Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 424 Quicken the pace!

A Yi was dumbfounded.

His understanding of this wilderness in "Paradise" is very limited.

It’s just that during the drive here, I vaguely realized that this land is not completely based on reality.

Especially when he entered the forest, he clearly realized that the trees in this forest were not like the tropical and dry plants on the African grasslands, but more like those trees commonly found in Southeast Asia.

It is unlikely that these two landscapes are closely adjacent to each other, and it is only a ten-minute drive from one ecological region to another.

In other words, the terrain, climate, ecology and other elements of this wilderness are forcibly spliced ​​together.

Specifically, is the tropical grassland as the main body, spliced ​​with small pieces of other ecological environments, or different ecological environments are mixed according to a certain proportion, and there is no fixed main body. Ayi is not sure - the area he sees is too small .

Therefore, he could barely accept the sudden sight of a blue sea stretching all the way to the horizon.


An island inhabited by Jurassic dinosaurs suddenly appeared in front of his eyes after traveling for more than 200 million years. This is really beyond his ability to accept!

A Yi rubbed his eyes in disbelief, worried that he was wrong.

But after a while, not only did the huge dinosaur not disappear, but four more appeared from far and near!

There was even an extremely outrageous super-large pterosaur with a wingspan of more than 10 meters, screaming and passing over the forest, and Ah Yi was very excited to see it.

It is absolutely certain now!

"My mother! It's real! It's really a dinosaur!!!"

"How do I get down? How do I get there? I want to land on the island! I want it now!!"

A Yi was so excited that he couldn't describe it. He flew over alone regardless of his image, lay down on the edge of the cliff, and looked down, hoping to find the nearest fast track.

His first thought was: as long as you can't die from the fall, just jump!

But the height that caught his eye forced him to give up this idea, and began to look around, looking for the way down.

At the same time, countless players in the live broadcast room put down the live broadcast one after another and started to log in to the game.

The friends in the bathroom group are hunting brown bears with Ah Hu.

Different from the tiger of the cat family, after being blinded, everyone swarmed up, and all kinds of guys went up together. Although some people were injured, they could be controlled after all, and the overall difficulty was not too high.

But this brown bear is completely different.

After being blinded as usual, everyone took back the [Bather Lamp] and rushed forward to try to control the brown bear.

But even though the brown bear has lost his vision, he is not an easy person.

An adult male brown bear with a body length of nearly 2.5 meters looks like it weighs more than 600 kilograms. When standing up, it can smash a skull with a slap, and its lethality is still very terrifying!

The players rushed forward, but this huge brown bear was not affected at all. It suppressed one with one buttock, slapped one into the air with a slap, and killed another with a few bites...

Even if it is stabbed by an iron spear, it has thick fur as a defense, and the spearhead can't penetrate too much. The brown bear's counterattack after suffering the pain can instantly overwhelm the attacking player.

You must know that the "spear hunting" in reality has very high requirements for the "spear" used, and this inferior weapon is by no means competent.

Other "handmade weapons" are even more unbearable. They are just tickling the brown bear, a waste of effort.

In the end, the brown bear killed three people, broke through the siege and ran away, leaving only one wounded in place.

If it weren't for this virtual world, it would definitely be a bloody scene of missing arms and broken legs.

Fortunately, it is a virtual world. Even if the real arm and leg are seriously injured, the players who are completely disobedient will calmly collapse on the ground and continue to talk to each other:

"Not good, is this bear too fierce?"

"Yeah, didn't you say that the tiger is the king of the jungle? How do I feel that this bear can kill that tiger?"

"Yeah, regardless of physique or strength, isn't there too much difference?"

"Don't be silly, do you think it's a size comparison? We can beat the tiger, and the tiger can beat the bear, so we can beat the bear? It's not the same thing at all, okay?!"

So everyone discussed the triangle relationship between man, tiger and brown bear.

Ah Hu also announced at the right time: Today's hunting ends here, and everyone can move freely.

——There are too many people, and being able to organize two games already made Ah Hu feel a pain in the head, so hurry up and leave as soon as possible.

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Fuck! Dinosaur!"

This scream immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the group of friends were inexplicably surprised:

"Dinosaurs, is it too heavy?"

"I've always known that there are a lot of perverts in our group, but I never thought that it would be so perverted!"

"Although human sexuality is free, I still recommend you to see a doctor."

"People can't, at least they shouldn't..."

The player who screamed was furious: "What nonsense are you talking about! I'm talking about dinosaurs! Ah Yi found a dinosaur!"

"You guys keep on talking nonsense, I'm going to find dinosaurs!"

As soon as the player finished speaking, he got up and went to look for A Yi, without dragging his feet.

——Many viewers in the live broadcast room were looking for it, and the route was also clearly stated: walk upstream along the stream, and there is a hole at the source, and you can get there through the hole.

Before he took a few steps, the players who were lying and resting behind him confirmed the news one after another. Almost all of them stood up and told Ah Hu loudly that they were about to leave.

Even if one leg is still in a negative state and players who can't walk normally at all, they still have to keep going to see dinosaurs.

It's just that after Ah Hu figured out what was going on, he immediately followed up without saying a word: "Let's go together!"

Dinosaurs! Who can miss this!

Lin You, who got the news from Xiao Meng, also quickly ended the call with Zhou Jingzheng, remained invisible, and appeared on the cliff together with Xiao Meng silently.

As soon as he came over, he saw Ayi sitting on the edge of the cliff, looking at Dinosaur Island with blank eyes.

The entrance of this cave is completely a cliff, and there is no way down at all.

The height of the cliff is also very outrageous, jumping off will undoubtedly kill you.

In other words, Dinosaur Island is right in front of you, but there is no way to go there.

"It was discovered." Lin You looked at Dinosaur Island not far away, "I thought they would find the Tyrannosaurus rex that escaped from Dinosaur Island first."

"That one was also found!" Xiaomeng answered, "But that person was bitten to death by the Overlord before he could take a photo, so no evidence was left. Before today, no one believed him."

"In this case, our [Jurassic Park Project] has to speed up the progress."

"Yeah, Xiaomeng will work hard!" Xiaomeng was full of energy as always.

"Let's work hard together." Lin You rubbed Xiaomeng's pink head while thinking about the next plan.

It always feels... It's getting more and more difficult to touch fish.

Next, he wants to make an ancient battlefield vehicle from 100 years ago, and it is best to learn to drive it himself.

To learn to ride a horse, to practice boxing and knives, to join the "Battlefield" development team, and to pay attention to the development of "Minecraft" mods.

Now we have to add the development of [Jurassic Park].

"Hmm..." Lin You shook his head, "I have to buy a building quickly and add people."

Xiao Meng shook Lin You's hand, "Xiao Meng is paying attention."

"I know, I know, Xiaomeng is the best, let's go to the island for a little overtime." After speaking, Lin You took Xiaomeng to teleport to the island first.

Dinosaur Island is not perfect now, and in terms of science and rigor, it is completely incomparable with the wilderness.

After all, Lin You just read some relevant literature, and then he didn't think too much about it, so he started to make dinosaurs based on the literary and artistic works in his memory.

He himself doesn't know how real the dinosaur ecology produced in this way is.

In other words, Lin You has no obsessive-compulsive disorder in terms of authenticity, so that all this can be produced smoothly.

This dinosaur island, Lin You's positioning for him is "Jurassic Park" without a plot, it is a relatively pure dinosaur sightseeing park.

——At least that's the plan now.

As for the future...

He does have the idea of ​​letting players hunt large beasts, but that is hunting huge fantasy creatures, not close to real prehistoric dinosaurs.

Moreover, it is impossible for him to handle the content of that volume by himself, let alone release it as a DLC of "Paradise".

But from the perspective of virtual world integration, Dinosaur Island can be a springboard to the world of fantasy creatures.

It's like the Red Gate Bridge connecting Metropolis and Night City.

Of course, it is still too early to say this.

Previously, he and Xiaomeng had spent all their energy on building islands and dinosaurs. The park for players to visit hadn't been built yet, only a rough prototype.

If the player really landed on the island, he would only see an unfinished product—provided that he had not only landed on the island, but had not been eaten by the dinosaurs on the island.

That's why they need to pick up the pace a bit now.

Fortunately, neither the "tyrannosaurus rex escaping from Dinosaur Island" nor the cliff that A Yi found has any direct way to land on Dinosaur Island.

For the time being, players can only regard this dinosaur island as a landscape, looking at it from a distance, just like the snow mountain in the wilderness.

There should be plenty of time left for the construction of the island.

While thinking about these things, Lin You and Xiao Meng started to build various buildings in the park.

There is nothing wrong with his logic.

But he greatly underestimated the appeal of dinosaurs to players.

The second is later.

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