Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 335 If you post it earlier, I won't post it!

"You're fucking sick!"

Yu Gu's rare gaffe in the company, he yelled and cursed in front of his employees.

10 minutes early! !

After coming to the company today for the morning meeting, they also noticed Yunmeng's dynamics.

It's a competition and an invitation letter. It seems that there is a lot of noise, but they are all actions of old games, which should not threaten the release of "Blame 3" DLC.

So according to the plan, they officially announced the heavy news——

"The first large-scale DLC "Red Flame" of "Lie Yan 3" will be launched on November 1st!"

In the trailer, the player not only follows the plot at the end of the game, enters the underground base, faces a more complex environment, fights more intensely with stronger enemies, and also has big fish that surface.

Players will be fully armed, walk out of the three-acre land where they live, and follow the clues to chase to the island.

Meet new friends along the way, beautiful girls, and of course, all kinds of enemies.

Until the end, in the real base camp of the enemy, there will be a big decisive battle with a huge gap, with one enemy against a thousand!

This is a painstaking work led by Yu Gu. Its volume is so large and its content is rich that it was even enough to be released as a separate game in the past.

In the field of VR games, the significance of this DLC is even a milestone.

For this reason, in the past two months, Yu Gu and his team members have been working overtime and staying up late, relying on Yu Gu to lead by example, cheer up, and have bonuses hanging, so they can support everyone and persevere.

The purpose is to fight this turnaround and completely reverse the reputation of the outside world!

Only 10 minutes after the trailer and announcement were released, Yunmeng also released a new tour trailer!

And it's next Friday! Just a few days ahead of their DLC!

This made Yu Gu and Zhang Heying couldn't help thinking: Did Lin You come to attack them on purpose?

Then who leaked the release date of our game?

Even the exact time of the official announcement? ?

But one thing is certain, no matter what the situation is, the hot topic of discussion among online players has now become: "The second masterpiece of virtual reality games - "John Wick"!"

This well-crafted promotional film should have caused a huge sensation, sparked heated discussions among players, and even divided them into two factions, arguing whether "Raging Flame 3 Red Flame" could reverse word-of-mouth in one fell swoop.

But now because the exposure time is too short, before it really caused waves, it was quickly overwhelmed by the heated discussions caused by "John Wick".

After all, up to now, the number of their player groups has been opened up by Yunmeng's virtual reality game by an order of magnitude!

This huge gap is not so easy to bridge.

Not to mention the high price of VR equipment, which basically eliminates the possibility of them relying on the quality of the game to make a big fortune.

Yu Gu: "Born at the wrong time!"

Zhao Yucheng: "Wu Yong! When will we be able to make our own virtual reality equipment?! Ah? Give me some time!!"

Wu Yong was upset: you ask me, who am I asking? I am also tired of riding a horse! These technicians said that burning the program code line by line and cracking it is like playing Yugong Yishan! Who knows when it will be!

Zhang Heying: "Why is it 10 minutes? Can't you post it sooner? If you post it earlier, I won't post it!"


But Lin You can't be blamed for this.

Lin You did have the intention of attacking, but considering that Fan Rui and their colleagues who stayed in NetDragon also had personal relationships.

At this time, go to inquire about the time, and when the inquiring is over, Yunmeng will make a precise sniper, and friends will directly become enemies.

It is really inappropriate.

So I let go of this idea.

As for today, the time was a bit slower, simply because I was staring at sending invitations to players, and finally checked the trailer afterwards, which delayed me for a few minutes.

I even saw the news of the DLC of "Flame 3 Red Flame" after the announcement of the invitation for the closed beta.

But well—

"This is also fate."

"It's all good, all good."

After having fun for a while, Lin You told Xiaomeng: "If they skip the ticket and reschedule, remember to tell me."

"Okay!" Xiaomeng responded in one gulp.

It's fate to meet them, but we can't let them run away easily!

Then Lin You began to fish with peace of mind, no, he started to "pay attention to the player's reaction after the trailer was released."

What he cares most about, of course, is the anchor "Yelang is a little big".

Xiaomeng told him all the way this buddy raised his bets.

Now staring at this buddy's live broadcast room, just want to see if he will increase the bet.

After all, every time he raises, there are spectators who also raise their bets.

Now, on the other side of his bet on women's clothing, silicone lower body, prosthetic breasts, and dead reservoir water, there are thousands of paid gifts from players, including more than a thousand rockets.

As long as you can win the bet, you will definitely be fat!

Moreover, Lin You felt that this buddy now has a silicone upper body and lower body, plus dead reservoir water, and a full set of equipment is ready to go. With a little more gamble, going to the water park for a day is not too much, right?

He only regrets that because of his special status, he can't end in person and make a big bet with Yelang - if he really ends up, any fool will know what will happen!

Lin You could only eat melons, while sighing: Yelang is a bit big, the audience in the live broadcast room is really not good!

A bunch of fake fans!

This is going to be replaced by A Yi's live broadcast room, and the fans have already made the bet to the sky.

Bets such as "going to work in a maid cafe", "part-time girlfriend for a day", "playing with offline beauties" can definitely be paid out!

Unlike now, there are not many people in the live broadcast room.

After signing up for the internal test qualification with little hope, Yelang clicked on the trailer again, watching and researching.

It's research, but it's just guesswork.

In fact, most anchors are doing similar things now.

However, because of the lessons learned from "The Grandpa Talks About Games", no marketing account dared to mess around this time, and then played the trailer in a loop, adding some nonsense narration to make a paid video to cut leeks.

Because everyone knows that Lin You will really trouble you!

Up to now, there are still a group of anchors and up hosts who are still unable to broadcast Yunmeng's games because they are blacklisted by Lin You.

They bought Yunmeng's mirage console and games, and they played as they should, but as long as they dared to broadcast publicly, they would receive a lawyer's letter the next day, and a court summons on the third or fourth day.

Then wait to lose money!

Lin You wandered around several familiar live broadcast rooms.

In Xia Yi's live broadcast room, after signing up, she was still worried about whether she would be able to qualify for the internal test.

Because according to the announcement, whether you can participate in the internal test depends entirely on luck.

Although they have a 10% chance, compared to 2 out of 10,000, it is already very impressive.

But from an individual point of view, the chance of one in ten is really not very high.

So Xia Yi was very worried that she would not be qualified.

It's just that the audience in her live broadcast room are not worried at all.

An old fan even directly posted a barrage saying: "Impossible! You have an affair! I bet you will be drawn! If you don't win, I will eat the table in front of you on the spot!"

When Xia Yi saw this sentence, she was immediately unconvinced!

"Still betting? You said last time that if Yunmeng really launched the [Mirage 2.0] console, it would eat the display. I haven't chased your debt yet! Have you eaten?"

"Eat the display first, let's talk about eating the table!"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately brought back memories of the audience in the live broadcast room, so they immediately started to dig up old accounts:

"What about the one who said he was going to wash his hair upside down?"

"What about the one who announced the new host and bought a million units, and each of the brothers in the live broadcast room has one?"

"What about the one who said he wanted to lick the anchor's feet?"

"Here, here!" "Me, me, me!" "I can do it now!"

"Talk what you say, here I come! prprprprpr"

Lin You looked at this group of perverts who appeared out of nowhere, and immediately fell back and left the live broadcast room.

However, it is actually a wise move for Xia Yi not to gamble.

Because she is sure to lose.

These people that Lin You is familiar with, as long as they sign up, they will definitely be selected.

He doesn't mind providing some convenience to players he is familiar with in this kind of place.

Xia Yi, A Yi, Super Tomato, Splash, Lin Shun, etc., have actually been listed by Lin You on the invitation list for the internal test.

These people don't take up other players' internal test places, they are outside the 3000 players.

Anyway, whether exactly 3,000 players were invited, or more than 3,000 or more than a dozen players, isn't it up to Lin You himself?

Less today, only 5k+

It will be closed beta and release soon, so we need to sort out the details.

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