Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 350 This player is too fierce!

The good news is: before the broadcast, Lin You successfully won three championship crowns.

To be more precise, I got a full 16 of them!

The bad news: Of those 16 crowns, he won none of them himself.

To put it more bluntly, he won the championship entirely by hugging Xiaomeng and the princess' thighs.

The time he was closest to the crown, he was dragged by the tail of the "Zha Zong" behind him, so that he missed it.

Others lead girls live, but he is led by girls live.

Lin You really wanted to ask Xiao Meng and Princess Zhu Cixia: How high are your hidden points?

How do you feel that the opponents you meet are all ridiculously strong? !

And because of the existence of the two thighs, he wins and loses, and he has never been able to trigger the "humanistic care" system of losing streak, so he can't be ranked in a low-level game...

It feels like the game experience is extremely bad!

If he hadn't seen Xiaomeng having so much fun with the princess, he would have slipped away long ago.

To make matters worse, after the broadcast, he still had to practice boxing to make up for the lack of training due to playing games today.

"After all, I carried everything alone..." Lin You obediently went to practice boxing while playing bad jokes.


The next day, Lin You got up late again, which was rare.

Since practicing boxing, he has rarely gotten up so late.

And after completing the whole process of getting up, washing, breakfast, and going to work, until he sat in the office, he still didn't feel energetic.

Lin You thought about it for a while, and felt that it must be because of his lazy personality, which did not match the life of practicing boxing and knives every day, and regular work and rest.

It is only a matter of time before conflict arises.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this daily martial arts life was not in line with his nature.

Furthermore, I feel that the training time of more than three months is a bit too long...

He thought, when he goes to class again, can he reflect this problem with Xu Chun?

If you really can't do it, take a little risk and shorten the training time. At worst, you will get a few more punches in the confrontation!

Anyway, it only hurts for a few days after being beaten, and Renren passed.

As for cold weapons, well...

Thinking of this, Lin You felt a headache again.

Cold weapons, it seems that there is no way to "take a few more knives, and then bear with it"...

"Oh, what's going on here." Lin You was helpless.

"Boom boom boom."

When Lin You was worrying, there was a knock on the door suddenly.


Lin You was a little surprised to see that the person who opened the door and walked in was actually Zhong Chang.

"Sit, I thought you were busy negotiating cooperation with a bunch of companies, why come to me when you have time? Have you encountered any problems?"

"No." Zhong Chang shook his head, "The main problem is, I need to understand your thoughts, boss."

Lin You nodded: "What's the problem, you can tell me."

"The dozen or so brands that we have discussed cooperation with are all focused on "John Wick" now, and only want to advertise in Night City."

Zhong Chang said with a bit of regret: "At first there were seven or eight companies who wanted to advertise in the metropolis for a long time, but we were suddenly busy with IP purchases and overseas market expansion, so we were delayed. As a result, "Watch Fast "Kill" is going to be released, and they don't even consider advertising in Metropolis."

Lin You raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, but reasonable after thinking about it.

Since we want to advertise, it is also reasonable to chase the games with the largest traffic and popularity.

"So I'm here to ask, boss, do you have any special opinions?"

Lin You shook his head, "It's nothing, just talk normally, just a little..."

Zhong Chang leaned forward slightly, listening carefully to the "special instructions" from the boss.

" need to pay more!"

Zhong Chang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he nodded and said, "Don't worry, additional money will definitely be indispensable."

Then Zhong Chang left Lin You's office and went to find Fan Rui in the virtual world.

——If you want to advertise in Night City, you must tell Fan Rui in advance.


Lin You waited for a while, and found that Qiao Nanyu didn't come to him, so he logged into the virtual world to fish with peace of mind.

He just opened his eyes again, but instead of the familiar small sofa on the space carrier, he saw a wilderness in front of him.

It was strange, Xiao Meng suddenly jumped out from behind, with her index finger in front of her mouth, signaling Lin You to keep quiet.

Then mysteriously stretched out his finger, pointing in one direction.

Lin You looked intently and found a tiger pacing slowly.

Even though Lin You was able to keep his voice from leaking out at all, and only transmitted it to Xiao Meng's ears in one direction, he still lowered his voice very cooperatively, leaned into Xiao Meng's ear and asked, "What's wrong? There's something wrong with this tiger? "

"No~" Xiaomeng said in a low voice, still pointing her finger at that direction, "Master, please take a closer look!"

Lin You lowered his body, leaned close to Xiaomeng's shoulder, and followed her fingers.

After looking carefully, I finally found that there was a player wearing a full camouflage uniform lying on the grass. This player appeared professionally at the downwind of the tiger, and patiently fell on the ground, moving forward cautiously and slowly. Get a little closer to the tiger.

"Does he want to...hunt tigers?" Lin You asked in disbelief.

"It should be!"

"Where did he get the weapon? There is no weapon in "Paradise", right? Also, when will he be able to reach the tiger at such a slow speed? How long has he been here?"

Xiaomeng didn't know how long she had been watching, and she knew the experience of this player like the back of her hand.

Answer Lin You one by one in a low voice: "It has been more than an hour since he found the tiger and approached the current position. He found the tiger with the help of the telescope rewarded by the small game in the playground!"

"In terms of weapons, he took advantage of the lack of people in the playground early this morning, and drove the shuttle bus for 20 minutes, breaking the thinnest railing. After that, he broke and pried it with his bare hands for nearly an hour. , made a thumb-thick metal spear out of railings."

Lin You's eyes widened as he listened.

"This buddy is a talent!"

It's not that he didn't think about the possibility of "players hunting animals", but in his prediction, the first players to try should be rounded up in groups.

And he wouldn't be so big-hearted when he first came up, and directly target such a large beast as a tiger!

Holding a thin iron spear like this, it is really beyond Lin You's expectation to hunt tigers alone.

Lin You stared at the player until his ID appeared: [Ahu]

? ? ?

Lin You was taken aback immediately.

If there is any problem with this ID, there is actually no problem.

But in the current scene, it became very outrageous!

what is this?

A tiger hunting a tiger?

During the few seconds that Lin You was staring at him, this hunky man whose ID was Ahu moved forward a short distance.

At this distance, although the tiger hadn't noticed anything yet, it had sharply raised its head, sniffing the strange smell in the air.

——This is actually a special action made by Lin You and Xiao Meng together, and it is actually only related to the distance between the player and the animal.

Because the player doesn't really emit any smell in the air, it is naturally impossible to be smelled.

In Linyou's design, the early warning ranges of animals are different, if you drive a car with big thorns, or go straight to the animals without concealment.

Then the animals' early warning range will be very large, and they will start to respond from a long distance away.

Whether to run away or actively approach depends on the state of the approaching player.

If the player is in a peaceful mood and the nerve signal is stable, the system will judge that the player is in a "peaceful" state, and the animals will not only not run away, but will actively approach.

If there are cubs around, the cubs will take the initiative to grab the player's calf and beg for a hug.

But if the player is nervous and the nerve signals are overactive, the system will judge that the player is in a "non-peaceful" state, and there will be two early warning circles for the animals——

One is a large-scale [Visible Circle].

Within this range, animals will react if they spot the player, but not if they don't.

The other is [Crisis Circle].

This is a very small circle. Even if the animals do not find the player, after the player enters this circle, the animals will become vigilant and observe the surroundings more frequently and vigilantly.

And when the player is found, respond immediately:

Vegetarian animals will flee quickly, while carnivores will judge whether to flee or attack depending on the size difference.

Such a judging system is of course much more complicated than a one-size-fits-all ban on players attacking animals, which is completely unified with the harmonious atmosphere of "Paradise".

Occasionally, miscalculations may occur.

But Lin You still added this system.

On the one hand, it wants to give players more freedom, on the other hand, this is also a technical attempt.

This kind of technology accumulation will be used in Lin You's next major update of "Paradise".

It's not even just the update of "Paradise". In Lin You's head, there are more than one prototype of the game that will use this system.

Seeing that the tiger quickly became vigilant without noticing the player, Lin You quickly found the reason in his mind: the player Ah Hu has entered the tiger's [crisis circle].

This player's movements, in Lin You's eyes, looked like a seasoned veteran——

As soon as the tiger became alert, he immediately changed his concealment tactics.

He adjusted his posture in an instant, held a simple iron spear, and charged at the tiger at full speed!

The movement of his holding the spear is completely different from the technique that Lin You learned from Luo Tong.

But Lin You looked at his movements and did not doubt the lethality of this technique at all!


The tiger was provoked and rushed towards the player with a wild roar!

The distance between the two was already very close, and under the full sprint of both sides, the handover was instant!

The tiger swooped down and bit Ah Hu's neck, but Ah Hu seemed to have expected it, and leaned back violently, stabbing the iron spear towards the tiger's neck in a thrilling manner.

Seeing that the tiger's neck was about to be pierced, he didn't expect that the tiger could tilt his neck to one side and at the same time slap Ahu who was below!


Compared to the deafening sound of the beast's throat, this slap sounded like a very small sound.

But after the tiger and Ah Hu separated, the tiger only had a blood line on his neck, but the player Ah Hu directly appeared in the negative state of [fracture].

Ah Hu looked unwillingly at the iron spear that fell to the side.

This spear is essentially a railing, with a very small tip, and it cannot be sharpened without a sharpening tool.

So much so that he obviously poked into the tiger's neck, but he couldn't poke deep enough, and it got stuck before he penetrated too deep into the flesh.

Then he was slapped on the arm by the tiger, and the whole arm was immediately useless.

Tigers are harmless.

And this also means that the outcome has been decided: he must die, and there is absolutely no reason for him to be spared.

Ah Hu sighed, but he didn't wait to die, but swooped and grabbed the iron spear on the ground, and quickly stood up.

Holding the spear with one hand, aimed at the tiger again!

Die, yes.

Killed by the neck—


Thanks Zhang Xunfei for rewarding 1500 points!

If the heart is withered, 100 points will be rewarded!

Book*xian 100 point coins reward!

Huan12387's 100 points reward!

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