Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 309 Impossible, Absolutely Impossible!

Yelang is a bit big, although he is a small anchor, but small is relative.

With the help of good gay friend A Yi, and his own efforts to live broadcast, there are still tens of thousands of people stationed in the live broadcast room.

Coupled with the current explosion of heat, the number of people is twenty or thirty times that of usual, and it is not difficult at all to win a team of masters.

Within a few minutes, he had formed a team of ten.

Looking at the 9 new masters on his side, Yelang felt a little bit stronger, and the advantage was mine!

So with a wave of his hand, he took the lead in charging!

The fierce battle begins again!


"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"chug chug chug chug chug chug — chug chug —"

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"



After a moment of hustle and bustle, ten streamers gathered at the respawn point, and Yelang was a bit big and nine of his teammates were respawned one after another.

Yelang looked around a little bit, and several teammates smiled unnaturally.

Yelang thought belatedly: He had overlooked a problem, and what he had brought here was actually a group of water friends who "proclaimed themselves masters".

As for whether this "self-proclaimed" is true or false, whether there is moisture, or even how much moisture there is, that is another matter...

"Brothers!" Yelang lamented a bit full of sorrow, "Do you want to see my women's clothing so much?! Give me a way to survive!"

Although the anchor looked very pitiful when he was talking, the water friends in the live broadcast room were not moved at all, they still watched the excitement without thinking it was a big deal, and rushed to post barrage:

"Yeah! Yeah! I'm going to live this month!"

"Dead reservoir water! Dead reservoir water! Gentlemen, I always like dead reservoir water!"

"Commodity link[Silicone buttocks men's pseudo-girl camel toe cross-dressing panties]"

"The links to these products are all tiger and wolf keywords!"

"Excited, want to buy!"


However, among the water friends standing in front of Yelang, some of them were a bit thin-skinned, probably a little embarrassed by the words, and quit his world after saying "sorry".

Before leaving, I did not forget to add: "I am also looking forward to your women's clothing, come on!"

Someone took the lead, and six of these water friends left in a row.

Before leaving, everyone did not forget to leave sincere wishes to the host:

"Come on, you can do it"

"The water in the dead reservoir is on fire!"

"Give me a rocket if you dress up as a woman!"

"Life is short, why not give it a try?"


Yelang was a little older with a constipated expression on his face, sent the group of water friends away, and started shaking people again.

This time he learned his lesson, and when adding people, he directly brought the level requirements of combat skills: [Assassin Bloodline Lv.8], [Shooting Specialization Lv.10], [Arc Shooting Lv.8].

With these restrictions, although it is uncertain whether the power of combat skills can be fully utilized, at least it can be guaranteed that it will not be delayed.

Another 10 minutes passed, and after assembling the manpower, Yelang felt that everything was ready.

"There are only three things, this time it will definitely work!"

He discussed with the masters how to fight, and finally settled on the tactic: "Breakthrough from the front".

This time it was much better. Although faced with intensive firepower and fast support, as well as unfamiliar terrain and hidden firepower points, it was inevitable that there would be several group losses.

But after collectively reviving several times, finding out the rules, knowing where there are traps, and where to avoid machine gun fire, all the masters felt that the difficulty began to decrease significantly.

Therefore, the next step is the personal display time of the masters.

In less than an hour, they rushed to the final mission target - outside the house of the munitions leader "Black Gun".

In the last corridor, ten people lined up in a long snake, wary of their surroundings, and moved forward slowly.

Going around a corridor, the expert at the head noticed that at the end of the corridor, a gun was sticking out!

Almost relying on a muscle reaction, he instantly activated the [Assassin's Bloodline], and used a spear throwing technique, and the bullet turned around and hit the past!

Preemptive strike!

But he didn't expect that the next moment, the person on the opposite side was unscathed. He drew his gun to fight back and threw three smoke bombs at the same time.

The suppressive and precise shooting forced him to concentrate all his energy to intercept the bullets, while shouting: "Be careful! There are masters!"

But the formation of long snakes has seriously affected everyone's vision and room for display.

The powerful smoke bomb exploded, and dense smoke quickly spread, covering the entire corridor.

There was a pause in the gunfire.

——Thanks to the fact that my teammates are all masters this time, I didn't panic when I lost my vision, and I didn't shoot casually.

The third place in the team, Yelang was a bit big, his eyes were squinted by the thick smoke, and there was a burst of angry curses from his teammates behind him.

Amidst the chaotic cursing, Yelang vaguely heard a voice getting closer, which was——


The next moment, the gunfire broke out again!

"Bang bang bang bang", the dense gunshots erupted like fried beans.

The dense smoke neutron bullets flew randomly, the narrow corridor caused dense ricochets, and the screams of teammates being shot from time to time, the scene was chaotic!

"I saw him!"

"Bang bang bang..."

"I got shot!"

"Fuck him!"

"Bang bang bang..."

"You hit me!"


In the crowd, Yelang tried his best to open his burning eyes. Against the mist formed by tears, he saw the black figure in a neat suit in the thick smoke.

The figure moved swiftly, shooting, dodging, shooting, dodging, reloading, and shooting again without stopping, fast and precise.

The most frightening thing is: he faced the rain of bullets in the narrow corridor, but he was unscathed!

Even the suit didn't seem to be damaged!

——He still doesn't know that there will be such outrageous things as "bulletproof suits" in this world.

Yelang drew his gun a little angrily, and shot at the shadow.

But the black shadow's quick movements not only dodged the bullet, but even approached him, knocking down the gun in his hand.

The next moment, a stern face approached from the thick smoke and appeared in front of him.

It was an impressive man, with long black hair mixed with streaks of gray, and his neatly trimmed beard seemed to be filled with the smell of gunfire.

A Glock pistol was raised silently, and the black muzzle was aimed right between Yelang's eyebrows.

After a short pause, without any nonsense, the trigger was pulled——


He walked away neatly, as if he was just killing an unknown pawn.

At the moment of death, Yelang was a little bit overwhelmed and realized——

"This is the strongest killer from Night City"

"This, is—John Wick!"


After being resurrected again, the 10-member team fell into a brief silence.

Yelang was a little older and began to reminisce about that moment for a short time. Everything came too fast and ended too fast, so that he now has time to review what happened.

From the stress of the teammates shooting to the explosion of the smoke bomb, it was all in an instant.

Just two seconds later, he heard footsteps, followed by dense gunshots and chaotic voices around him.

Less than 10 seconds later, the gunfire paused.

He fought back, and was easily dodged, approached, and disarmed.

There was a pause of two seconds, allowing him to see the face of the person coming.

Then the gun goes off, resurrection.

It's all over.

The short encounter of more than ten seconds, coupled with the 2-second flash in the pan, not only left a deep impression on Yelang, but also made the more than 300,000 viewers in the live broadcast room unable to calm down for a long time.

After a moment of shock, the barrage began to burst out, and Yelang was so big that he couldn't see it:

"So strong!! Invincible!!"

"So handsome! Pure man!"

"A man's man! A man's man!"

"What is the strongest gold content in Night City!"

"Look at that chic long hair! Look at that melancholy eyes! Look at that sexy beard! This man has a story!"

"I'm just a husband!"


Yelang watched this scene a little speechless.

What's even more speechless is that only a short time after the resurrection, the task was automatically completed...

Obviously, within such a short period of time, the munitions leader "Black Gun" has been killed by the hunk "John Wick".

"So, this epic mission is for us to meet this hunk?" Yelang felt a little bit speechless.

"For this two-second appearance, such a long story line and such a complicated battle dungeon?"

"Okay, you succeeded!" He put away his weapon and said with emotion: "I remember him completely! I can't forget him even if I want to!"

He thanked the water friends for their help, sent away the water friends who were still a little dizzy and didn't fully understand what was going on, and then went back to the Continental Hotel to settle the task.

The water friends in the live broadcast room completely recovered from the scene of "Heavenly Man" and began to frantically remind the anchor: "Don't forget the bet! Women's clothing! Dead Kushui!"

Yelang was a little bit older after seeing John Wick, but he became more confident.

While driving, he swears to the water friends:

"I bet! I can't forget! And I raised the bet! If you die, you will die! Don't even think about it, such a fierce man, the strongest killer in the dark world, with a ceiling of combat power, is definitely one of the most important characters. Impossible less!"

"Think about "League of Assassins", who are such fierce people? Firefox and Dad are crossed!"

"So I have at least a 1/2 chance of winning! Coupled with the foreshadowing in advance, Yunmeng even made dumplings for this spoonful of vinegar. How can I still lose?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

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