Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 364 Outrageous Interview

This night, although Cangniao, Zhuifeng and teammates were eliminated, they also became famous.

All the teams with the highest points in the group and the teams that can enter the knockout rounds all began to re-examine the "clutter" that would appear on the game map.

These things were ignored before today.

Many teams even started to work overtime that night, entering the game to measure the effect of the Fire Dragon fireworks.

It can be expected that in future competitions, the appearance rate of this fireworks will not be too low.

And Cangniao, who discovered this alternative weapon, was immediately remembered by all the players who watched the game.

It's just that at this time, Cangniao has no interest in paying attention to these things.

Although he spent a lot of time drinking with his teammates after the game, and it was already late when he returned to the hotel, he still didn't sleep.

Despite his sleepiness, he logged into "John Wick" he bought a long time ago, and marched into Night City!

——In Yunmeng's own competition, the hotel room prepared for the players naturally prepared the latest Mirage 2.0 console.

As an avid fan of hardcore games, Cangniao has of course paid close attention to the news of "John Wick".

As soon as the game was released, he immediately placed an order to buy it.

It's just that you have to concentrate on preparing for the last group match, let alone go in to play, and you don't even read the relevant news at all.

Before logging in, most of his impressions of the game were still in the closed beta.

For new news, Cangniao only knows that there seems to be a dog in the game, and that many people seem to be scolding Lin You and Yun Meng.

But he doesn't care at all.

Come on, he's a hardcore gamer, why should he care about a dog?

As for the scolding, Cang Niao ignored it even more.

——He completely trusts the strength and sincerity of Lin You and Yun Meng! Never fool players!

"It's already a whole day behind the progress! If the anti-addiction is not triggered, there should be two hours to play. Let's explore the road first."

Kuratori quickly lay down on the bed, adjusted the position of his waist, and gave instructions——

"Top number!"

After the command is entered, the head ring will automatically start.

"Night City, here I come!"


Saturday morning.

Kuratori opened his eyes and took off the headband.

He didn't say anything, but his eyes were red, and he didn't know whether it was bloodshot from getting up too early and lack of sleep, or he was a little anxious because of Lin You's anger.


Cang Niao uttered a dirty word concisely, then took out his mobile phone to log in to Lingxi, and edited a post:

「 @Lin You, Gan Li Niang!」

But reason stopped him at the last moment, and he changed three words before sending it out——

“ @Lin You, are you human?”

He just made a start last night. Because he won the game, his mentality was a little flustered, and he started having sex with a few gangsters at the gas station.

As a result, he was beaten violently, the dog was killed, and the antique car was taken away.

After being resurrected, he thought that it was not because of his poor skills, but because of drinking alcohol, which made his nerves dull and his reaction a little slow, so he lost the battle.

So he went offline to sleep with a full stomach, planning to get up early the next day and fight again after sobering up.

Then get up before dawn today and log in to the game.

But although he was confident in his heart, he still left the dog at home, and went to the gas station alone with a knife and steel pipe to seek revenge.

As a result, the opponent also took out the metal stick. He was outnumbered and was beaten again and took the car away.

Cangniao was not reconciled, and deleted the file again and started again.

In this sneak attack, one was preemptively stabbed to death, one was hacked, and when it was about to win——

The opponent draws a gun...

Cang Niao feels aggrieved!

But I have to go home today, and I have to go offline first if I feel aggrieved.

After scolding Lin You, Cang Niao on the way home, changed his attitude of not taking it seriously before, logged into the game forum, and began to read the guide seriously...



Yunmeng Consonance is updated dynamically.

Many netizens who set special attention to Yunmeng were a little excited when they heard the notification tone, thinking that Lin You and Yunmeng would finally stand up and say something.

As a result, when I looked at the time, I immediately became less interested——

It's a new time on gaming consoles.

Check it out, and it really is——

"25 million Phantom 2.0 hosts, newly launched!"

Very perfunctory.

In the past, when posting the launch notice, I would write a few sentences, talking about the advantages of the console, the achievements, the games that can be played, and a few pictures of the console and the game.

But now, the listing notification has become very Buddhist. Just a one-sentence notification and an exclamation point seem to be a routine.

It's just that the disappointed netizens were about to close the page when a new post popped up.

This time it is no longer a paragraph, but a video.

The title of the video is -

"Yunmeng No. 001 Pet Staff [Milkshake] Player Appreciation Meeting"

Everyone was surprised and surprised at the same time, and quickly clicked on the video.

In the picture, Little Milkshake is squatting obediently on the table, waiting for Ye Xiaohe in front of him to give him a work card.

——Ye Xiaohe would show her face on the [Yunmeng Office Daily] account from time to time. She was already recognized as "Yunmeng's official inner ghost", and her popularity was not low. Many netizens recognized her at a glance.

And behind the milkshake, there are still a few cats in line.

From time to time, some cats are impatient and want to slip away, a hand will come in from outside the camera, gently stroke the cats in line, and comfort them to stay where they are.

——That is the owner of the cats.

The time is recorded in the upper left corner of the screen——【09/23丨14:30】

That was more than a month ago, when Yunmeng's office had just moved.

Ye Xiaohe showed Milkshake's small metal badge to the camera, and then hung it on Milkshake's collar.

Afterwards, the camera cut, Milkshake squatted on the small sofa this time, looked at the camera with great interest, and wanted to smell it from time to time.

On the opposite side of Milkshake, Ye Xiaohe held the microphone solemnly, pretending to be interviewing Milkshake——

"Miss Milkshake, hello! "John Wick" was officially released yesterday. As of midnight at night, a total of 12.33 million copies have been sold, successfully breaking the first-day sales record of "League of Assassins". What do you think about this? ?”

Ye Xiaohe handed the microphone to Milkshake.

Little Milkshake: "Wow!"

Ye Xiaohe took back the microphone: "Okay, so what do you think about using such a channel with astonishing exposure as the official debut stage?"

Little Milkshake: "Wow!"

Ye Xiaohe showed a slightly embarrassed expression: "Don't you have any more ideas? Everyone wants to hear it very much."

Little Milkshake: "Wow woof! woof!"

Ye Xiaohe took back the microphone again: "We can see that your official debut performance has caused a huge sensation on the Internet. It once occupied the top spot in the trending search list, and even stayed on the trending search list almost all day long. What do you think about this?" Is there anything to say?"

Little Milkshake: "Wow! Wow!"

Ye Xiaohe: "Oh! Really? You want to hold an offline handshake meeting to thank everyone for your support? There will also be 100 autographed group photos? That's really great!"

Little Milkshake tilted her head: "Wow?"

But Ye Xiaohe no longer looked at it, but said to the camera: "In order to thank everyone for your support, tomorrow afternoon, Little Milkshake will hold an offline fan meeting... Sorry, it's the [Offline Player Appreciation Meeting], Get in touch with everyone! Interested friends, you can click the top link in the comment area to sign up to participate in the quota draw."

"In addition, the "Quick Chase" development team will also arrive at the scene at that time, thank you for your support."

"Then, this is the end of the first round of interviews with Yunmeng Pet employees, and we—see you by fate!"

The video ends here.

But the netizens who watched the video were a little confused.

What does this mean?

This is an interview? Isn't it too outrageous!

All of a sudden, the comment area has everything to say:

"Seeing that Little Milkshake is alive and well, I was moved to tears."

"What does this mean? Lin You has a new job again?"

"[No. 001]! Is this the benefit of being the boss? @Lin You, does Boss Lin still lack pets? What do you think of me?"

"A heaven-defying speech appeared upstairs!"

"Little Milkshake is cute, and the interview is very interesting, but the hurt I have suffered cannot be relieved by this, @Lin You, I haven't forgiven you yet!"

"Let's talk about it in the end! What kind of thank-you meeting, it's obviously a fan meeting! But——I can do it!"

"Handshake? A handshake with Milkshake's dog's paw?"


This video was also sent simultaneously by multiple platforms. Slowly, as more and more netizens participated in the interaction, the two most important issues also appeared.

On the video site, the first comment area is:

"Are you fooling the ghosts for the 100 places?! Xiaohui is not all over, and the people are not following! Let me say a number! 1 million!"

The first comment area on Lingxi's side is:

"I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to make sure that Lin You, as the owner of Milkshake, will also be there, right?"

Under this comment, there are densely packed: "Same question, I have some gifts for him."

The accompanying pictures are all kinds of outrageous "gifts".

Kitchen knives, blades, pennants and so on are not surprising.

Strangely, wheelchairs, crutches, gauze, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, pesticides, and even abortion pills...

Lin You immediately closed the comment section.

"Forget it, let Ye Xiaohe take the milkshake."

"As for the problem that most people don't have a sense of participation..." Lin You thought for a while, "Why don't you make Milkshake work harder and get more autographed photos? 1,000?"

The so-called signed photo is actually Milkshake stepping on the dog's paw on the back of the photo.

To be reasonable, according to Lin You's feeling, most of the players are here to join in the fun, so they just cheer up online.

Are you really saying that you flew directly to Xia Jing the next day just to touch the dog in reality?

How can there be so many fanatical dog lovers!

If there is, there will be no shortage of dogs at home. Isn't it good to touch your own dog?

So Fan Rui brought a few people to the scene to thank the players for their support, which is the real content of the appreciation meeting.

Even the "signed photo" of the little milkshake stepping on the dog's paw, Lin You wondered if the players were really interested.

1000 is too much for him, and he is even considering whether to number each one.

Otherwise, he would be worried that no one would want it, and in the end there would be a lot left in the company, which would be a laughing stock...

"Let's do this first! Work hard on Milkshake and Ye Xiaohe." Lin You quickly picked up the phone to write a memo, and asked Xiaomeng to send it to Ye Xiaohe on Monday.


After finishing his work, he logged into the virtual world after breakfast and went to find Xiaomeng.

Today they are going to watch an important live broadcast together.

Before today, if there was one person who could say "the whole player circle is waiting for his live broadcast", then only Splash could barely match this statement.

But today, there really is one that fully deserves the phrase!

Even if the splash is coming, you have to stand aside!

Absolutely highly anticipated! Center C of Center C!

He is - [Yelang is a little big].

It was more than half an hour before Yelang's regular broadcast time, and a large number of players began to come to his live broadcast room in advance to watch.

Even Lin You couldn't avoid the custom. After eating, he went to Xiaomeng, opened the live broadcast room and put it next to him, for fear of missing it.

After all, it is very interesting to think about "transposition thinking" when watching a rough man who likes to talk about dirty things in women's costumes become the object of being dirty in the past.

With Yelang's current level of attention, the possibility of cheating is almost gone.

During the live broadcast yesterday, countless viewers kept urging him. If he doesn't take any action today, the enthusiasm may start to bite him back.

Therefore, for Yelang, women's clothing is imminent and has to be released!

Thanks to Mengxin Liuying for the reward of 500 points!

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