Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 313 It's not easy to learn well, but to slip out of bad

Lin You picked up the phone and wanted to say something harsh to her.

For example: "Have you ever thought about why there are no real science popularization workers who stand up and criticize me?"

——Because Lin You really invited a few professional science popularizers, they are concentrating on researching the simplified version of the development software, the purpose is to create a real "animal world" that can be used for science popularization and 100% true to reality.

It's just that this matter is very difficult and requires deep enough professional knowledge, a lot of field investigation experience, and hard work to implement this knowledge into animal behavior patterns in the virtual world.

If you ask this sentence, you can wait for her to find an excuse to refute, throw out the evidence and slap her in the face.

But Lin You thought about it, and felt that it wasn't worth it.

This project is destined to be difficult and long, and it is not a good thing to be exposed too early.

After thinking about it, Lin You greeted Xiaomeng, and put this person on the blacklist first.

Hanging alone is not enough, you have to add reasons.

"Reason: Fear of being bitten"

The reason for being blacklisted is so fresh and refined that the players who were originally attracted by the news of the "League of Assassins" national competition turned their attention again.

Many of the players who fought in Chai Fang's comment area before were already paying attention to Lin You's blacklist, so naturally they noticed this development immediately.

As a result, the desire to fight became even higher, driving Chai Fang to leave more and more messages in the comment area.

If her goal is to gain the attention of netizens, then her goal has been achieved.

——If she doesn't care about more than 95% of it, it's all about spraying her.

Lin You still doesn't feel very comfortable. Why does he need to fake his hand when he is trolling people on the Internet? !

But just as he was thinking about whether to say something more, the game compartment issued a notification sound.

Qin Songyun woke up.

Lin You had no choice but to put down his phone and walked over.


After Qin Songyun got up, he looked very funny, and subconsciously touched his armpits.

"It feels like a little tired, but it doesn't seem to be there. Some parts that are not used very much in daily life also feel a little warm."

Obviously, Qin Songyun felt that the effect was obvious, so he looked at Lin You and wanted to thank him.

But Lin You blinked and took the conversation directly: "I guess it might be a psychological effect."

The technical verification process of the game warehouse is very standard. Lin You has also tried it himself. How can it be so obvious...

It is probably because Qin Songyun held too much hope, which produced a psychological effect similar to a placebo.

Qin Songyun didn't say anything more, just stretched out his hand and squeezed Lin You's wrist firmly.

On the contrary, Xiaochun was much calmer than Qin Songyun.

She nodded politely and expressed her thanks to Lin You.

After sending off the two generals under his command, Lin You didn't rest, and continued to engage in counter attack techniques.

He already had an idea, and with the current level of development of anti-attack technology on the market, there is no need to make a whole piece of clothing.

Besides, he doesn't know much about girls' clothes and what kind of clothes they like.

Maybe it took a lot of effort to make it, and people thought it was ugly, so they reluctantly took it away, and put it in the cabinet as soon as they got home, and never took it out again.

Isn't that white blind?

So he decided to 3D print a special brooch as detailed as possible.

Customized shapes, textures, pixel-level coding interference.

Special acoustic jamming devices can even be incorporated to prevent people from being recorded.

Lin You was busy until late at night before he washed and went to bed.

The players were excitedly discussing the "League of Assassins" national competition and Lin You's blacklist.

——Many people actually knew about Chai Fang's criticism of Lin You only after seeing the blacklist update.

There is still a huge difference in the attention and Internet volume between the two.

But Chai Fang obviously doesn't care about these.

Without the slightest fear, she argued with netizens in the comment area, insisting that Lin You had "double standards", "no room for others", "dictatorship", and "cannot accept suggestions with an open mind"...

And: "Why didn't he talk? Did he have nothing to say? If he was reasonable, why didn't he talk?"

This attitude made the blood pressure of the netizens who were concerned about the progress of the matter soaring.

One after another started @Lin You in the comment area, calling for fire support.

Unfortunately, Lin You had already gone to sleep with his head covered.

Xiaomeng was already worried that his staying up all night would be bad for his health, let alone wake him up for a scolding fight.

By the time Lin You noticed this, it was already time for breakfast the next day.

Xiao Meng told Lin You angrily that many people @him on the Internet, and even showed him the latest news about Chai Fang.

Chai Fang showed dynamic pictures of animals in the game, and found image materials from science and education documentaries, and compared them one by one to prove the correctness and necessity of her criticism.

A look of pursuing victory.

It seemed that Lin You couldn't do anything to her except put her on the blacklist.

Lin You was not angry, now he would not be angry because of the debate on the Internet, there is no need.

The scolding wars on the Internet are more like a pastime in his life, an important source of fun.

So when he saw the evidence shown by Chai Fang, the first thing he thought of was not how to explain the difference between "game" and "documentary", but——

"This is a dynamic picture made from the video in the game, right?"

"Yes!" Xiaomeng nodded in approval.

"So, she has a mirage at home and has logged into the game?"

"Hmmmm~" Xiaomeng nodded repeatedly.

"It's her own! This Chai Fang is the host, and her information is public. Xiaomeng has locked her account! And she bought two, one with her ID card and one with her 14 I bought it with the identity card of the 10-year-old child."

"Is that so..." Lin You was thoughtful.

"Master, do you want to ban their machines?!" Xiao Mengchao was very active.

"I want to too..." Lin You sighed helplessly, "But I can't."

"We can't block their machines as soon as someone criticizes them. Doing so can easily consume the trust of players."

"That's it." Xiaomeng shook Fen's head, her eyes flickered, thinking about it.

He took out a pen and paper on the spot, and lay down on the dining table and danced around.

Soon, she held up a newly written announcement to Lin You to see: "Is this so?"

"Mirage host recall announcement:

Last night, Mirage host cooperation factory discovered that a rare problem occurred in an assembly line system.

In extremely rare cases, the power consumption of the production equipment may increase abnormally during the night of the first night of each month, from 18:00 to 22:00, which can more than double the normal power consumption.

The pipeline problem has been fixed in the first time.

After identification by engineers and discussions with senior management of the company, it is now decided to recall the problematic equipment.

According to statistics, this vulnerability is extremely rare, and the probability of occurrence is only 0.00002‰. All problematic devices (a total of two in total) are now being recalled.

Other devices do not have similar problems, please don't worry about it. "


"0.00002 per thousand, two per 100,000,000, just two in her house, accurate recall, right?"

Lin You looked at Xiaomeng with strange eyes: "It's not easy to learn well, but once you learn badly, you slip away, who did you learn this trick from?"

Xiao Meng didn't say a word, but looked at Lin You without blinking...

"You learned from me? How is it possible!" Lin You firmly refused to admit it.

Xiaomeng didn't refute, just looked at him "hehehe" and laughed non-stop.

It made Lin You want to enter the virtual world and pinch her face.

"Forget it, let's hang it up first." Lin You quickly finished his breakfast, "Isn't she in an Internet company, engaged in online programs? Let's see their reaction."

"Anyway, try not to use the means on the mainframe." Lin You told Xiaomeng cautiously: "The credibility of the mainframe is related to our foundation, and it is much more important than a momentary dispute."

"Okay, Xiaomeng understands." Xiaomeng nodded obediently.

Lin You packed up the dishes, got in the car and headed to the company.

At the same time, the small group in the operation department of Yunmeng Studio was also discussing this matter.

In the operation department, several employees have transferred from public relations positions to operations, and they are very experienced.

In their words: "There is no need for the boss to appear in this matter, how can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer!"

They even made up their minds: as soon as the boss came, they would take the initiative to ask for a job.

Guaranteed to handle this matter quickly!

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