Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 393 What? The gangsters are here again? !

Lin You felt somewhat entangled after feeling over NetDragon's publicity strategy.

Originally, according to his idea, when NetDragon's DLC was released, Yunmeng would directly release an announcement, announcing the "Night City Virtual Concert" by Diva An Rongyi.

In one fell swoop, all the attention was drawn to let NetDragon feel what it means to be "deserted, desolate and miserable".

But now he has to admit that after NetDragon played Yang Jun's card, the attention has been somewhat guaranteed.

Moreover, Lin You also noticed that many core-oriented players still have a lot of affection for "Raging Flames 3".

Before Yang Jun's appearance, most of the players' discussions revealed a sense of "goodbye".

This also made him a little unbearable.

He and NetDragon are indeed at odds, but he can fully understand that players hope that a game can have a decent ending, that kind of sincere expectation.

If the DLC is released on the day, at the end of the story, everyone is discussing An Rongyi and Yang Jun - a singer star and an athlete star, but few people discuss the game itself.

This obviously cannot be said to be a decent end.

——Although these two are very good people, this does not change the fact that they had nothing to do with the game before this.

Somewhat overwhelming.

So Lin You decided to show his kindness, and not to post the news tomorrow, or——

Change the day after tomorrow!

Give the players a day to say goodbye to their youth without any disturbance.


Why don't you come to Night City to listen to the concert!

Master charter!

Lin You got up to find Shen Ping and Fan Rui, and arranged the next plan.


In the game, Yi also finished watching the trailer.

Then he yelled, "Brother Yang is awesome!"

After that, he closed the page and looked back at the modification workshop in front of him—he was waiting for the flap door to reopen.

Last night, he didn't get off the assembly line until very late, so he didn't care about repairing the car.

It wasn't until it went online today that I didn't take care of it and started repairing pickup trucks.

Last night, when Ah Yi took the lead and rushed into the crowd in the melee, relying on his fast speed and two firepower points firing at the same time, it produced a very strong deterrent force, and even killed a full twelve players in the first place!

But such a provocative behavior immediately ushered in the fire.

The two people in the car body only have very simple defense measures - two layers of metal baffles that A Yi temporarily welded on the car body.

The thickness is actually enough, but the structure is not very good. In order to facilitate the shooting of the people inside, it can only protect the surroundings, not the top.

As a result, more than a dozen grenades came crashing, and after the booming sound, two firepower points were scrapped on the spot, and A Yi in the cab was also hit dizzy.

——Death is impossible. The cab where Ah Yi himself is in, of course, has much tighter and stronger defenses than other people's cabs.

But without the firepower, the car became a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and it was inevitable that it would completely lie down under the siege, and the car body was densely covered with bullet holes.

If it weren't for the trailer repair service provided by the modification shop, this thing would have been completely scrapped.

The cost of repairing the car is not as high as it is in reality. It only needs to consume some resources in the warehouse. This is also the confidence of Ah Yi to rush forward boldly.

It's just that when the car is being repaired, there must be no one in the modification workshop, so he waits outside.

——This is also the choice made by the game development team.

Whether it is a whole bunch of car repair masters to repair the car, or a sci-fi fully automatic repair equipment, it is not suitable.

According to the players' style of doing things, the car pulled back is likely to be similar to a scrap car, and it is impossible to repair it normally.

The abnormal method not only wastes computing power, but also seems inconsistent with the realistic style of Night City.

In the end, everyone summed up, simply kicked the player out, and then closed the door.

Then the resources are deducted, the bad car is deleted, and a good car is refreshed directly, and the work is done!

Simple and hassle-free.

As long as the player can't see it, there is no problem of coordination or incoordination!

By the way, "waiting" is also to make players feel more real, so that "repairing the car" is more like a real repair, instead of a "swoosh", the car will return to its original state.

Even according to the degree of damage to the player's car, to determine the length of the player's waiting time.

Of course, the longest thing is a few minutes, and it won't really make players wait for a long time.

At this moment, there was a paid eye-catching message in the live broadcast room, which attracted Ayi's attention:

"The Continental Hotel has offered a reward to the gangsters. The reward is open, 500,000 per person! Ah Yi, do you want to go and see?"

"The Continental Hotel offers rewards to the bandits?" A Yi was surprised: "Isn't the bandits a player? The game also offers rewards to players?"

"So this is a bounty commissioned by the casino?"

"The problem is, those gangsters have changed their names a long time ago? Who can find them?"

The more A Yi thought about it, the more he felt that it was outrageous, and his forehead was full of question marks.

Just at this time, the door of the refitting workshop opened slowly, and a brand new—well, not brand new, this pickup was snatched by A Yi from a gangster, and it was a third-hand car when it first entered the refitting workshop.

Now it's just back to the way it was before it was driven out last night-excluding the player's rifle.

A Yi didn't think much about it, he drove to the Continental Hotel to see what the reward was about.

Anyway, before the battle started yesterday, his main quest was over, and he didn't plan to use [Experience Mode] to play the second week of the game for the time being, and just needed to find something to do.

After arriving at the Continental Hotel, Ah Yi immediately discovered that there were a lot of spectator players gathered here. Obviously, players with the same passion as him had already completed the main plot.

It’s just that in front of the bounty board that should be the focus of players’ attention, no player can see it, which makes Ayi a little confused: “Aren’t these people here to see the reward information?”

After he walked to the reward board by himself, he immediately understood why there was no one here.

There is hardly any useful information given on the reward board——

"Reward target: Hemp bandits (more than 20 people)

Reward amount: 500,000 per person.

Target villainy: Robbery of Paradise Casino.

Characteristics of the target: Use mahjong tiles as the code name, among them [one cake], [one piece], [ten thousand], etc., are suspected to be the leader, and the reward amount offered by these three people will be doubled.

In addition, the leader [Yibing] is suspected to be extremely ugly.

Side bonus: Hitman ranks up. "

For the players, this information is all useless useless information.

The code name is the player's nickname, which can be changed at any time.

In some games in the past, changing the nickname required deleting the account and rebuilding, or buying name-changing props, but in Yunmeng, there is no such cost. As long as the nickname is not too pornographic, it is really easy to change.

And "Suspect looks ugly", what kind of intelligence is this?

Unless someone is so ugly that they are so ugly that people will be shocked at first glance, then it can barely be regarded as intelligence.

"By the way, there is a reward for this thing. If I find someone to change the name to [Yicing], and I kill him again, can I get the reward?"

A Yi discussed ideas with the audience in the live broadcast room, "The money can be divided in half!"

"If it works, I will list all the names that appeared that day, and I will get a reward of 10 million! Even if there are two people, there will be 5 million, which is so worth it!"

But unfortunately, his idea was immediately proved unfeasible by the barrage:

"If you can, do you think it will be your turn?"

"As far as the development team is stingy this time, it's impossible to think about it..."

"This thing is probably going to be a short bounty."

"It's hard to say, it mainly depends on the judgment. If the Continental Hotel in the game is responsible for the judgment, it must be hopeless. But if the game system judges, then maybe one day will be lucky. Killing someone by accident is the fault of the gangster. Real body, you can get the reward money directly."


A Yi thought for a while, and felt that the money was indeed a bit difficult to get, so he decided to look at other rewards, find one with less money, but with more complete information and better earnings.

After all, no matter how much reward money is offered, one must be able to get it.

It's just that he just started to look at other rewards when he heard a burst of violent gunshots!

"Tut chug chug—"

Another lot of fully automatic rifles fired at the same time!

The bullets shot in directly from outside the gate of the Continental Hotel, without aiming, and without a clear target, just shooting indiscriminately!

A bullet almost flew past A Yi's ear. The marble walls, floor tiles, and gorgeous Roman-style colonnades were attacked by bullets one after another, and gravel flew randomly!

"Damn!" A Yi swooped, jumped over the marble platform in front of him, crouched down, and immediately drew his gun in his hand.

——He felt that if he continued to stay in Night City for a few more days, he would be able to survive even if he went to America in the future!

At the same time, the lobby of the hotel was also full of noise, with gunshots, screams and scolding!

The gunshots came from the attackers, the screams came from the hotel staff, and the scolding came from the players:

"Who! Damn it, I'm a melon eater!"

"Who the hell tell me again, the Continental Hotel is a safe zone, I will definitely slap you in the face!"

"I have a fucking gun in the car! Yesterday I was beaten in a casino with a small pistol, and today I was beaten in a hotel in a mainland hotel with a small pistol! Damn it! Catch me alone and bully me Bar?!"


Compared to the players who yelled curses and shot back without hesitation, those NPC killers were a little hesitant, wondering whether they should shoot in the hotel.

Soon, the attackers this time broke into the hotel lobby, and finally revealed their identities—the three leaders [One Bing], [One], and [Ten Thousand], with the names of other mahjong tiles behind them.

And this time their attack was obviously more well-prepared, and they even made a mask in the shape of a mahjong tile and put it on their face!

"F*ck! Bandits!"

"Fuck! Bounty!"

"It's okay to deliver it to your door!"

The players in the hall were shocked immediately, and the gunshots fired back became more intense.

At this time, no one considered joining the attackers' team anymore. Instead, Gan Continental Hotel, the bounty that is close at hand is more fragrant!

Ah Yi didn't stand up, but felt a little emotional: "Brothers, have you seen it? What is a macho!"

"If you dare to offer me a reward, then I will dare to come to you every minute!"

He looked at the small pistol in his hand, and immediately began to shake people, "The meat brought to your mouth is not for nothing! Brothers, the copycats are at war!"


Outside of games, Yunmeng virtual office.

Lin You just finished talking to Shen Ping about the arrangement of the virtual concert. By the way, he looked at the list of honorary players that she had finalized, and nodded his approval.

Just when I was going to find Fan Rui, I heard Xiaomeng's voice——

"Master, Master, the 'Bandits' are on the move again!"

"Bandits? What are they going to do?"

Xiaomeng's voice rang in Lin You's ear again:

"They went to rob the casino cash truck!"

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