Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 386 National War Design Plan

Players are very busy, and Lin You is also very busy.

He wants to finish the work in hand as soon as possible, so that when the player starts to work, he will not be caught by the work and cannot watch the excitement immediately.

That loss would be too great.

And thinking of the excitement to watch, Lin You immediately acted with full energy.

The related design of "Battlefield" "National War" dragged from Monday to the present, immediately had an idea.

As soon as they arrived at the company, they called Qin Songyun and Fan Rui for a meeting.

The two also brought along a few capable assistants. Lin You had already revealed to them in advance that they would lead elites to join in the development of "Battlefield" in the future, forming a large enough team to complete the game as soon as possible. development.

As for "League of Assassins" and "John Wick", which are still in operation, they need to select some people from the team and form a special team for operation and maintenance.

The next two games are not no longer updated, but will slow down the pace. Only some small task lines or activities will be updated daily to continue to provide players with some freshness.

Big updates will be produced slowly, and the time required for an update may be longer than the development time of the game itself.

But in fact, Yunmeng's game development speed is ridiculously fast, and a game can be developed in three to two months.

Even if it takes another three or two months to carry out a major update and make a horizontal comparison with the industry, it will still be very fast.

Didn’t you see that NetDragon has already worked all their lives to produce a DLC in 3 months?

Not to mention that Lin You is already planning to set up a new department, and this department will probably officially start to set up after he buys another building.

The only duty of this department to be established in the future is to expand the virtual city.

Enrichment and expansion of Metropolis and Night City with more buildings, more city events, and even - more new cities!

—Of course, not meaningless repetition.

If you can get Lin You to agree to build a brand new city instead of continuing to enrich Metropolis and Night City, there can only be one reason: the new city has its own characteristics and can be clearly distinguished from Metropolis and Night City .

The existence of this department will also greatly reduce the workload of the development teams of "League of Assassins" and "Quick Chase".

The assistants Qin Songyun and Fan Rui brought over are core members who will soon join the development of "Battlefield".

Lin You had an impression of everyone, but if he said he knew them well, it would be a lie.

Qin Songyun and Fan Rui briefly introduced Lin You again, and Lin You carefully wrote down his name.

Yunmeng has always needed more talents who can be independent, and he has always been very supportive of the action of cultivating talents.

"Okay, let's talk about the business next, the national war system planning of "Battlefield"."

Everyone got serious and focused on looking at Lin You.

"My initial idea was to find a historically large-scale battlefield with more complex participating member states, and throw players into this large battlefield according to the country as a unit. Then the winning country will compete with other winning countries. countries against each other until the strongest country is finally determined."

"But I quickly discovered that it didn't make sense."

As Lin You spoke, he organized his thoughts again.

"Yunmeng's players will spread all over the world sooner or later, no, we can't say sooner or later, it should be said soon, a few months at most.

The current global trend is to call for peace. Although there are countercurrents in some countries, the mainstream is after all pursuing peace.

So taking a real battlefield—even if it is in history, it is a bit bad to let players from one country fight to the death every day to compete for the only 'ground'. "

"Even setting aside all of that, gameplay-wise, it's very problematic to do that.

I prefer the "National War" system that allows all players to participate to the maximum extent, rather than ensuring the strongest combat effectiveness, resulting in only a few hundred players in each country participating.

——Of course, it is not impossible to select hundreds of strongest people to represent the country's honor.

But if the entire national war mechanism can only be played by hundreds or thousands of players, then absolutely not!

So in the end, I suddenly felt that maybe a more mediocre solution might not be a bad thing.

We can directly divide the matching methods of players into two types.

One is the [Random Match] mode. Players may be matched with opponents and teammates from all theaters—that is, countries. In this mode, the player's national territory will not be distinguished.

The other is the [National War Matching] mode, of course, you can think about the name.

In this mode, the players' teammates are all players from their own country or theater. And the opponents are all from the same country and theater.

The side that wins the game will win more points for the theater of its own country.

Losers should not deduct points, it will only dampen players' enthusiasm for participation, we can give a small amount of points, in short, let players have a sense of gain.

In addition, don't simply calculate the points by winning or losing. The overall number of kills in the game, the ratio of kills to deaths and other information related to the player's activity in the game can all be involved in the calculation of points.

How to calculate it specifically requires you to think carefully about it before coming up with the whole plan. "

While talking about his thoughts, Lin You didn't forget to throw away those seemingly small tasks that actually required a lot of time and energy to study.

"Oh yes, the setting of the war zone should not be used for the time being, mainly for future needs. In some small or poor countries, the number of players may be very small, but they want to participate in the national war game, or simply want the national war The rewards of the gameplay, when the time comes, they will be divided into appropriate theaters, which can be regarded as a solution.”

"Finally, there is the issue of rewards.

My current idea is to divide the ranks into three levels: A, B, and C according to the points ranking of different theaters. Of course, you can also consider whether you want to change the name.

High-level theaters only fight against high-level theaters, and the first-level rewards are the highest, but the difficulty and intensity of the battle are also higher.

For the lower grades B and C, the rewards and intensity decrease in turn.

Three tiers, each adjusted each week based on that week's Warzone points.

Of course, the rewards should not be too exaggerated, otherwise the player's mentality will become unbalanced. The main thing is to gain experience and gold bonuses, some decorative small objects, etc., you can think about it. "

"And one last question."

Speaking of this, Lin You likes to watch the excitement, and his heart that likes big scenes is ready to move again: "Should we make a completely virtual battlefield map, throw in all the players in the theater every month, and have a super big battle?"

"If it's a battle of this level, then you can definitely give the winner something good!"

Lin You finished his thoughts in one breath, picked up a glass of water and drank it, and then continued: "How is it? Do you have any ideas?"

Qin Songyun and Fan Rui had expressions of "there are so many, but I don't know where to start".

On the contrary, Jiang Feng, who was brought here by Fan Rui, suddenly said a little uneasy: "Boss, if this game is made, will it become a place to train reserve fighters? Many ordinary people who have never been on the battlefield will become right here." I am very familiar with guns and battlefields, and my tactical literacy is constantly improving, is this a bit inappropriate..."

Lin You looked at him and sighed a little.

Although he also understood that Jiang Feng had just joined Yunmeng not long ago, and to be brought here by Fan Rui, his personal ability must be relatively outstanding.

But the question he raised still disappointed Lin You a bit.

"Let's talk about the first point first, a lot of experience in the game is fake, you know that, right?"

Lin You didn't show his disappointment too clearly, and patiently explained to him: "In the metropolis, players will speed up to 140 at every turn, but in reality, if you dare to do this on the road, you will see the king of hell every minute, so marksmanship, Things like agility, difficult skills, etc., without the neural modem, will disappear like a bubble."

——Of course, after Lin You came up with a portable neural modem, is there any mysterious organization that combines "skills" and "portability" in private, so that people can become like in the game in reality? A sharpshooter, a car god, and even something more outrageous...

Sorry, we don't know.

Yunmeng is a company that serves players, is completely civilian, and is 100% entertainment.

We want to go global and serve global players. We have nothing to do with the military or anything!

"Let's talk about the second point, which is to improve players' familiarity with guns. This is true. But in many countries around the world, it is easy to come into contact with guns and weapons in daily life, and even learn to use them."

"But the new generation of citizens in Daxia are very unfamiliar with guns. Few people know about guns, let alone familiar with weapons. They can get started quickly when they see them."

"Don't you think this short board should be made up for?"

Everyone was a little surprised by this statement, but after thinking about it for a while, they felt——

Seems to make sense?

"Finally, the sense of familiarity with the battlefield, and, tactical literacy?"

Mentioning this, Lin You directly had question marks all over his face: "Does it mean that hundreds of people died one after another in order to grab a point on the map?"

"Or, in a place as big as a street, 30 deaths in 20 minutes, an average of 1.5 deaths per minute?"

"This is a fart's sense of battlefield!"

"And if you die like a dog in the game, you will only resist war more in reality, not desire war! In reality, a person does not have hundreds of lives to consume!"

"Are there any questions?" Lin You finally asked.

"No more." Jiang Feng shook his head again and again, already starting to regret his question.

"Then let's do this first." Lin You ended the meeting neatly: "After you go back, you should go to your own affairs first, and we will talk about the specifics next week."

Qin Songyun and Fan Rui nodded, and left with their staff.

Lin You breathed a sigh of relief, finally feeling relaxed.

In the pre-meeting of "Battlefield", he only planned to talk so much. The following matters, Qin Songyun and Fan Rui will lead the team, so there must be no need to worry too much.

And this kind of war theme, don't worry about Fan Rui letting go of himself, don't worry!

"Next time I don't think about things clearly, I won't talk about them, so as not to put pressure on myself like this time."

Lin You learned a lesson while logging into the virtual world.

"Xiaomeng, Xiaomeng, have those people who wanted to attack the Continental Hotel acted? And what about the casino? How's it going?"

He took the time to get the work done, so he could watch the excitement in the first place!

Forgot to time it...

And, the second is a little later.

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