Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 297: Krypton's War!

Since it was money from the "club", Splash accepted it with peace of mind.

I will be 18 years old next year. If I can get a bank card, I will be able to have my own small treasury!

Although I didn't think of any place to spend money for the time being, the life experience my father imparted to Shuihua emphasized the importance of a small treasury.

So Splash is really looking forward to owning its own small treasury!

However, Splash rejected Lin Shun's invitation to continue the double row: she has a lot of homework today, and she has other things to do.

On the weekend, she found that her little sister Wanwan, who had been playing with her for a month in her friends list, hadn't logged in yet, so she was a little worried.

Although Wanwan is very young, she can be regarded as a loyal little player of Yunmeng.

In addition, my mother has no objection, so the online frequency is not low.

But after "Paradise" was released, Wanwan hadn't logged in for three consecutive days, and Splash was a little worried if Wanwan had encountered any problems.

When I came up to get the invitation letter today, I finally saw Wanwan log in, and Shui Hua breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately realized that Wanwan was not playing a new game, but was still in the world of "Light Yu".

Shuihua sent a message in the past and there was no reply.

So she wanted to go to Wanwan to see if she had any problems, and then send her an invitation letter.

By the way, try to see if this invitation letter can be used by Wanwan.

After all, the invitation letter said that players who did not buy the main body of "League of Assassins" can also use it—it is precisely because Wanwan was too young that she failed to meet the purchase standards of "League of Assassins".

Lin Shun went to the live broadcast, while Shuihua logged into "Guangyu", followed the prompts in the friend list, entered the rainforest map, spread out the wings of light, and flew skillfully to find Wanwan.

Although "Light Yu" was officially launched, it has only been a mere month.

But because of the existence of daily tasks and the sacrifice mechanism, Splash has flown over these maps countless times, and every corner is well known.

Although he has not been able to join the ranks of the "Ten Wings" masters due to the heavy academic pressure and limited game time, he is still a small master of the "Eight Wings".

Hurry up and go very fast.

In less than 10 minutes, the water splash flying in the air saw a shimmering figure in the distance.

According to Yunmeng's game mechanism, players will first enter the map where their friends are located.

In addition, among the few friend slots with water flowers, except for the ID [Wan Wan], the rest are all in "Paradise", so the glowing figure is probably Wan Wan.

So Shuihua shook the wings of light for the last time, flew forward for a certain distance, then retracted the wings of light, and landed lightly not far from Wanwan with a beautiful glide.

But the scene in front of her made her become silent.

I saw Wanwan wearing a familiar outfit - red cape, cowboy hat, and leather boots, but she was not as lively as in the past.

She used magic to place a swing in the water under the rain cloud, and sat on the swing alone, drenched in the rain without saying a word.

The rain drenched her body, and the energy of the Wings of Light continued to fade. After the energy faded away, the golden wings would start to drop if the rain continued, causing the Wings of Light's level to drop.

I don't know how long she has been in the rain here, and she is indifferent when she sees the wings she has collected so hard to fall.

But after seeing this scene, a strange little black man passing by didn't care to walk away, but walked over on his own initiative.

While drenched in the rain in the puddle, he ran around to pick up the wings of light that Wanwan had dropped, and sent them back to Wanwan again and again.

My own energy ran out and didn't stop.

Shuihua ran forward worriedly and asked Wanwan what was wrong, but Wanwan just kept crying and didn't speak.

Shuihua had no choice but to help Wanwan pick up the rain-drenched wings together with the little black man.

When Shuihua sent back the fallen light wings to Wanwan, the little girl finally couldn't bear it anymore, jumped off the swing, and pulled Shuihua and the little black man away from the coverage of the rain.

Splash has always treated Wanwan as a little sister, and at this time, she also took out a candle on her own initiative, wanting to add an unfamiliar little black player friend to express her gratitude for Wanwan.

But the little black player didn't accept his friend, waved his hand and left, and continued on his way.

Wanwan saw that only herself and Shuihua were left, and finally couldn't help it, she threw herself into Shuihua's arms and began to cry aggrievedly.

Shuihua patted Wanwan's back lightly, and comforted her softly, "Okay, okay, don't be sad, you can tell sister if you have anything."

The little girl cried very sadly, sobbing and explaining:

My mother didn't want to delay her studies, and after spending a lot of effort and money, she finally managed to get her transferred to the third grade of a normal elementary school.

But the classroom education of Xia Jing's normal primary school and the classroom education of the special education school are completely different things!

Wan Wan studied very hard, and she was very afraid of disappointing her mother. As a result, the more she learned, the more anxious she became, and the more anxious she was, the more she couldn't keep up. She didn't dare to tell her mother, and she was under a lot of psychological pressure.

Going online today, I originally planned to drench all the light wings, and then I will never go online again.

Shuihua didn't know what to say, but felt that the little girl was too difficult.

After finally being able to see this beautiful world, entering a new school, and meeting new good friends, both are obviously happy things.

But the combination of two happy things turned into what it is now...

Shuihua feels that this is not a big deal, but she also knows that Wanwan is only 9 years old and grew up in a single-parent family. For her, this may be a big deal.

Shuihua can only persuade her to have a good chat with her mother. Compared with her current academic performance, what her mother hopes most is that she can be healthy and happy.

After a lot of reassurance, Wanwan finally calmed down and decided to confess to her mother, explaining the difficulties she encountered.

While Shuihua was relieved, looking at the invitation letter in the inventory, she felt a little unable to send it out.

Wanwan has to study hard and stop playing games, and she gave this thing away. Isn't this instigating children to be bad?

But after thinking about it, she still took out the invitation letter and handed it to Wanwan.

——This thing can be realized in all virtual games.

"Wanwan, this is for you. If you don't have time to play games, you can give it to your mother."

Wanwan looked at the invitation letter in her hand, and was a little confused for a while, so she just thought it was an ordinary game prop.

——She is only in the third grade, so of course she can't surf the Internet as intensively as Splash...

"The notice above says that you are not old enough to use it temporarily." Wanwan looked at Shuihua.

"Oh, it can't be used." Shuihua sighed regretfully, but she immediately realized, "Temporarily?"

"Yeah." Wanwan nodded.

"According to Yunmeng's usual style, it means that it will be available soon?" Shuihua immediately realized this.

"Then give it to mom. After talking with mom, give it to mom. Remember to let mom surf the Internet first to see the information about this invitation letter, and then decide whether to use it or not." Shui Hua finally warned.

As a single mother, life is not easy in the first place, and it costs a lot of money to transfer to another school, so the economy must be very tight.

This invitation letter was originally intended for Wanwan. If Wanwan's mother sold it to subsidize the family, it would be more valuable.

"Well, I remember." Wanwan nodded again.

"Okay, then go offline and talk to your mother! I'll give you my mobile phone number. If you encounter any problems, you can use my mother's mobile phone to call me. I have time at night."

"Okay, thank you sister."

"Good boy." Shuihua stroked Wanwan's hair, watching her go offline and disappear.

"OK! Today's character value is +3! Go offline and do homework!" Shuihua waved her fist and disappeared in place.

There is a little heartache, but much more happiness!


At 9:30 in the evening, even with the help of the Mirage 2.0 host [Focus Mode], Shui Hua had only completed half of her homework, but she still exited [Focus Mode] and picked up the phone.

The reason is simple: a player posted a thread on the Vortex forum.

In just half an hour, this post gained 3,000 replies, and quickly gained the attention of the entire player circle!

Not only the players, but many game producers and game media have cast their eyes on it.

There is only one reason, the first [Metropolis Golden Key] of "League of Assassins"——


After a short research and verified that this is not a fake picture, everyone became excited.

They looked over excitedly and couldn't wait to know: What effect does this "legendary" golden key have.

And - how much did this rich player spend for this!

The battle for the golden key is the first battle between kryptonites since the birth of the virtual reality game.

In terms of intensity, it was even more intense than the competition for the first pass of the game among the players of "League of Assassins" back then!

After all, this battle is almost a competition of who can spend more money!

The golden key is not unique, in theory, as long as you spend enough time, everyone can get it.

However, the extraordinary "first golden key" is the only one!

This is undoubtedly a strong proof of identity and financial resources.

Whoever can get the "first golden key" first will be the number one kryptonite in the virtual game world!

Not only "No. 1", but also "No. 1 ever".

Leaving aside the "first ever", it's likely to go down in gaming history.

The current "No. 1 rich man" alone is full of gold.

Unless Yunmeng came up with a new "Krypton Contest" project, this "No. 1" title could always be on his head.

As for Lin You and Yunmeng's game production philosophy, everyone can see it. Such "cost-saving" things are definitely not very common.

In other words, this "first" can last for a long time.

Such an honor, who wouldn't want it?

But the output of virtual currency is limited.

Although there are many players robbing banks in the metropolis to "earn extra money", and even studios have entered the metropolis, virtual currency is still very popular.

There is no way, robbing banks in the virtual world to "strike gold" is not the same concept as traditional games.

Even if the studio is organized, it is impossible to open dozens of accounts to make money at the same time, or even one account to make money 24 hours a day - prevent addiction.

Even if you spend money online for a long time in a row, the mental state is not good, and the anti-addiction system will shorten your online time...

Even if the boss of the studio wants to give blessings to his employees, he can't do it!

At this time, in the money-making studio, the work of the employees is not much different from that of normal office workers.

It's just that the identity is a professional robber...

However, the number and combat effectiveness of the kryptonites are too strong, and the virtual currency that has no real value is snapped up to have value.

For real kryptonites, money is not important, but "first" is important.

The Maelstrom Forum even opened a new special trading section, which updates the average price fluctuation of virtual currency at the top every day, and the section summarizes long-term or short-term virtual currency acquisition posts of krypton players.

——Considering that there are hundreds of krypton players who show up to buy virtual currency, and they are also in competition with each other, these purchase posts often have price changes and are updated very frequently. Such a summary is very necessary.

Casual players who make money to earn extra money often need to consider who to sell their virtual currency to and when to sell it based on factors such as price fluctuations in the past two days, word-of-mouth and trust of different kryptonians.

The market has become complicated and anxious, just like stock trading.

The intriguing takeover war between the kryptonites went on for half a month.

Until today, finally ushered in a milestone key node -

"The first golden key" was finally born!

Both chapters are 3k+, and this time it is a straight 6k.

I don't care, this counts as a 1200 average upgrade!

In addition, thank you Zhang Xunfei for rewarding three times with 1500, 196, and 100 dot coins!

Thanks for the bookish 500 point reward!

Thanks for the support!

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