Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 288 This anchor doesn't look very smart

As a rich local player who is sprinting towards the [Golden Key of the Metropolis], Ah Hao, to him, this is just a small amount of money, and the payment is naturally very straightforward.

Although not everyone is as proud as him, all the well-known anchors basically filled up their monthly cards in the first place.

——The game has just launched the server, and any method that can improve the traffic and topicality of your live broadcast room is worth a try!

When A Yi filled up the monthly cards of "Guangyu", he had a famous saying: "Isn't it better to spend money on Yunmeng and contribute to the game industry of Daxia than to spend it casually?"

All of a sudden, backstage sales skyrocketed!

Of course, it is still incomparable with "Light Yu" for the time being.

"Light Yu" came out under the special halo of the companion volume of "Journey in the Wind".

At that time, almost all the old players had played "Journeyman", and the emotional effect and quality assurance had increased the game flow to a certain extent.

Of course, although the monthly card turnover increase of "Paradise" is lower than that of "Light Yu", it is still very impressive.

Putting it outside of Yunmeng is enough to make all colleagues drool with envy.

What makes colleagues envious is not only the game flow, but also the almost incredible player attention and market appeal.

Every new game of Yunmeng is born under the attention of all players, even non-players.

Frequently appear on the list of hot topics, important trailers are almost always on the hot search, as long as a new game is released, it will definitely occupy all the live broadcast platforms as soon as possible.

——There is no need for Yunmeng to pay for business orders, all game anchors will take the initiative to play the game, or actively or passively promote the game to become more popular.

Just like it is now: the game partitions of the three major live broadcast platforms, rows of live broadcast rooms, almost all of the screens are "Paradise"!

With such a new force of anchors, the popularity of Yunmeng's new game is almost unstoppable within a week or two of its release.

In the eyes of colleagues, with such attention, how could it be possible not to make money?

It's just that they really can't learn such things.

You know, before Yunmeng was born, it was hard to say whether there were 30 million players in the game market in the entire Great Xia.

But how many hosts has Yunmeng sold now?

80 million units! !

That represents a full 80 million VR gamers!

It can be roughly estimated that Yunmeng has discovered at least 50 million new players.

And these new players, a small number of them may be denied to other games in the industry, which will definitely benefit the entire game industry in the future.

But at the moment, most of the players, except for Yunmeng, may not have heard of other game companies at all.

——Of course, except NetDragon. After all, the grievances between Yunmeng and NetDragon are too well known.

Most of them have only played Yunmeng's games, and they only care about Yunmeng's games.

And for anchors, this is the most solid audience base!

Many anchors have followed Yunmeng's great strides in development, and achieved a bumper harvest of fans, popularity, and income.

They all rose up because of Yunmeng, so they are also Yunmeng's most loyal followers. If you don't broadcast Yunmeng's games, whose game will you broadcast?

Someone has to watch it after it airs!

When receiving a business order and receiving an unreliable game, when broadcasting, you have to worry about whether the popularity will decline or whether fans will cancel it.

Unlike Yunmeng's game, not only the quality is guaranteed, but the fans are also ridiculously tolerant, so it shouldn't be too easy to broadcast.

Like now:

Whether it is playing with various dolls in the upgraded playground, or driving a shuttle bus into the wilderness alone to look for animals, there are a large number of interested audiences, watching and discussing with great interest.

The live broadcast room didn't worry about the heat at all.

Of course, when it comes to the busiest place, there is no doubt [Candy Track].

A Yi was wearing a thick initial capsule jacket, and together with more than 50 players, stood at the starting line and prepared to run.

When the countdown was three seconds, the surprise that Lin You prepared for the players appeared——

Little Milkshake appeared on the fence at the starting point, jumped to the starting line, and was eager to try the track.


Players recognized its identity at a glance.

Milkshake is now the most famous dog in the game circle, and may even be the most famous dog in the whole of Daxia.

First, it was the star pet of Yunmeng's office, then it was the Easter egg summoned by the player in "Light Yu", and then miraculously became the protagonist of the trailer of Yunmeng's new game.

For more than a month, players felt that it could be seen everywhere, and it was already stronger than the presence of many second-tier stars.

The countdown reached zero, and the milkshake jumped out with an "ow", and the players rushed to keep up.

This is a "blocking door" track. Players need to find a door that can be smashed open from a row of blocked doors, and then find a trap door from the next row of doors after breaking through.

As a matter of course, the players swarmed behind Milkshake, and Ayi fought bravely to be the first, forced to squeeze into the front row, and rushed to the middle door with Milkshake.

A Yi secretly rejoiced in his heart, thinking it was safe.

Then everyone saw that Milkshake slammed into the door with a muffled "boom", and the whole dog screamed and was bounced back half a meter...

—— Lin You will obviously not deprive the players of the fun of "playing luck", so Gouzi will not be so "smart". Faced with this kind of trap of playing luck, whether it can pass is completely random.

This hurt the players who followed closely behind——

A Yi, who followed closely behind, was caught off guard and was knocked down by the dog. As a result, he completely reproduced the milkshake's movements, and his whole face hit the solid door directly!

Before he could get up, the crowded players behind him had already arrived!

There was no time to brake, the players squeezed in front, stumbled in front, and fell into a large pile. From the air, it looked like capsules scattered from a medicine bottle.

And because the players are all crowded together, the more they push each other to stand up, the more they interfere with each other.

Because Ah Yi is the most forward, and the crowded players are also the densest, it is extremely difficult to get up.

Standing up with difficulty one second, and being pulled down again by someone else's hand the next second, the scene is extremely funny.

After such a good job at the beginning, the audience in A Yi's live broadcast room burst out laughing instantly.

"This dog doesn't look very smart!"

"This anchor doesn't look very smart either!"

"The group destroys the engine!"

"It's embarrassing to say that I'm in a group with you when I go out! You, the anchor, quit the group!"


Xia Yi also saw the milkshake, but she was not fooled by the "silly dog".

Because she didn't rush forward excitedly, and even slowed down her pace consciously.

She made up her mind a long time ago that the live broadcast of the first day of the new game will use "sanctioning troublemakers" as the effect of the program.

As soon as she entered the arena, she explained her goal to the audience in the live broadcast room.

He even said confidently: "Today, I'll show you my hands and see my Foshan Wuying feet, a child with each foot!"

——She kicked for a whole day yesterday, and now she is full of confidence.

But to her surprise, after entering several games in a row, she didn't even meet a single troublemaker!

As she ran on the track, she was thinking hard about what was going on.

Anyway, Xia Yi didn't believe that all the players became good kids all of a sudden.

Absolutely impossible!

She would rather believe that pigs can climb trees than believe that players will all become nice men in the game.

After another round of the race, when the rewards were settled, the level was raised, and a striped appearance was unlocked.

Looking at the newly unlocked appearance, Xia Yi suddenly understood:

After the game is officially released, those uniquely designed appearances can no longer be used for free.

All the players on the field are dressed in the initial shape, that is, the bare red capsule jacket.

There is also a bit of cuteness, but how about good-looking? It's definitely out of the question...

What about looking good?

Go upgrade!

Level up to unlock more appearances and basic color schemes.

Match Tokens to unlock rare skins and colorways.

Crown rewards, unlock the ultimate appearance rewards.

The amount of competition rewards depends on your performance on the field. The better your performance, the more rewards you will naturally get.

As for the rarest crown reward, Lin You introduced the [Crown Fragments] mechanism from the very beginning, but did not use such things as crown levels.

In each competition, not only the first place will have a crown, but the second and third place will also get crown fragments, which can be used to synthesize crowns.

Under such circumstances, there are actually very few players who do not pursue rewards and prefer to use the initial appearance to make trouble.

The players who made trouble yesterday started to make trouble after changing into a favorite appearance!

After thinking it over clearly, Xia Yi couldn't help but sigh: It seems that there is no chance to show off her shadowless feet...

"Okay, change the target!" Xia Yi decisively changed the target of the live broadcast, "Thirty crowns, if you don't get enough, you won't be able to broadcast!"

Follow A Yi's path, leaving A Yi nowhere to go!

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