Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 428: Road Builders

Once the cost of death and injury is excluded, many extremely dangerous skills that require long and rigorous training will become very fast to learn.

And practicing wingsuit flying in "Paradise" is such a thing.

Here, failure is nothing more than death, and the price of death is zero.

Well, not zero either.

If you die here, the wingsuit flight suit on your body will be damaged directly, and you need to buy it again.

However, few players who have played "League of Assassins" are really short of money. If they rob the bank, the virtual currency is a starting income of more than 100,000 yuan.

As for a wing suit, the price is only 1,500, which is completely worthless.

If it doesn't work, you can sell the idle real estate and exchange it for working capital.

After all, in a metropolis, who doesn't have a few vacant properties?

In reality, if robbing a bank is not illegal, it would not be difficult for every household to have several suites.

In short, with the combination of various factors, the proficiency of the players in wingsuit flying has risen rapidly.

Many people die back and forth dozens of times, and the technology has greatly improved.

I dare not say how skilled I am, but I probably control the direction of my flight to ensure that I fly to Dinosaur Island instead of twisting around or even heading into the sea. It is not as difficult as it was at first.

So, when Wang Pan changed into a brand new wing suit and rushed to this platform again, he could already see dense figures of players when he looked at the sky above Dinosaur Island.

Here on a small platform, because the player's game experience has to be taken into consideration, when the number of people in their 30s and 40s is reached, they will start to divert and do dynamic balance.

But once they fly away from this platform and enter the sky, the mirror images will automatically merge, and players from different small platforms will naturally meet in the sky above Dinosaur Island.

Although not all players will be merged, the number of players far exceeds the number of players on the platform.

But at the same time, the number of pterosaurs above Dinosaur Island has also doubled, and they are frantically intercepting and strangling players in the air.

The current players can only roughly control the direction of the flight, but cannot accurately control it, and it is difficult to accurately control the landing point.

Even if it is not killed by the pterosaur in the air, it will fall to the island and die suddenly.

The few lucky enough to land on the sea will also be shot to death directly on the sea because of the wrong posture when entering the water.

All of a sudden, in the sky, land, and sea area of ​​Dinosaur Island, players continued to die, turning into wisps of light and dissipating.

On the island, Lin You and Xiao Meng raised their heads and looked at the daytime fireworks, and for a moment, they even felt a little pretty.

Lin You felt that it would be a pity if only he and Xiaomeng could see such a beautiful scenery.

So I recorded a section without public morality and posted it on Lingxi.

Needless to say, Lin You's influence, as soon as the news was posted, a large number of netizens immediately noticed it and rushed to watch it immediately.

Then I saw groups of pterosaurs soaring in the sky, fluttering their wings from time to time, and on the side of the pterosaurs, a fleeting shadow kept flying by, and there was a red light flickering at the intersection, and then turned into a Make white light.

At first, everyone was amazed at the hordes of pterosaurs—the news of Dinosaur Island is not new, but it was the first time for everyone to see such a close distance and such a unique perspective.

After being amazed by the speed and novelty of the pterosaur, he began to wonder what the red and white lights were.

It wasn't until the second half of the video, when Lin You thoughtfully slowed down the screen, that everyone saw that it was players wearing wingsuits flying across the sky at high speed.

"Battle for airspace on Dinosaur Island!"

"My God, is it so tragic?"

"Can't you give me some weapons? This is too miserable, right? It's just a gift!"

"Blockbuster style! Is there a better angle? It feels very enjoyable!"

"I know a real wingsuit master who also plays virtual games! Now go and urge him to start the broadcast!"


Lin You only glanced twice before closing the panel.

He still has to work hard with Xiaomeng to make the Jurassic Park park.


On the small platform, Wang Pan has started another wingsuit flight.

The first time I tried to enter the water, because I was too close to the coast, I crashed and died on a coral reef hidden underwater, and died suddenly on the spot.

The second time I tried to enter the water, and because of the very small angle of entry into the water, the shot died on the water.

Then, he felt fed up with running again and again, and went offline directly after being resurrected to find his wife.

He planned to call his wife and friends to go online to help transport the flight suits.

Players have tried it a long time ago: only the clothes they wear can be brought into Paradise.

So if you want to transport more flight suits at one time, you can only mobilize more people.

And the flight suits shipped over must be watched by someone.

Otherwise, it will definitely be used up by the player with nonsense reasons such as "it's a pity that no one will use it, out of good intentions to help it display its value", and it will not be able to wait for him to take it.

The players are by no means treacherous and evil, but the per capita merit index in the game is definitely negative!

As soon as Wang Pan found his wife Miao Miao, his wife told him; "Your social account's private messages have exploded, buzzing and buzzing endlessly, let's take a look."

Wang Pan opened it and saw that they were all urging him to start the live broadcast.

As one of the most famous extreme athletes in China, of course he is well-known.

But as we all know, extreme sports is a very niche circle, even if he is one of the most well-known people, his fame is far from great.

In fact, his most famous deeds are not the awards he won in international extreme sports events, but the few times he climbed the stairs in Metropolis and Night City on live broadcast.

It was only after entering the virtual world that he knew what real "heat" was.

It's just that he didn't care much about it, and he didn't respond to the live broadcast platform that came up to invite him to sign a contract, and he never signed a contract.

——Compared to wasting too much time on the live broadcast, he prefers to train in reality.

But Wang Pan's wife, Miao Miao, has a different view on this.

In his wife's opinion, if there is an opportunity, he must seize it.

Earning more money is not only a guarantee for the future, but can also be directly converted into better sports equipment, more reliable action support, and even a better logistics team.

And these, sometimes, can even directly improve his chances of surviving some extreme challenges.

As for the live broadcast time, these can be discussed.

Wang Pan knew what was going on, and knew how rare it was to meet such a wife who was willing to support him. In just one afternoon, he was successfully persuaded by his wife Miao Miao, and he began to have some awareness of "self-management".

Looking up, seeing his wife's look of anticipation and hesitation, he blinked, and suddenly grinned: "Then let's broadcast it live!"

After speaking, he posted a post on the spot to publicize the address of the live broadcast.

His wife Miaomiao immediately smiled and frowned, rubbed his face like a dog, picked up the headband, put it on, and logged into the virtual world with him.

However, after the live broadcast is started, it is inevitable to be affected by the audience.

Especially when you have the awareness of "operation", it is impossible not to consider the effect of live broadcast, it is nothing more than a question of more or less.

After Wang Pan started broadcasting, after thinking about it, he decided to suspend the "entering the sea" operation. Instead, he planned to explore the airspace of Dinosaur Island for the second time, to get as close as possible to the group of pterosaurs, and to observe a wave.

——Getting close to pterosaurs in the air to find excitement, the live broadcast effect is obviously much better than swimming in the sea.

He also really wanted to try to tease the pterosaur, and then escape from the claws.

Unsurprisingly, this operation brought him unprecedented enthusiasm, and the players who came to watch the excitement in a short period of time even caught up with many first-line anchors.

I have to say that the things about dying are always the most eye-catching.

After the broadcast, there is more than one benefit: players continue to join the group and are willing to take the initiative to help deliver flight suits.

They are more willing to support the boss to die than to "send their lives" in person.

——It’s not that the virtual world won’t die, and all players can bravely try wingsuit flying.

Not at all!

Don't look at the sky above Dinosaur Island, the "air battle" is in full swing. In fact, these people account for a very small proportion of the total number of players.

More players, after watching the excitement, even tried a tragic fall, decisively gave up this crazy behavior.

Choose the safer, less exciting route instead: go to the coast, make a boat, and paddle across.

Although this method looks slower, it is relatively stable, and as more and more people join, the progress is also accelerating.

Especially when someone left the staff, landed the hot air balloon directly, and dragged the deflated balloon to the small platform.

Whether it is a hang glider or a parachute, materials and craftsmanship have ushered in a major upgrade.

A Yi also temporarily put down the wingsuit to fly, reunited with his friends, upgraded the hang glider, and experienced the approaching reconnaissance of the hang glider.

As a result, as soon as he got close to Dinosaur Island, he was chased by the pterosaur from a distance, tore the hang glider in the air, and fell screaming.

But before he fell into the forest, he was overtaken by the pterosaur, clasped his shoulders with two claws, brought him up to Yunxiao again, and then loosened his claws and threw him down!

As far as the landing goal is concerned, the progress boost is zero.

But in terms of the effect of the live broadcast, it was a small climax today.

When night came, as always, players who were off work and after school also joined the army attacking Dinosaur Island.

But they no longer have to figure out their own way to go down the cliff.

When Shui Hua came home from school, she ran over to find Xia Yi like a fly.

When she came to the small platform on the cliff, what she saw was a long-long road made on the cliff after a day of hard work by the pioneers, using the fabric of the air bag, ropes, rock climbing tools, and the perseverance like ants moving house. ~Long~Long abseiling passage.

There are thick knots for easy grip, dimples for pedaling, and freely accessible safety locks for anti-dropping.

With a little courage and a couple of tries, you can use this passage all the way down to the coast.

According to the mechanism of the game, as long as people continue to go down here and keep interacting, this channel will always exist.

The most powerful thing is that according to Xiaomeng's statistics, there are more than 600,000 such rappelling passages in different diversion maps!

Before and after, there are more than two million players who have more or less contributed their own efforts to the construction of this channel.

At night, some new players came here, and after figuring out how this rappelling channel was born, the first thing they did was not even to go down, but to continue to strengthen this channel, trying to make it more convenient and safer.

Looking at this scene, Lin You felt as if he was witnessing the virtual reality version of "Ahn'Qiraj Opens the Door".

Ps. One correction: I mentioned the height of the cliff yesterday, and I wrote an outrageous data out of my brain.

Corrected to an altitude of more than 1,000 meters.

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