Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 329 What is the meaning of this mission?

Of course, the attempt on the combat system is far from over.

Not only the balance needs to be fine-tuned and refined, but these masters who are good at using different weapons also have to catch and fight one by one.

Moreover, martial arts masters can play so wonderfully, but it doesn't mean that players can also do it.

How to transform the skills of these masters into the corresponding [weapon skills], and pass them on to the players with one click after packaging—even if it is only limited to the virtual world, it is also a complicated project.

These skills cannot be achieved by Lin You after watching and practicing for a few days.

At most, he practiced with these masters, learned a little bit, and found out how he felt.

But he can only deal with the data of the sensory part, and the real skill data probably takes much more energy than today.

The technicians will connect with the masters one by one to digitize the skills, and this process must be accompanied by continuous corrections to get as close as possible to the ideal effect.

Even if all this is done, it's not finished yet - being able to use a weapon skill and using it at the right time are two different things.

Just like Lin You gave all players the ability to shoot accurately in "League of Assassins", but the ability to seize combat opportunities can still widen the huge gap in combat effectiveness between masters and ordinary players.

If the ease of use is not adjusted well, Cold Weapon will only make this gap bigger and more exaggerated!

Therefore, balance issues must be considered before going online.

All in all a lot of trouble.

But these things can be discussed later, the focus of today is still to watch the competition between the masters!

Xu Chun gave up his position, and a master walked out of the crowd.

This master was tall and strong, and he was very powerful at first glance. I saw him holding an eyebrow-level stick and standing opposite Luo Tong.

It's just that when the war was about to break out, Qin Songyun whispered something in Xiaochun's ear, and left first.

He has other important things to do.

——"League of Assassins" The Continental Hotel, the second mission related to Night City, will be released today.

Yelang is a little bit old, and he was having fun in the world of "Paradise", engaging in intense physical fights with people on the track... No, it was "leather confrontation".

But at a certain moment, he suddenly discovered that the number of people in his live broadcast room quickly climbed from 80,000 to 150,000, and it continued to climb.

One lost his mind, he was dragged by one foot and thrown directly off the track.

After being resurrected, he had no intention of continuing to fight. He watched the number of viewers in the live broadcast room continue to rise, and asked in confusion: "What's the matter?"

Looking around, there are players wearing all kinds of cute or odd-shaped jackets. Everyone is jostling and stumbling on the track, and everything is in harmony.

"There's no exciting picture either?"

The barrage in the live broadcast room changed from chaotic to unified, and finally became a mess: "Continental Hotel! Night City quest line!"

Yelang's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately understood what was going on.

But there was no way, he knew he couldn't escape.

Bite the bullet and exit "Paradise", log in to "League of Assassins" again, and come to the Continental Hotel to pick up the mission.

Task name - [wedding].

"Mission description: No matter how ferocious a beast is, when it comes to love, it will carefully put away its fangs and claws. The legendary killer of Night City—John Wick, finally met his love, and you, will It is an honor to participate in this wedding - as a maintainer of order."

"Mission objective: Guard the periphery of the wedding, intercept all enemies who come to revenge, so that the order of the wedding will not be disturbed by any accidents."

After receiving the task, Yelang's big eyes suddenly lit up!

"Look! What did I say! This is definitely because the future mentor has not escaped!"

"He is powerful, he has already retired, and we have helped him! This is love! With this love, will he have the nerve not to welcome us when we go to Night City in the future?!"

The barrage is really welcome:

"It seems to make sense..."

"Isn't that why you can't see the anchor wearing dead water?"



Before starting the task, Yelang couldn't help adding another note because he was a little old: "If I can still guess wrong, not only dead reservoir water, but also prosthetic breasts will do!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience who were still lamenting "tasteless" immediately regained their spirits.

One after another left messages: "Screenshot taken", "Video recorded", "Contract completed"!

Yelang walked out of the Continental Hotel without hesitation, and opened the car door: "Let's go!"

Following the guidance of the task, Yelang was a bit dazed and rushed all the way.

There was no way, he was very worried that this mission would be the same as last time, because his speed was slow, and there would be some extra moths.

Although it turned out in the end that he was always "one step late" at that time, it was the design of the task itself, not his mistake, but he still couldn't restrain his nervousness.

It feels like being bitten by a snake once and being afraid of well ropes for ten years.

It was only when following the guidance of the task that he got closer and closer to the edge of the metropolis, that even the Red Gate Bridge was visible to the naked eye, he finally realized——

"Are we attend a wedding in Night City?!" The last two words, Yelang was a little too big to shout out!

The bullet screen was also in chaos, and everyone obviously realized this problem, and was shocked that Yunmeng made such a big move without making a sound! ?

After reacting, Yelang was a little old and had already driven onto the Red Gate Bridge. In a moment, Night City was already in sight.

His first reaction was—

"Wedding? Marriage ass!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wick! About the wedding, you can figure it out yourself! Grandpa is going to visit Night City hahahaha!!"

Yelang was a bit big talker, and when he got off the Hongmen Bridge, he ignored the mission prompts, turned the steering wheel, and drove straight to the tallest building in the city center.

"Don't miss this opportunity! Let's go to the highest place first and see the panorama of Night City!"

Yelang is a little big and thinks well.

But this is obviously impossible.

This is just a foreshadowing outpost mission, of course it is impossible to open the entire Night City directly.

The moment Yelang strayed a little from the planned path of the mission, he entered a road where the streetscape was infinitely repeated and extended, but there was never an end in sight.

Soon he and the audience discovered this situation at the same time.

——This technique was first discovered by Super Tomatoes and is now well known as a map boundary processing method, and players are already very familiar with it.

Yelang is a bit old-fashioned and understands at a glance: this city can't be seen.

"Stingy!" After sighing, he could only turn the car around and return to the right road.

It's just that this "right road" doesn't seem very interesting. The buildings on both sides of the street are a bit boring, and it looks all the way to the edge of Night City.

Following the mission guidance, Yelang arrived at the mission location on time.

——But this place is not the place where the wedding is held.

He could only watch the wedding from a distance through the crowd.

To be on the safe side, he even shook people directly to fill up the team.

While waiting for the enemy to appear, he looked at the people at the wedding from a distance through the scope.

At first glance, he saw the stern face that left a deep impression on him after only a short appearance, it was—John Wick!

It's just that at this moment, that ice-like expression dissipated, and not only was no one allowed to enter, but his eyes were full of deep love.

Opposite him was a beautiful woman in a white gauze with a gentle smile.

Seeing the bride who nearly drove the artisans crazy and took a full month and a half to complete successfully, Yelang couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It takes such a gentle and watery woman to make such a peerless macho, invincible killer Bill, be willing to put down the gun in your hand and become an ordinary family man."

The difficulty of the subsequent battle was unexpectedly low.

Only a few scattered enemies tried to sneak in, and even these few enemies did not appear at the same time.

They didn't even use their rifles. One or two people with suppressed pistols solved the enemy.

At the back, everyone even gathered at the wedding scene, sitting on neatly arranged stools in the front row to watch the fun.

They watched the bride and groom walk down the red carpet hand in hand and onto the podium.

Under the witness of the priest, they swear an oath to each other and officially become husband and wife.

Exchange diamond rings and kiss gently.

Yelang Dianda, his teammates, and hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room witnessed this happy wedding up close.

It's just that after watching the whole wedding, the task is automatically completed, which makes Yelang feel a little confused.

After the entire quest line, he only remembered the gentle and beautiful bride at the wedding.

Especially when she smiles, she is very beautiful.

Nothing else.

In the previous mission, John Wick, who was full of murderous aura and unparalleled in combat power, was not even as conspicuous as his wife.

Yelang couldn't help but think: what does Yunmeng really mean?

He's not alone in being confused.

There are more players, more anchors and viewers who witnessed the wedding with their own eyes.

There is almost no doubt that there will be more than ten million people who witnessed this wedding in the end!

It's just that all the players don't quite understand.

Yunmeng specially dragged everyone to Night City, which has not yet been opened, and arranged a mission with rich rewards but extremely low difficulty, just to let everyone witness such an extremely simple, even a little rudimentary little wedding?

What kind of medicine is sold in Yunmeng Gourd?

What exactly does this mission mean?


Compared with pursuing a fixed word count of 3k in two chapters, the integrity of the chapters is more important.

So it can be regarded as the addition of the first hall master.

Next, continue to make up the part of the order!

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