very right to worry!"

Lin You nodded, "Look at the quality of the game. It's very high quality. It's serious about making games. It doesn't matter if it looks alike. I can totally accept it. But——"

"If you just want to follow suit to make money, and the quality of the game is low, then I'm sorry! As long as I catch evidence, I catch one and sue one!"

In order to prove his determination, Lin You specially added: "Please believe in my sincerity. Although there are not many people in Yunmeng's legal department, I am willing to expand it!"

After hearing this, Zeng Ningshuang, who was used to seeing people and things in the business world, couldn't help feeling a little moved: Lin You didn't think about things based on his own interests at all.

——All his starting points are for the healthy development of the industry and the feelings of the players!

It can be said that it is selfless and dedicated to people! What a noble spirit this is!

With uncontrollable admiration, Zeng Ningshuang bid farewell and left.

Her heart is filled with a strong desire to create: she must tell everyone about such a genius, unique and noble soul!

At the moment, she has only one thing on her mind: code words! Codeword! Codeword!

Seeing that the female reporter seemed to leave with a high flame of struggle, Lin You also turned around and went to busy with his own affairs.

——Go to the restaurant in the park and inspect the skills of the chefs.

If it's reliable, there's nothing to say.

If you don't give it much effort, then you have to think about it. It is to increase the meal allowance so that everyone can go out to eat.

Or simply invite a few chefs to make room for the staff canteen.

Or, simply buy another building to open a restaurant?

Lin You walked into the restaurant in the park with a mind full of outrageous thoughts.


While Shen Ping was submitting the game for review, another important part of the new game—IP purchase, was also in full swing.

Although there is no IP craze now, everyone is not a fool, and the popular IP image cannot be easily sold.

However, there are not a lot of IPs that are average in popularity, or IPs that were once very popular but are now a bit outdated.

Coupled with Yunmeng's wealth and wealth, Lin You approved a large amount of special funds, and the purchase can almost be described as crazy!

After all, the "big sum" in Lin You's eyes is almost astronomical for many small companies, publishing houses, and even individual painters and authors!

And every time a transaction is made, after the acquisition team records and archives it in the office software, Xiaomeng will immediately put the relevant character image into the playground.

Lin You had already taught Xiaomeng how to put it on—make a doll coat first, let NPC wear it, and talk about the rest later.

——These jackets can even be turned into rewards for the "Jelly Bean" arena, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

Such unscrupulous "sweeping goods" naturally attracted the attention of the market.

In fact, since yesterday afternoon, some painters and authors have posted news on their homepages, happily saying that one of their works "sold for a good price!"

Under Lin You's suggestion, the money Yunmeng gave far exceeded the current market price of the copyrights of these works.

For many unreliable individual creators, it is naturally very kind.

As a result, many creators use words such as "pie from the sky", "sudden wealth and freedom", "Yunmeng, God!"... such exaggerated words when posting to celebrate.

It made fans think that they were suddenly not doing their jobs properly, not drawing/writing novels well, and went to participate in making games.

They all wailed in the comment area, yelling no!

By this morning, many small-scale companies also began to sell some dusty copyrights in their hands.

At this time, the incident has attracted widespread attention from netizens.

Everyone is asking: What is Yunmeng buying so many characters for?

Many people speculate: Is Yunmeng going to enter the cultural and creative industry?

But players strongly disagree with this idea!

From the perspective of players, Yunmeng is already developing games with such high efficiency, how can there be extra energy for cultural creation?

So there is only one answer: buy a copyrighted image because it is needed for making games!

But here comes the question: Is the copyright they bought too much and too complicated?

Across the two-dimensional and three-dimensional, there are detectives and adventurers, adults and children, anthropomorphic animals, kings, princes, princesses and other fairy tale characters...

It has everything!

And judging by their actions, this is just the beginning, and this "big purchase" is far from over.

But how do these character images fit into a game?

They don't even have the same style of painting, okay?

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