Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 402: Demons Dancing Randomly

"From another perspective, re-examine the real impact of VR equipment and mirage hosts"

Seeing the report that Xiaomeng handed to him, Lin You was still a little dazed.

He didn't pick it up and read it—he just woke up, there were too many words, and he didn't want to read it.

Ask directly: "What is this?"

Xiaomeng rolled her cute eyes, "Xiaomeng read to the master?"

"Okay, okay." Lin You nodded, and continued to eat.

"Ahem!" Xiaomeng cleared her throat solemnly, and began to read this report:

"Yunmeng and NetDragon, virtual reality and VR, this is not a very new topic, but the simultaneous occurrence of multiple live broadcast platforms yesterday brought this topic back to the public's attention.

This phenomenon is--most of the anchors who used to live broadcast VR games, after only about 3 months after switching to live virtual reality games, their physical fitness has declined significantly, and their physical strength and athletic ability have declined simultaneously. It's amazing.

This makes us have to rethink the pros and cons of VR games and virtual reality.

Next, the author will conduct relevant discussions around the three keywords of technology, industry, and measures. "

After hearing this beginning, Lin You knew what was going on.

But he didn't interrupt Xiaomeng, and continued to listen patiently.

"The first is technology.

There is no doubt about this, Yunmeng's virtual reality technology is completely epoch-making and unparalleled.

VR games have almost no ability to fight against virtual reality games.

What happened in the past few months has proved this point:

Yunmeng's virtual reality game host [Mirage], since its birth, has used "weeks" as the time unit to continuously attack cities and territories, and even expand territories.

As of today, the number of users has already exceeded the 100 million mark, and the total number of consoles sold is approaching 200 million.

A business miracle has been created.

At the same time, VR manufacturers’ equipment sales have plummeted, and user activity has dropped again and again, and they are already in a difficult situation to survive.

This is what everyone sees.

It is also the issue we want to talk about: the industry.

Virtual reality technology is so amazing, so incredible, if it is only used in the field of games, is it overkill?

Even, is it suitable for use in a mass entertainment industry such as "games"?

Faced with such an epoch-making technology, we obviously cannot use its commercial success to judge whether it is used correctly in the game industry.

Because of the obvious fact that:

When Lin You holds such an epoch-making technology, no matter which industry he chooses to enter, he is almost destined to succeed!

The success of Journey Prosthetics, right in front of our eyes, is a ready proof.

As for the application scenarios of virtual reality technology, even a layman like the author can imagine countless kinds. Is there really no one more suitable than games?

To put it more bluntly, is gaming really the most suitable industry?

The answer is likely no.

Players spend too much time in the virtual world, and the decline of physical fitness is inevitable.

I believe that Yunmeng has already expected this, so the anti-addiction mechanism will also cover adults.

This is also the third content I want to discuss: measures.

Yunmeng needs to take more measures to deal with the decline of players' physical fitness.

Given Yunmeng's current user base and the fact that its core user groups are all young and middle-aged, this is no longer a simple business problem, but a serious social problem.

16 hours of anti-addiction is almost equivalent to no anti-addiction, such measures are useless.

So, what is a better measure?

Is it a shorter anti-addiction time? Or motion compensation in reality? Or more advanced technology?

The author does not think that I am more professional than those in the industry, nor do I think that I can be more intelligent than Lin You, so I will not point fingers in this regard.

But I sincerely hope that this article can attract Yunmeng's attention, formulate better countermeasures, find that balance point, and better serve the players and the society. "

"Xiaomeng finished reading!" In the screen, Xiaomeng puts down the newspaper in his hand.

After listening to the whole report, Lin You felt the most obvious - "twisted".

When talking about the negative impact of virtual reality games, it feels like he is heartbroken, and he is almost crying out that "if we don't solve it, there will be a big problem."

But at the end of the day, when he needed to propose a solution, he didn't even mention a single suggestion of his own, and simply said "believe in Yunmeng's wisdom".

And even if he wanted to talk about the negative effects of virtual reality games, he had to pave the way for a long time and praised Yunmeng severely before he dared to talk about the problem.

It's a bit like complimenting your opponent before a debate, saying, "I'm a friend, I'm one of my own, I really don't have any malice towards you, and I even admire you very much, let's discuss the matter."

Just... the desire to survive is everywhere.

It made Lin You feel a little uncomfortable.

If it's a sunspot, he can spray it back with Ka Ka Ka.

Because many of the arguments in the article are simply blurring the key points.

VR games can exercise your body, yes, but how many users can really afford it and play it regularly?

I don't even say whether it is efficient. Is this exercise method really correct, safe and healthy?

Are Yunmeng's 100 million users paralyzed in bed all day, wasting time in the virtual world?

They don't work during the day, don't make money, don't go to class, can they live by drinking northwest wind?

Without virtual reality games, would they go for a run, go to the gym, or play ball after get off work?

Or are you slumped on the bed and playing with your phone exhausted?

Lin You can think of a lot of similar questions in an instant.

Mirage will definitely have an impact on the user's physical fitness.

But it was absolutely not as exaggerated as it was shown - Lin You's background data was all looked at, if it was really this serious, no one could tell it, he would start to think of a way by himself.

The proportion of players who can really play more than 10 hours a day is so small that it can almost be ignored.

In the final analysis, everyone still has to live, and entertainment is only a part of life.

The exaggerated performance this time is purely because the sample is too special——

"Anchor" is really an extremely rare group of people who can lie in bed all day, play games in the virtual world, and earn money to support themselves and even support their families.

Even for the anchors, playing games all day paralyzed is still a sign of hard work...

That's why virtual reality games have a particularly large impact on their physical fitness.

Even the 16-hour anti-addiction measures for adults are never worried about the player's physical decline.

What Lin You was worried about was that someone played for too long and killed himself suddenly!

"How did such an unprofessional report become popular?" Lin You asked Xiaomeng in confusion.

Since Xiaomeng specially showed it to him, it must have a certain influence.

But this report is really unprofessional!

"Sent early!" Xiaomeng gave a simple and rude answer.

Lin You wiped his face speechlessly, "All right."

No wonder journalists from all over the world are famous for running fast...

Emotional "fastness" is the core competitiveness of the media.

"What about other media?"

Xiao Mengbai waved his little hand, and rows of titles appeared in front of Lin You——

"VR games are no longer the most advanced form of gaming, but they should never be eliminated."

"Really good technology should be beneficial to the country and the people, not harmful."

"Indulging in pleasure and abandoning the body is a sign of the decline of civilization."

"Three or five years from now, will my Great Xia still have bloody men and soldiers to fight?"


"A group of demons are dancing."

The bunch of reports that Xiaomeng pulled out were clearly divided into three categories.

One category is: "I am not targeting Yunmeng, I am only concerned about the country and the people, and remind the society of the existence of the problem."

One category is: "Yunmeng's technology is good, but it must be used more carefully, and it cannot expand without limit like it is now."

The last category is quite special: "Yunmeng is a black sheep, a social cancer, and must be shut down as soon as possible."

The last category basically comes from the media on Lin You’s blacklist that have survived to this day.

Yes, although they were on Lin You's blacklist, their reputations were almost ruined, and their business operations became much more difficult, but many of them were still alive.

It's just that life is not very good.

These media usually don't get the opportunity, but now they finally have the opportunity. When they scolded Yunmeng, it was all their strength.

Anyway, Lin You has already been blacklisted, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

From the title to the end of their "report", the four characters "personal grievances" are conveyed everywhere between the lines.

Even [Yunmeng can't help, the people are not strong! ] Such outrageous slogans were shouted out.

All kinds of information were too messy, and Lin You didn't bother to read them one by one, so he asked Xiaomeng directly: "What about ordinary netizens and players? How do they react?"

"Many ordinary netizens also expressed worry and uneasiness, and the players...are scolding their mothers." Xiaomeng's summary was as concise as ever.

"In short, netizens who don't understand the situation are being tempted by unprofessional reports." Lin You nodded, roughly clarifying the current situation of public opinion.

There are many ways to deal with it: giving examples, presenting data, reasoning...etc.

But Lin You felt that this was too passive.

Especially now that the field of public opinion is still in chaos, the media that raised opinions are attacking each other because of their different positions.

Coupled with the unknown truth, netizens and frustrated players, no matter what you do at this time, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and you may even fall into the quagmire of the debate yourself, which is very troublesome.

And Lin You hates trouble.

"Master, do we want to block some more media outlets?" Xiaomeng felt itchy after not blocking media outlets for a long time.

"Don't!" Lin You hurriedly stopped.

At this time, if you don't say anything and directly blacklist people, wouldn't that add fuel to the fire?

In the end, Lin You thought about it, and decided on a strategy: pretend you didn't see it.

When An Rongyi's [Night City Virtual Concert] is announced in the afternoon, there will be an excellent window for speaking out. At that time, it won't be too late.

——If at that time, there are still people who care about this matter.

The queen of the queens suddenly "comes back" and is going to hold a virtual concert with tens of millions of people.

Such explosive news will inevitably be as overwhelming as a flood, submerging the entire public opinion field in the shortest possible time.

It's just that Lin You didn't know that An Rongyi was being dissuaded by his assistant at this time: "Can you delay the matter of the virtual concert for a while? The current trend of public opinion on virtual games is really not good!"

Asking An Rongyi to stand on the cusp of this storm to attract firepower, the assistant was very reluctant.

The second update, a little later...

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