Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 378 Unexpected Champion

Thanks to the development of the mission line, A Yi has just finished fighting in the Red Circle Club.

When he returned to the Continental Hotel, he was still fully armed.

Although he was stabbed in the waist without noticing it for a while, for the player, as long as it is not a fatal injury, it will be in a negative state at most, and he can always recover.

A Yi tried his best to get a few more knives, and seized the opportunity to kill Perkins with one shot.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I was surprised to see that the female killer's body hadn't disappeared.

"What do you mean?" A Yi was puzzled, "Could it be that there are some key clues on her body, or something like a mission item?"

That's a pretty reasonable guess.

So A Yi squatted on the ground and reached out to search for the female killer's belongings.

Then it happened that a killer walked around the corner and saw A Yi touching the corpse.

——This is a fixed passage leading to the underground bar of the Continental Hotel, and a killer may come down at any time.

The killer looked at A Yi in disbelief: "You...killed someone in the Continental Hotel?!"

"Ah?" A Yi hadn't reacted yet, "What's wrong? I'm fighting back in self-defense!"

But the killer ignored him at all, took out his cell phone and started calling.

Soon, many people began to appear on both sides of the passage, and the ones standing at the front were all hotel staff in uniform.

Then A Yi was dragged out of the hotel.

The moment he walked down the hotel steps, at least ten guns were aimed at him at the same time!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom--

There was a deafening gunshot.

Ah Yi was shot more than 60 times and fell to the ground dead!

Then immediately revived in place.

——The entrance of the Continental Hotel is the resurrection point...

And with his resurrection, the task was rolled back to before he entered the Continental Hotel.

Through the gate of the Continental Hotel, Ah Yi could clearly see that the female killer Perkins was sitting near the gate, quietly waiting for him to take the bait.

——Too many players have been pitted to death in this place.

Seduction is only a small means.

The most important thing is that under the guidance of Yunmeng, everyone really regards the Continental Hotel as a "safe zone", and there is no defense here.

So much so that when he was attacked, he was completely unprepared and was accidentally stabbed to death.

Even if he was not stabbed to death, if he succeeded in counter-killing, he would step into the second pit—killing people in the Continental Hotel was against the rules and would be punished.

The protagonist's special treatment is just that he will not be killed directly, but kicked out of the Continental Hotel.

But the player still has a reward of 2 million, and the ending of being kicked out of the hotel in public is death!

Only a few players who are calm enough and clear-headed enough can stop in time after subduing the female killer and obtain clues for the next part of the mission.

Of course, players who have seen related live broadcasts or posts and were spoiled in advance are exceptions.

It's just that the game has just started now, and the progress of the players in the first echelon is no worse than that of the anchors. By the time there are a lot of spoiler warnings on the Internet, they have already stepped on the pit...

But they are hardcore players, they want to push speed!

So they all write down in the small notebook first, and plan to wait until the plot is over, and then settle the account with Lin You.


At 3:30 in the morning, Izumo.

Xi Chuan, the fastest progressing anchor, has stretched the game time to the longest - 16 hours.

He does know that there is a sleep technique that can counter Yunmeng's anti-addiction system to a certain extent.

But that method is too difficult. He has tried it before, with success and failure.

This time he was worried that it would be self-defeating, so he didn't use it, but kept the upper limit of 16 hours of game time per day.

And throughout the game, he kept a sullen face, maintained a high degree of tension, and always focused on the speed of advancement, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

His hard work has also given him the reward he deserves - at this moment he has stood in front of the final boss Vigo.

And in the live broadcast room, there are 360,000 viewers looking forward to his clearance!

Nishino Chizuru also stayed here with sleepiness.

She doesn't care who takes the first place, but after all, this is the first important event in the Izumo player circle since the virtual reality game officially entered Izumo. Chizuru thinks it is very meaningful, and it is necessary to witness it with her own eyes.

In the midst of everyone's attention, Xi Chuan threw all the frag grenades, shock bombs, homemade Molotov cocktails... everything that could be thrown towards Vigo that he had saved through careful planning.

——Vigo's subordinates have all been killed by him, and now the last one-on-one is just the finishing stage, and he finally stopped being stingy, and strives to get up faster.

Viggo had to flee the hiding place in a hurry, shifting positions quickly while shooting.

But Xi Chuan had already made preparations, so it was naturally impossible for him to escape.

"Bang bang! bang!"

Standard two shots to the torso, one shot to the head.

The villain Vigo - Death!

The main plot of "John Wick"-announced the end!

Unsurprisingly, the music sounded, the light gathered, and a trophy slowly appeared in front of Xi Chuan.

The live broadcast room became restless in an instant, countless gifts and congratulatory barrages poured out like a waterfall, and there was no time to see them clearly.

Xi Chuan also couldn't maintain the "cold-faced master" personality, and couldn't help but smirk.

When the light in front of him dissipated, the trophy appeared in front of him in kind.

Xi Chuan couldn't wait to pick up the trophy in front of him, and was about to lift it up and show it to the audience in the live broadcast room.

But the next moment, he suddenly stopped his hand abruptly.

With a trembling voice, he asked in confusion: "This trophy...why is it silver?"

Xi Chuan's unbelievable voice immediately interrupted the festive atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

Not only did his own smile froze on his face, but the 360,000 Izumo players in the live broadcast room were all confused by this sudden accident.

Many viewers were frantically swiping barrage: "We are the champions!!!"

But in the middle of swiping, I suddenly saw that the champion became the runner-up...

Without giving up, Xi Chuan put the trophy in front of his eyes and looked carefully, but immediately saw a number clearly engraved on the base of the trophy——


This made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room suddenly a little awkward...

"Hahahaha hiccup!" Nishino Chizuru lay on the bed, saw this scene on the phone, hiccupped with laughter.

More Izumo players began to post frantically on the Internet, looking for who was the first.

They really wanted to know who cut off Xi Chuan's number one.

But they got no response.

Daxia players soon discovered this, and waited for more than an hour. After not seeing any Izumo players jumping out, holding hope, they cautiously asked questions on Daxia's social network, wanting to see the first A player who might be Daxia.

It's just that they didn't get any news either.

Izumo and Daxia players, who were concerned about the results of the first pass battle, spent the night in anxiety and confusion.


Lin You didn't know anything about these things, and the quality of his sleep was as good as ever, and he slept peacefully until the morning.

It's just that after being woken up by Xiaomeng as usual, Xiaomeng looked very excited, and couldn't wait for Lin You to change clothes and get up, so she said excitedly: "Master, master, the result is out!"

Lin You was sleepy, and his mind was still not clear, so he asked in a daze, "What result?"

"The battle for the first pass!"

"Oh, who is it? Xichuan or Dasen?" Lin You lacked interest.

But Xiaomeng gave him an unexpected answer: "No! It's a player from Daxia!"

"Ah?" Lin You woke up quite a bit: "Who? Zhu Gan'er? Or Kuan Kuan?"

"Neither!" Xiaomeng shook her pink head, "It's Cheng Lin!"

"???" Lin You tilted his head subconsciously, "Who?"

"Forget it!" Lin You interrupted Xiaomeng's explanation, stretched his arms, pulled the headband on the bedside table to put on himself, and fell back on the pillow again.

Opening his eyes again, Xiaomeng has pulled him into the virtual world.

Lin You stretched his waist to dispel the last bit of drowsiness, "Okay, let me see, who is this fierce man?"

Xiao Meng happily moved to Lin You's side, and with a wave of her hand, a player's game screen was pulled out.

In the screen, the player is in a fierce battle.

Lin You could tell at a glance that this was the battle to attack Yusof's hideout. The terrain was complex and there were many enemies, making the battle extremely difficult.

And after watching for a few seconds, Lin You realized something was wrong: the player's fighting style was completely different from what they designed!

"Xiaomeng, show me his combat skill level."

Xiaomeng points her index finger, and the player's information automatically appears on the screen:

"Player ID: Cheng Lin

Character level: Lv.6

Combat skills: [shooting proficiency: Lv.6], [cold weapon proficiency: Lv.2], [combat induction: Lv.3], [gun fighting: Lv.2].

Non-combat skills:..."

"???" Lin You didn't understand even more: "The level of [Combat Sensing] and [Spear Fighting] is so low? It's not useful at all, it's purely passive improvement?"

"With such a low character level and combat skill level, how did he get here?"

The almighty Xiao Meng heard Lin You's question, and thoughtfully brought up more battle scenes of Cheng Lin to show him.

Lin You pulled in the four new battle scenes that appeared in front of him one by one, and began to observe carefully.

Whether it's nightclubs, churches, streets, or warehouses on the screen, Cheng Lin's combat performance far exceeds the expected effect of the combat skills on the panel.

But Lin You knew very well that this could not be due to cheating.

It is also impossible for virtual reality games to have plug-ins—at least not at this stage.

Lin You looked carefully for a while, and finally found that Cheng Lin's fighting logic was not exactly the game design's "closer distance, super fast pace, kill you before you kill me".

In combat, he still habitually keeps a certain distance from the enemy, and he does not pursue "quick kills", but conducts mobile combat very steadily and accurately.

His use of the terrain is very effective, and the rhythm of shooting and movement is also very well controlled. Lin Youguang thinks it is full of appreciation just looking at the picture.

And seeing Cheng Lin's fighting style, Lin You has no doubts: this fighting style can be reproduced in reality.

"I probably understand." Lin You said speechlessly, "Is this Xu Chun with a 'hot weapon' version?"

"It's really... outrageous!!"

Of course, to an outrageous extent, Cheng Lin was still a little worse than Xu Chun.

But compared to normal players, it's already outrageous!

You know, there are definitely not a few veteran players in "Quick Chase".

But in the end, only Cheng Lin won the championship, and he was far behind the second place.

And there are even more outrageous things——

After watching too many battle scenes, Lin You always felt that this person looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

After seriously recalling it for a while, he suddenly remembered:

"Cheng Lin? What the hell, isn't that the veteran from Xia Yi [Avengers]?"

——In fact, whether he is really a veteran, everyone is not sure, because Cheng Lin has always been a little reticent and very low-key.

Everyone only saw him in the live broadcast. As soon as he entered the game, he was very familiar with firearms, gun battles, and tactical moves. Later, he performed very well in the competition.

And for everyone's speculation, although he didn't admit it, he didn't deny it either.

In the end, everyone agreed that he was a veteran.

This person obviously possesses superb thermal weapon combat ability in reality, so the skill level in the virtual world cannot represent his actual combat effectiveness at all.

He can even penetrate the entire game without the help of skills in the game!

At most, there will be some accidents in the middle, and you will die a few more times.

Skip all the links that need to improve your personal level and combat level, don't need to do any extended side tasks, and don't need to engage in any battles outside the main line, how can you be unhappy!

No wonder he was the first to complete the main storyline!

When "League of Assassins" was first released, Cheng Lin had just come into contact with virtual reality games, so it was obviously impossible to play Speedrunning directly, and naturally he was not among the 100 players that Xiaomeng randomly checked, so they were not found.

—— Lin You even suspected that Cheng Lin might not be able to gain such a big advantage if he switched to "League of Assassins".

After all, with his experience, it is very difficult for him to exert such power in front of him in a battle where special skill effects such as [Assassin's Bloodline] and [Arc Shot] are highly required.

At this time, on the Internet, there are still posts everywhere asking who the champion is.

——Cheng Lin got the achievement trophy at 8 o'clock last night, much earlier than Xi Chuan.

But after that, he didn't say anything to anyone, let alone post to show off, and just went offline and went to sleep.

So much so that up to now, "Who is the champion" is still an unsolved case in the player circles of Izumo and Daxia.

There are still many players on both sides, and they are fighting with each other...

Chapter 2...later...

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