Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 431: The Calamity of Giant Beasts!

On the sea outside Dinosaur Island, the players who were swimming towards the coast suddenly encountered a catastrophe.

The players swimming towards the coast were not the only ones in the small area near the water where Wang Pan entered.

In fact, in all directions of Dinosaur Island, players have successfully entered the water one after another, swimming to the coast from all directions.

But without exception, they were attacked by various underwater creatures, and the casualties continued to increase.

Wang Pan hurried back to the small platform on the cliff, took the telescope handed over by his wife, and looked into the sea, trying to figure out what was going on.

But the first sight that caught his attention was not more and more players falling from the sky and entering the water smoothly.


Those players who have been busy building ships on the coast are going into the sea one after another, rushing to Dinosaur Island on a raft.

The first batch of these rafts started with two people, and the upper limit was no more than five people.

The larger raft has not yet been completed - because it is too big, the progress is still far behind.

As a result, now that others have rushed into the sea, they can only beat their chests and feet, but it is too late to regret.

Splash was also lucky to set foot on the raft.

The players organized by Xia Yi have been making five rafts at the same time from the beginning, and all of them have been successfully launched into the water now.

Splash also got a seat, because he felt that he had done less work than others, and now he was paddling desperately to be worthy of this seat.

Not just splashes, all the players on the raft are paddling desperately.

Many people rowed vigorously while shouting chant, just like a dragon boat race.

Everyone wants to be one step ahead and set foot on Dinosaur Island.

In this eager mood, the raft was obviously simple, but it gave them the momentum to cut through the waves.

Of course, in these "cutting the waves" teams, occasionally a few rafts suddenly disintegrated on the water because they were not strong enough, and the players on the rafts fell into the water while scolding their mothers.

But even the players who fell into the sea did not give up, holding on to the wood and life jackets that barely floated on the water, they still wanted to go to the island!

At this time, the advantage of the fleet was revealed, and Xia Yi's "fleet" also had a raft that split halfway.

However, the players above put on life jackets and went directly into the water, holding on to the raft of their teammates, and they could still move forward. They could even act as a human engine, stepping on water to accelerate the raft.

Under the concerted efforts, the rafts caught up with the players whose wings were loaded into the water, and rushed to the shore together with the players who were swimming.

At this moment, the "Navy" and "Air Force" have completed their meeting!

But their situation is completely different——

There are more and more shadows under the water.

There are constantly swimming players being attacked by sharks, cursing and being bitten at the same time, and finally disappearing helplessly.

Even players who are holding a raft and swimming in the water are no exception.

When the sharks attacked, Xia Yi and Shui Hua tried to use the wooden oars in their hands to knock and smash them to protect their teammates.

However, the blunt blows from the wood, still across the sea, did almost no damage to the sharks, and could not prevent the death of teammates at all.

When I was making the raft, even when I first entered the water, no one thought about dealing with sharks, so that now, there is not even a sharpened wooden stick.

The strength of the counterattack is almost negligible.

Fortunately, relying on a strong raft, self-protection is more than enough.

Everyone can only paddle while watching the shark's fins swipe across the water quickly, arousing sharp water lines, and swipe past the players in the water.

In the next moment, a red light will burst out from the player's body, and after screaming or cursing, he quickly disappears on the water.

This is still an attack that can be clearly seen with the naked eye.

There are also some players who were swimming well, but were suddenly pulled underwater, and never floated again.

A player who swam very forward and managed to avoid the shark's bite was still cheering in the water.

A huge shadow emerged from the water, and with him at the center, an astonishingly large bloody mouth emerged from the sea, closing suddenly!

It quickly sank to the surface of the water and disappeared without a trace.

"That... what is it!" A teammate pointed at the location where Jukou disappeared and exclaimed.

Everyone turned their heads at the same time, but only saw the waves on the water surface that hadn't calmed down.

"What did you see?" Xia Yi asked.

"A bloody mouth." The frightened expression on the water friend's face has not faded.

"Ah?" Xia Yi was puzzled.

But soon, her doubts were answered, because the owner of Jukou appeared again!

And right in front of you!

The underwater mosasaur made a wild pounce. While swallowing a player, its whole body jumped out of the water and flew over their heads!

Everyone on the raft stood there in a daze like an idiot, with their heads raised motionless, watching this mighty majestic body fly past them at a very close distance.



At a very close distance, the sound of the mosasaur's body smashing through the water sounded like a bomb exploding in the water!

Accompanied by it, huge water splashes exploded and rushed to the surroundings.

Everyone was drenched thoroughly by the rushing water waves, and the huge splash splashed water all over their heads and faces, and they stretched out their hands to wipe the splash on their faces with difficulty.

But their luck is still good.

The worst was the players on the strange raft beside them—they happened to be at the landing point of the mosasaurus very unfortunately.

A few minutes ago, they were competing with Xia Yi to see who could row the boat faster, but now there are only knots of rotten logs floating on the water.

Apparently, the entire raft, plus the four players on the raft, had all been reimbursed, and they went to see Hades on a one-way ticket.




On the raft, Xia Yi, Shui Hua, and two teammates all stared blankly at the place where the mosasaurus disappeared, and at the undulating water waves, and lost their ability to speak for a while.

He couldn't even make a sound of exclamation.

Such a close distance, such a ferocious prey, such a ferocious appearance, such a terrifying prehistoric beast!

Seeing this thing in front of your eyes, and looking at it from a distance, the feeling is completely different!

The shock of the mind is beyond words!

But this is far from over!

The appearance of Mosasaur seems to be a signal.

Not far away, a giant beast with a slender body like a dragon surfaced out of the water, smashed a raft and began to swim leisurely in the sea.

Just looking at the body length, it was even longer than the mosasaur that just emerged!

It didn't take the initiative to attack, but any raft that dared to approach it would be crushed by him, or smashed by its tail.

That was an ancient species that appeared only after the extinction of the dinosaurs—the Dragon King Whale!

Then came the monster that appeared in the shallow sea because of Lin You's trickery.

Tentacles protruded from the water one by one, densely wrapped around a raft, and crushed the raft into pieces in a blink of an eye.

But it wasn't until the player disappeared that its main body emerged from the sea and completed its appearance.

That is the ancient ancestor of the giant squid - the tost giant squid!


And more, more—

Melville's Whale, Megalodon, Mauisaurus, Dunkleosteus, Liopleurodon, Keroulong, Tailu Shark, Cupspondylus...

One after another, gigantic monsters appeared on the stage one after another, smashing the rafts with ease, making people dazzled.

They are not giant beasts of the same era at all, and some don't even live in shallow seas at all, and are even natural enemies at all!

But under Lin You's aesthetic philosophy of "big is better, more is beautiful", all of them were swarmed into the sea.

And during this time when the players were highly gathered, all of them took the initiative to show up.

Incidentally, there was a terrible shipwreck.

——It took only twenty minutes for these monsters to appear, and the "Navy" was almost wiped out.

The time to board Dinosaur Island was forced to be postponed again.

But with this incident, even if they didn't say anything, there was a vague consensus in everyone's heart——

If you want to land on Dinosaur Island, individual heroism is probably hopeless.

Even an elite small team is unlikely to succeed.

What the players really need is an organized large-scale landing operation!

Was taken aback!

Thank you Mr. Owl for the leader of the reward! 100,000 point coins!

The first leader of this book!

By the way, I also completed the first master and master together, so add three more!

Please believe me it is really very very very grateful.

It’s just that everyone knows my code word speed, from 4000 to 6000, I have been unable to save the manuscript...

But I will work hard, and I will definitely make up a few chapters this month!

I promise!

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