Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 406 Flight Practice

Although in the virtual world, it is completely possible to present awards, hold cups, and distribute money all in one.

But out of the need for a sense of ritual, the last link still returns to reality.

In the applause of the audience and the rain of golden ribbons, several people worked together to lift the huge championship trophy.

Different from the pure joy and excitement of his teammates, Zhang Muyu felt the heavy weight in his hands, and couldn't help recalling the experience of missing the championship time and time again.

When he fell behind 1:2, his heart was in his throat.

But I had to suppress the uneasiness in my heart, tried my best to calm down, and gave my teammates a firm look.

Fortunately, fortunately, he won after all.

He finally got a taste of the championship.

Under the emotional agitation, she couldn't help but shed tears.

Unlike his teammates who were almost carried away with excitement, while Lin Shun was happy, he also noticed that Zhang Muyu was crying.

Although he can't empathize with Zhang Muyu's feelings - because he won the national championship the year he debuted, and he got it from Zhang Muyu...

But he could somewhat imagine Zhang Muyu's mood, so he couldn't help freeing up a hand and shook Zhang Muyu's shoulder firmly.

Zhang Muyu looked sideways at Lin Shun, and immediately avoided his sight in embarrassment, looking at the dazzling trophy under the light.

"That's great." He couldn't help thinking.


"It's really great, Master's youth has come to fruition!" A Yi watched the game and was sincerely happy for Zhang Muyu.

Zhang Muyu has always missed a championship, not only his own regret, but also the common regret of many core players who have played games for many years.

And now, this regret has finally been filled, and everyone feels relieved.

Of course, after rejoicing, we still have to get down to business.

A Yi had to continue to face the problem in front of him: the indiscriminate death drag racing competition.

In fact, from Friday's "Metropolis News·Night City Special", he knew that the drag racing competition would be held on Sunday, which caught him by surprise.

And as a "little famous" big anchor-this is modesty, or to put it like a fart, he is not willing to get a mediocre car to race.

If there are not enough characteristics and creativity, it will be difficult to produce the effect of the program if it is so oblivious to everyone.

If there is no program effect, then why not participate?

After thinking hard for a long time, he suddenly thought of one thing: Since it is an "indiscriminate" competition, can I fly a plane to participate?

You know, at the end of the main plot, the player ran to the pier to intercept and kill Vigo based on the information given by the Continental Hotel.

The escape method Vigo tried to use was a small helicopter.

After Vigo was killed by the player, the small helicopter naturally stayed there.

It's just that in this place, Yunmeng is not a human again.

Compared with the simplified armed helicopter of the Metropolitan Police Department, which can be flown by just two people, this ordinary helicopter is highly realistic, with almost no obvious simplification.

So that people who have never driven a helicopter in real life can't drive a helicopter at all in the game.

As a matter of course, most players directly regarded this plane as an "environmental prop" and threw it where it was.

After Ah Yi thought of this question, he immediately got up from the bed and checked the relevant information.

Then I was pleasantly surprised to find that if you don’t consider too many safety and regulatory issues, and practice directly, you will be able to fly in about ten hours!

At most, more than a dozen planes fell and died a dozen times.

In reality, this must be something only a psychopath can do, but——

Night City is a virtual world!

So Ah Yi got up in the middle of the night and logged into Night City, ran to the registration point and asked the NPC: "Indiscriminate Death Drag Race, can I fly a plane to participate?"

As soon as the words came out, the NPCs were stunned, with an expression of looking crazy.

But after being stunned for a few seconds, the answer came up: "Yes, but the flying height cannot exceed 10 meters."

"Perfect!" A Yi immediately clenched his fists, "The 10-meter air force, he is also an air force!"

As we all know, the three words of air supremacy itself represent a huge advantage.

Then he busily passed the control panel of the modification workshop, controlling the trailer to transport the helicopter.

He wants to practice flying, and he will inevitably crash the plane in the middle.

It doesn't matter if you are dropped to death, but if the plane is damaged, it will be terrible.

So you have to go to the refitting workshop first to "save a file" for the plane, so that it can be repaired if it breaks.

Of course, you have to change the settings first, you can't go online, you have to go back to your private world to operate.

——This is a secret weapon, if someone sees it, what kind of secret weapon is it?

For this reason, he even sent a leave message late at night on the way back in the trailer, telling fans to stop broadcasting for one day the next day.

He wants to spend the whole day practicing flying a plane!

Of course, in reality, he didn't practice all day Saturday.

He wasted a lot of energy, scolding the media on the Internet who accused virtual reality games of dragging down players' physical fitness, and took the lead in leading fans to fight against Internet trolls.

Many people in the fan group are saying: "No wonder you have to ask for leave. I thought about it in the middle of the night. Do you want to concentrate on cursing people today?"

"Then you don't need to ask for leave, start a live broadcast! The live broadcast scolds these grandchildren!"

"Yes! If you scold me well, I'll show you rockets!"

Ah Yi resisted the temptation, so he didn't start a live broadcast to curse people...

Mainly, he was still practicing flying in single-player mode, which was exposed as soon as the broadcast started.

He was spraying people on the Internet while waiting for repairs in the modification room after the plane crashed.

What I thought in my heart was that once the helicopter was repaired, I would immediately close the page and practice flying.

But, sometimes you can't hold back when you encounter a bad guy, and it's hard to stop if you don't win.

So Ah Yi wasted a lot of time. After a whole morning, he didn't make much progress, and he couldn't even hover in the air steadily. The result was a crash every time.

A Yi looked down at the instructional video he had chosen—"The Helicopter Tutorial is Here, Learn to Fly a Helicopter in Three Minutes!" "

This video has an extremely high playback volume, and the content is very concise. Every step is clear and clear. It seems that flying a helicopter is really not too simple!

In order not to miss any details, Ah Yi watched the video twice at 0.5 times speed, and then boarded the plane with confidence.

After that, he began to repeat the journey of crashing the plane and dying.

Sudden death is a small problem, but the maintenance resources consumed by repairing the aircraft over and over again made him very heartbroken.

This cycle of failures and sudden deaths, repairing the plane and spraying people, repairing it and then crashing the plane continued until the news of An Rongyi's concert was announced.

The scolding finally subsided.

In addition to being excited about An Rongyi's appearance, everyone's focus also had a wonderful deflection: Who is the mysterious guest in the drag racing competition?

At the very beginning, most players firmly believed that the so-called mysterious guest must be Lin You.

As a game producer, Lin You has not appeared once or twice in his game. Every time he appears in the live broadcast, he can attract a lot of attention.

Appearing in the drag racing competition this time is very reasonable!

Everyone also installed more brutal weapons on their cars one after another, preparing to surprise Lin You.

But today, after Yunmeng suddenly announced that An Rongyi would come to Night City to hold a virtual concert, many people suddenly thought: "Is it possible that this mysterious guest is An Rongyi?"

"It's hard for me to imagine that the gentle and virtuous singer is driving a big, tough car on the road, colliding with others..."

"It seems a bit outrageous... But, what if?"

"I don't care, just plant a peach tree here!"


There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, but Ah Yi didn't pay any attention to it.

After the scolding battle subsided, he finally had time to reflect——

"Is there something wrong with the tutorial I chose?"


The indiscriminate death racing competition was suddenly announced to be held on Sunday. For the players, it was almost a surprise attack. Of course, Ayi was not the only one who was caught off guard.

Originally, many people thought that it would not start until at least next week, and they were all making preparations at a leisurely pace.

As a result, I was suddenly told that the game would start the day after tomorrow, and the time became tense.

Many planned programs had to be modified or simplified immediately due to time and funding issues.

Of course, krypton players are willing to spend money to buy gold, so the financial problem can be alleviated to some extent.

Chasing the wind is one of them. Things like buying gold are basic exercises.

It's just that the time is tight, he can't think of any tricks, and the infinite pile of armor doesn't fit his aesthetics.

In fact, the tortoise tactics of infinite piles of armor do not conform to the aesthetics of most players.

The power of the engine is limited, even if you are willing to spend money to get the most powerful engine in Night City, there is an upper limit.

The thicker the armor, the more exaggerated its weight, and naturally the slower it runs.

No matter how crazy the rules are in a drag racing competition, it is still a drag racing competition, and it is impossible to win if the speed is too slow.

In the end, Zhuifeng decided to take a slant with his sword——

Go straight to the supercar!

Even in the virtual world, a supercar is an expensive toy.

Of course, it will not be dozens of times more expensive than in reality, but it will be 10 times more expensive.

But it’s worth the money. In terms of speed alone, supercars are definitely far ahead of ordinary cars.

If it weren't for the fact that Night City also has a racing circuit for formula racing, the supercar would definitely enter the first echelon.

In fact, as soon as the online function was turned on, Zhuifeng bought enough virtual currency and ran to the racing track immediately, spending a sum of money, wanting to experience what it's like to drive a racing car.

The race track in the game was originally built to enrich the player's experience, and it was built for the player to play. Naturally, there are not as many safety restrictions as in reality.

In other words, as long as they are willing to pay, anyone can drive directly to the track.

Then Zhuifeng broke his spine at the first bend...

He really experienced what it feels like to be paralyzed in the lower body. In the end, he had to shoot himself in the head to get out of the predicament.

After that, he temporarily stopped thinking about driving a racing car, and planned to practice slowly when he had time in the future.

Otherwise, he will definitely find a way to drive a formula car to compete.

As for poor defense and lack of aggressiveness, it's not a problem.

The so-called martial arts in the world can only be fast, as long as I run fast enough, the enemy will not be able to catch up with me!

As long as you are in the leading position throughout the whole process, you can win the championship in one fell swoop!

As for the lack of confrontation, it may be less enjoyable to watch...

He is not a pure anchor!

Besides, as long as you can win the championship, it's completely acceptable to be almost there!

At the same time, countless players are also making their own preparations:

Super Tomatoes is trying to stuff a few huge stereos into the car.

Yelang was welding a third huge all-metal siege crossbow to the body.

Xia Yi was wearing a red and white t-shirt and blue shorts, with double ponytails and smoky makeup. She was looking at the mirror admiring her first attempt at the girl's dress...

Thank you book friend tail number 8331 for the reward of 100 coins!

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