Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 291 Fight against addiction!

With Xiaomeng taking action, the effect is naturally extraordinary.

Even this kind of modification involving the core algorithm of the game is not sloppy at all.

Within one minute after all games were suspended, Xiaomeng completed all revisions.

So the system message reminds all players that the hotfix is ​​over and the game continues!

On the contrary, after the hot repair was over, Lin You accidentally saw an employee in the group chat of the studio propose a different but equally effective method.

This employee is not a member of the operation team, and he only saw the discussions among his colleagues in the group after the meal.

It took a while to realize what was wrong with Paradise.

Afterwards, he enthusiastically joined the discussion and put forward an idea: Originally, the candy track tended to have the theme of "Children's Paradise", so how about turning all players into children?

A lot of employees think this idea is good, interesting and not obtrusive, and it fits the atmosphere of the game very well.

It's just a pity that when they were still discussing, Lin You and Xiao Meng had already completed the modification with super action power...

But this idea is still great, Lin You decided to make a special track gameplay based on this idea and add it to the game.

——Design a track that combines a standard track and an ultra-small track. A "reduction gate" is added at the junction of the two tracks. Players who pass through the gate will instantly shrink to their original size one-tenth of

After passing through a special part of the track, go through a "magnification gate" to change the body shape back.

He even thought of the name of this track map, and it's called - [Lilliputian]!

But... Lin You looked at the time and decided to do it next Monday.

As far as work is concerned, it is still necessary to put it into workdays as much as possible.

This is the minimum respect for the three words "working day"!

Lin You and Xiaomeng observed the game dynamics of the players for a long time, to ensure that there would be no oolong of "the more the repair, the bigger the problem".

After observing for a while, no problems were found in the game, and there was no dissatisfied feedback on the Internet.

But before Lin You rested, he still did not forget to tell Xiaomeng: If there are serious sequelae, the mechanism can be rolled back immediately if necessary.

With Xiaomeng staring at him, Lin You was relieved to rest.

Before going to bed, Lin You glanced at the tablet on the bedside table, Xiaomeng in the picture was also yawning, looking like he was going to sleep.

"Good night, little dream."

"Good night, master!"

Lin You fell asleep.

After Xiaomeng set up the automatic response and emergency wake-up mechanism, she stopped all the processes of eating melons and reading gossip, and entered a semi-dormant state.

——This is a new habit that Xiaomeng has developed after synchronizing with Lin You's life rhythm.

Lin You asked if there would be any effect?

Xiaomeng replied: "It will make you feel better!"

So Lin You went with her.


These two have gone to rest.

But for the players in the game, it's far from time to rest!

After class was over, Shuihua ran all the way again and rushed home.

She felt that if Yunmeng came to this class a few more times, the missing amount of exercise in the third year of high school due to the physical education teacher's sick leave might soon be made up for!

After returning home, it was a quick meal.

Parents are no longer surprised. Although she is in such a hurry as in the past two days, she usually eats faster when she wants to play games.

And whenever she plays games, her parents have to take out a small notebook, look at the results of her mock exams recorded on it, and comfort herself through the progress of her ranking.

This is also the guarantee that Splash can continue to play.

If one of the mock exams drops, she won't even think about playing games for the next week.

Even with the help of Mirage 2.0 [Focus Mode], Splash has been able to maintain steady progress, and it has left a lot of sweat and hard work.

In order to strive for better conditions for playing games, Splash handed over the bank card in his hand to his mother during dinner yesterday.

This bank card was issued by my mother.

But when she was very young, it was handed over to Shuihua, which was specially used to save the lucky money given to her by her relatives and elders.

The card was given to her to keep, but the money could not be withdrawn. After she was 18 and went to university, the money could be withdrawn and spent.

Seeing Shuihua handing over the bank card, my mother was a little confused, but soon, she received a transfer reminder of 100,000 yuan!

——This is to surprise my mother, Shui Hua asked Lin Shun for help yesterday.

But seeing that the transfer person's name was "Lin Shun", my mother looked at Shuihua in surprise.

The first reaction was: "Is it too early to give the bride price now?"

Shui Hua immediately blushed: "Mom, what are you talking about!"

"Isn't it? Then you can't randomly collect other people's money, and neither can Lin Shun!"

Shuihua explained in a hurry, saying that it was the windfall income from playing games, so she let her mother figure out what was going on.

After that, although her parents still reminded her, she must focus on her studies, study hard to get into a good university, and her parents will not restrict you any more as you want to play in college.

But Shui Hua could feel that her parents were less worried about her playing games.

For ordinary families, money is really a vulgar and powerful thing.

Of course, after playing the virtual currency obtained by playing games, after trading it to Krypton, the cash received is not 100,000, but 150,000...

Among them, 5,000 yuan was directly recharged into Yunmeng's personal account by Splash, and the remaining money was temporarily deposited with Lin Shun as a small treasury.

——These little secrets of girls don’t need to be told to their parents…

Log in to the game, open the mall, and the month is full, all in one go!

In the past, because Splash had little time to play games, it would be distressed and hesitated for a long time to buy it for a month.

But now that he is suddenly rich, he can't help but want to make a fortune.

Lin Shun in the group, rushed into the arena, and started platooning!

It is worth mentioning that Lin Shun did not play any new games during the day, and only logged in at night, not much earlier than Splash.

Not only Lin Shun, most professional players, after confirming that this is a casual game, did not take up the training time during the day.

They are also among today's game anchors, a small number of anchors who did not broadcast new games, but continued to fight in the world of "League of Assassins".

It was not until the evening that they entered "Paradise" one after another to experience the new game.

After all, work is work, and life is life!

In addition to Friday night, it was originally the peak time for players to be online.

In the world of "Paradise", the number of online players continues to soar rapidly, rising again and again!

Players who logged in as soon as the server was opened during the day, not only did not go offline to sleep, but became more courageous as they fought!

Many fanatical players, in order to get the desired appearance rewards as soon as possible, even used the method of "fighting" the mirage anti-addiction mechanism——

Intermittent sleep method.

Players already know that Mirage's anti-addiction mechanism is not to determine the time of death, but to judge whether the player is tired enough to rest based on the activity of the player's nerve signals.

So as long as you can fool this test and maintain a relatively stable level of neural activity, you can extend the online time forever!

The first person to find a way was a player who tried the "Da Vinci Sleep Method" out of curiosity.

— That is, for every 4 hours of playing, sleep for 15 minutes, then play for another four hours, and sleep for another 15 minutes... the cycle repeats.

After personal verification, he found that this way of sleeping can really maintain his mental state for a long time, and will not be kicked offline by the mirage anti-addiction mechanism!

Of course, in the end, he also personally proved that this way of sleeping is completely unsustainable, and he feels that he can't sustain it for a maximum of three or two days. It is impossible for someone who is not a person with a special physique to persist for a long time.

But this method of fighting against the anti-addiction mechanism was remembered by the players.

Using this method, not only can you play a new game once and for all when it is just released.

If it is a large-scale game competing for achievements such as first kill and first pass, this kind of skill may become the key to determining the outcome!

Many players who are interested in attacking "Night City New Tour Speedrun" even took advantage of the opportunity of "Paradise" to actively practice this technique of intermittent sleep and prolonging online time!

Ah Yi also planned to use this technique at this time.

However, he was not pursuing appearance rewards, nor did he have the ambition to pursue the first kill.

He just felt that he couldn't lose to Xia Yi under the crazy fire of the audience in the live broadcast room, and wanted to do a new job and restart the "marathon live broadcast".

He temporarily went offline, switched the video source in the live broadcast room, and returned to the bedroom with the wireless camera.

While putting the camera on the head of the bed, facing himself on the bed, he said to the audience: "Although I have never used this technique, in the final analysis, isn't it just playing for a few hours and sleeping for a while?"

"How difficult can it be?"

"And we are not pursuing records, and we don't need to strictly abide by the timetable. A certain time error is completely acceptable."

"15 minutes, too fast! So I set an alarm clock for 20 minutes, and wake up after 20 minutes of sleep. Please supervise me!"

After speaking, he climbed into bed and fell asleep.

Probably after playing all day, he was really a bit tired. A Yi almost fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow.

While he was sleeping, the audience in the live broadcast room lost a lot, leaving less than 500,000 people.

These people chatted in the live broadcast room while watching A Yi sleep.

——The main thing is that A Yi is a male anchor, and his appearance is also average. If another beautiful anchor live broadcasts and sleeps, the popularity may not only not be lost, but may even be higher than normal live broadcasts.

Just like that, twenty minutes passed by.

The phone alarm clock rang on time.

However, Ah Yi did not wake up...

The mobile phone was right next to his pillow, and he might be crushed by his face if he turned over. At this distance, the music was almost playing right next to his ears.

But he didn't wake up.

At first, the audience thought that Ah Yi was working hard, pretending not to wake up to deceive people.

But the alarm clock was automatically delayed again and again until it rang 5 times in a row and turned off automatically. Ayi still showed no sign of waking up...

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