Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 358 The players who broke the defense collectively

To be fair, Super Tomato has a polite, rational and restrained image no matter whether it is making videos or broadcasting live broadcasts.

Although for the effect of the program, the video is often full of banter and ridicule, and there is no shortage of spoofs and nonsense.

But swearing?

It is really so rare that fans can hardly cite examples.

But this time, he made an extremely rare serious gaffe during the live broadcast!

He didn't just swear in his heart.

When Super Tomato opened his eyes again, the sky had already turned slightly pale, and there was a little milkshake with blood stains in front of him, whose body was already cold.

He slowly stretched out his hand, touched the motionless little milkshake lightly with his fingers, and then stroked it carefully.

But the little shake had no feedback, not even a hint of warmth.

Until then, he was finally willing to admit: the dog is indeed dead.

"Fucking... Fuck! Is this still human?!"

"Fucking wait for me! One counts as one, and the whole damn is dead!"

Super Tomato no longer cared about his personal image, and kept yelling and cursing, with a look of anger and enthusiasm.

In the live broadcast room, no audience persuaded him.

Everyone watched the tragedy happen. When Little Milkshake was put to death by the gangsters, the audience watching through the live broadcast all lost their composure and cursed in front of the monitor.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is full of all kinds of swear words and blocked asterisks.

In just a few minutes, Super Tomato's barrage in the live broadcast room was like a Daxia national dialect swearing award!

Ways of swearing all over the world emerged at the same time, fully demonstrating the cultural heritage of Daxia.

This is the first time for many viewers to know: there are so many ways to swear! There are so many ways to combine languages!

They watched through the screen, and they were so angry that they wanted to rush into the screen and kill these gangsters, let alone experience the Super Tomato so close at hand.

Therefore, they maintained a very high tolerance for Super Tomato's gaffes and swearing.

Although Super Tomato burst out with foul language and made up his mind to kill everyone involved in this matter, he didn't look at the task panel immediately.

He really wanted to post a post to ask Yunmeng's designer, especially Lin You——

"Is this really necessary?"

"Isn't this a little too cruel?"

as well as……

"You call this 12+?"

However, he is unwilling to be the one with the rhythm and let others rush to Yunmeng because of him—in his opinion, this is very likely to happen.

Therefore, he is reluctant to publicly post questions.

But he was very upset!

Under such extremely contradictory emotions, he could only sit in the living room, looking at the body of Little Milkshake in front of him, sulking without saying a word.

And the more I think about it, the more angry I get!


The performance of Super Tomato is undoubtedly the type of extreme restraint.

But there are not many players who are as restrained as him...

When playing here, countless players broke the defense in an instant like Super Tomato!

Immediately afterwards, in the huge shock, they all yelled and cursed.

Moreover, the scolding was not limited to the game at all, let alone targeting these violent NPCs.

This anger quickly overflowed the game, spilled over to the social network, and affected Yun Meng and Lin You.

The players whose mentality has completely exploded undoubtedly exploded with amazing fighting power.

This is the half hour with the highest amount of "Mom" in the posts of the entire Lingxi platform in the past year.

If someone can collect all relevant speeches during this period, and count the keywords, they will find "Lin You", "Yunmeng", "Your mother", "Nima", "You fucking", "You guys" At the same time, the usage of words such as "fuck" has exploded!

Netizens who didn't know the truth were surprised to find that less than an hour ago, the entire player community was cheering and looking forward to the official release of "John Wick".

They put all the words of praise on Lin You and Yun Meng's heads without hesitation.

How did it take such a short period of time for the sudden reversal of public opinion?

Yun Meng and Lin You went from being followed by tens of thousands of people and not allowing others to say a bad word, to being reviled by thousands of people now, wishing they could be dragged out and nailed to a cross to show the public, leaving no trace of affection in their words.

Even the players who constantly praised Lin You and tried their best to maintain his image seemed to have disappeared.

Only 10 minutes have passed, a brand new topic - # Lin You, you are sick! # Airborne Consonance tops the 24-hour hot topic list!

Even if "Quick Chase" was released before, it failed to reach the top of the list, and now it is abruptly scolded by the players...

And in such a short period of time, he cursed violently.

It can be seen that the players are angry and aggrieved!

"Master... it's kind of scary." In the virtual world, Xiao Meng grabbed Lin You's sleeves with both hands, looking a little scared.

This was the first time she had experienced such fierce and turbulent scolding.

Lin You would be lying if he said that he was still as stable as an old dog.

He thought that players would be angry and dissatisfied, but in his plan, shouldn't this anger be directed at the villains in the game?

As for him and Yunmeng, at most, some of the players with a more violent temper would scold them a few times.

But what's going on now? Why is it all directed at him?

Or did he really overdo it by accident?

Lin You sat on the small sofa, rubbing Xiaomeng's head to reassure her not to worry, while reflecting on what went wrong.

In the end, he thought and thought, and finally found a reason: it seemed that his movements were a little too deliberate.

Maybe as long as it goes with the flow, even if it is the first time for the players to see the puppy, they will still be angry when encountering such a thing, and they will have enough motivation to take revenge?

In other words, he can add some foreshadowing and chips to build some emotional connections between the players and the puppy in advance. There is nothing wrong with such an action.

What is wrong is that the number of times is a bit too much, and the intensity is a bit too great, and everything is too much, which has led to the current players' emotions being too intense.


"Okay, Xiaomeng, don't worry, it's fine. Learn your lesson and pay attention next time."


"Well, really."

After Lin You comforted Xiaomeng, he felt a little unreliable, so he added: "But in the next few days, it's better for us to go out as little as possible..."


NetDragon's public relations department, Zhang Heying sat in the office, watching all this happen in a daze.

He was even more shocked than Lin You and Xiao Meng: "What's the situation? I haven't done anything yet, you guys are going to play yourself to death?"

What is this? Heaven's performance?

Regardless of the constant confusion in his heart, Zhang Heying quickly contacted the navy and asked them to follow suit.

Let’s not talk about the effect, let’s spend some money and get involved, the monthly report has something to write about, at least it looks like we’ve worked hard.

Well, when the time comes, the monthly report will write like this:

"Seize the opportunity and guide the players to transfer their anger towards the game plot to Yunmeng and Lin You, which dealt a considerable blow to Yunmeng and Lin You's personal reputation and game sales."

Well, just do it!


Compared to the undisguised anger and unscrupulous reprimands of the players, the performance of the anchors is relatively restrained.

Not to mention Super Tomato, after being sullen for a while, he went to dig a hole under the tree in the backyard to bury Little Milkshake.

Ayi and Yelang acted a little bit similarly, after waking up, they didn't waste a second.

First, he dug a hole and buried the dog cursingly, and then he cursed "Fuck you, you're all going to die", and started to push the task quickly.

The idea of ​​"go wandering around Night City after finishing the opening mission" has been completely thrown out of their minds.

Now they have only one thing on their minds - blood for blood!

Let those bastards—whoever they are, die without a place to die!

——This is also what most anchors do, the difference is that male anchors scold more harshly, while female anchors are a little more scruples about their image.

When the task reminded Ayi and Yelang to go out a little bit to find clues about the stolen car, they didn't go out immediately, but kept searching at home one after another.

The purpose is also very simple - to find weapons.

Even if a top killer retires, he still has to hide some weapons at home, right?

But what made them feel unbelievable was: John Wick, the strongest killer in Night City, actually became a nice man after he retired and got married?

The whole family rummaged through boxes and cabinets, but they didn't even find a gun!

This disappointed them, but they could only look for clues first—with a sharp meat cleaver in their pockets, they boarded a bus to go to nearby strongholds where gangsters stole cars and sold stolen goods.

They are ready to bleed into rivers, even if they only have a meat cleaver in their hands!

Of course, not all streamers are the same.

For example, Xia Yi doesn't follow the usual path.

After witnessing Little Milkshake being beaten to death by masked gangsters, Xia Yi suffered a huge impact on her world view.

Even after waking up from a faint, the whole person was still in a daze, with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

After staying for a moment, she murmured:



"This is impossible."

She refuses to accept it all!

Before the audience comforted her to accept the reality, she yelled, "Time! Light! Back! Shuo!"


The live broadcast room went dark in an instant.

In the dark live broadcast room, a series of "???" barrage densely across the screen.

Just when the audience thought she couldn't stand the blow and chose to stream at the speed of light, the live broadcast room lit up again——

In the picture, Xia Yi opened her eyes on the spacious bed.

"The familiar ceiling."

Xia Yi breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that I have successfully returned to two days ago."




A denser barrage of question marks surged out.

Xia Yi ignored it completely, got up on her own, picked up the beautiful platinum bracelet on the bedside table, and carefully put it on her wrist.

After playing the beginning of the first week, she already knew very well: this is an anniversary gift from "myself" to his wife Helen, and after his wife died of illness, it was kept by "myself" as a souvenir.

Of course male players can only look at it, but as a female player, Xia Yi is very easy to handle, and can be worn directly on the wrist.

Putting on the bracelet, Xia Yi walked out of the bedroom: "Let's go, send my wife off for the last time, then find a way to hide the little milkshake, and then—"

Xia Yi's expression suddenly became a little scary.

"Then, make a trap at home and kill these bastards!!!"

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