Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 451 Time to Suppress Bandits!

Xiao Meng's voice suddenly came from Lin You's ear, "Master, do you want Xiao Meng to drive them out?"

Obviously, Xiaomeng, who was still listening to the song, noticed what happened to Lin You.

Lin You thought about it, and instead of teleporting the person away, he knocked on the air outside the lounge and added a layer of sound insulation.

Then he pulled out a two-meter-three long gun out of thin air, put out the gun rack, and pointed it at the gangsters.

Whether it's the rules in the game or the detailed rules for holding a virtual concert, there is nothing that prohibits players from making trouble-although it is because they did not expect it.

But since the actions of these players are within the rules of the game, Lin You is also happy to enrich their game experience as an NPC.

Here on the public map, those combat skill bonuses will not take effect.

In other words, everyone can only fight with their own abilities.

Lin You has practiced knives and guns with Xu Chun and Luo Tong for so long, and has been abused by masters all the time. Now seeing a group of "equal opponents", his hands are somewhat itchy.

Now is a rare opportunity to give it a try!

If he is overthrown by these gangsters, he will admit his failure and shake people when the time comes.

Of course, that being said, Lin You is somewhat confident——

He has been practicing for so long, and he still practiced with real kung fu masters. Isn't it easy to beat ordinary people?

You can't just meet six gangsters casually, are they real kung fu masters, right?

—Where are there so many masters!

As for why Lin You chose a two-meter three-meter long spear instead of a one-meter-long knife that had been practiced longer, or even an iron rod like the gangsters?

That's six people!

He didn't break the rules, and he took out his gun, which is already very polite!

The six gangsters on the opposite side were not surprised but happy when they saw Lin You pull out such a long gun out of thin air.

Because it's the best case scenario.

Lin You was planning to start a film with them, obviously he would not give them another seven-day title package.

This directly eliminates the greatest risk.

As for that big gun? It just looks scary.

They don't just have a few crutches!

Besides, there were more than six of them here, and it was a success to hold Lin You back!

Just before doing it, they saw Lin You reaching out his hand again and knocking on the wall.

A red light turned into a fine grid, quickly extending along the wall until it was connected end to end, and then extended all the way to the end of the passage.

This ray of light disappeared in a flash, and the entire passage was swept away, and then no traces could be seen anymore.

But the rules of this channel have been changed.

"Since you have decided to start the fight and risk your own life, I don't think you will mind?"

The gangsters looked at each other—although they could only see the masks on each other's faces.

"Just what I want."

This group of people stretched their hands into the backpack, and when they took it out again, they had already grabbed a handful of broken glass and threw it at Lin You.


Lin You didn't expect such a bad move! Hastily lowered his head to cover his face.

"I'm going to remove the pain for you, that's why you do this?!"

Looking up again, the group of people had already rushed forward for a distance of five or six meters. Thanks to the narrow passage, Lin You only had to deal with three people at most.

He took the initiative to step forward, and with a shock of his big gun, he stabbed his head at the leader [Yibing].

Without the assistance of [Battle Sensing], micromanagement is completely impossible, and [One Pie] can only jump back as far as possible to avoid the attack.

But his retreat immediately disrupted the offensive formation behind him.

Lin You had no time to retract the spear, turned his wrist vigorously, and smashed the spear towards [Second Cake] on the left.

With this switching action, [Second Cake] was able to respond in advance, erecting the iron rod to block.


With a crisp sound, the tip of the gun was shaken away, and [Second Cake] was also staggered, and the momentum stopped.

After continuous delays, the [San Tiao] on the right has already rushed in front of him, raised his iron staff and smashed it hard at Lin You's head.

Lin You stomped on the floor, jumped back with his whole body, and quickly pulled back the spear in his hand to block.


second sound.

The barrel of the gun in his hand vibrated violently and almost fell out of his hand. Lin You took two steps back before finally standing still.

[Three Articles] Chasing after him closely, he smashed down again with a stick.

And Lin You planned to eat this stick, and at the same time——

Step side kick!

The strength rises from the ground, passes through the waist, hips, knees, and feet, until it is completely transmitted to the contact surface, and is poured into the [three] abdomen.

After receiving this heavy blow, 【Three Articles】immediately left both feet off the ground and was about to be kicked away.

But at the same time, Lin You's left rib was also hit. Even if the opponent's movements were deformed, he was smashed to the bone on the spot!

This time, in terms of blood volume change, Lin You obviously suffered a big loss.

But the difference between the virtual world and reality is that there is no pain.

As long as the fracture is not triggered and the mobility is impaired, it is worthwhile to trade the injury for an opportunity!

Resist the shock and strike again!

The sharp spear tip catches up with [Sanjo] who has not yet landed, and the next moment——

There was a "poof".

The light of blood suddenly appeared, and the tip of the gun came out through the body!

Lin You didn't stop, the spear was retracted in one blow, and he thrust out again, forcing another opponent back.


[Three Articles] fell to the ground, a blood hole was pierced in his chest, and he fell to the ground and lost his ability to move.


Before the last words were finished, they began to disappear.

"Pfft!" Lin You spat out the blood in his mouth, "Come again."

He even prescribed 5% pain for himself to enhance the actual combat experience.

On the stage, An Rongyi's singing gradually reached a climax.

This is the second of the war trilogy - the highest and most enthusiastic aria of "Flame".

The bursting drums, the intense pipa, the thick human voice chants, and the suona that exploded suddenly against the drums, echoed back and forth in the entire circular concert hall, as if the entire building was faintly resonating.

In the passage, as if incited by the music, both sides became excited.

Then Lin You saw that the remaining five guys on the opposite side twisted the iron crutches in their hands, and then——

Swipe out a sword to come!

"Fuck!" This time it was Lin You's turn to yell, "What rubbish security!"

——Speaking of which, it seems that the stick sword has not been designed in the game, right?

In other words... those blacksmith players made it themselves?

Is the craft upgraded so fast?

Even so, Lin You didn't flinch in the slightest, instead, a fiercer fighting spirit emerged in his chest!



In this circular concert hall, Lin You wasn't the only place where the battle started.

The players who played with Lin You, and their six bandit teammates, also fell into the chaotic battle.

——They were stopped by a group of players who "be brave for justice".

They want to switch the receiving source of the device, and obviously have to touch the device.

As for the players who were sitting close to each other, they were singing in a chorus, and suddenly saw a few gangsters pushing and shoving the staff away, approaching the equipment area.

You don't even need to delve into it carefully, you immediately understand that this is to make trouble.

As a result, the feeling of being brave and brave immediately came to my heart, and I rushed forward with bare hands!

Someone took the lead, and immediately led to more people.

——Everyone sang the war trilogy together. Just after singing "Wind and Rain", "Flame" also sang to its climax.

Coincidentally, an "enemy" actually appeared at this time!

The fans only felt that this gang of gangsters was really——so caring!

Shouting and rushing up.

Among the six people, two of them hesitated for a moment, and the iron crutches in their hands were taken away, and fists and kicks fell on them like raindrops.

In this situation, it is not easy for the grandmaster to come, let alone a few ordinary players, who can only hold their heads and squat to defend.

——Fortunately, this is a safe zone. Apart from being a little frustrated, there is no other danger.

Seeing this situation, the other four bandits drew out their sticks and swords without thinking, trying to intimidate them.

But it's useless.

"Public map, who are you scaring!"

A buddy was hit on the head with a sword, without even a blood mark, he twisted his neck and continued to charge upwards.

——This sword was judged as [fatal damage], and was directly exempted by the system.

"Gan..." Brother Ma Bandit turned around and ran away immediately!

The other three who were able to run away followed suit without saying a word.

"Stop! Don't be cowardly!"

"Fight until dawn!"

"Chasing, chasing! We can't let them escape!"

"Catch it and tie it up!"


The players above immediately followed and started chasing.

The situation is reversed!

Next, enter the virtual concert special - "Bandit Suppression"!

As for the three bandits who had been held down by the crowd, they were being attacked brutally.

But immediately, someone came to their senses, thinking that punching a few punches was not painful at all, and there was obviously a more lethal way:

"Take off their masks! Send it out for netizens to see!"

"Fuck!" The gangsters huddled together and squatted in defense, no longer had any luck.

Immediately and swiftly carried out the operation of the panel functions——

【Get out of stuck】

The blood bar was emptied in an instant, disappeared in the light of light, and was resurrected and reborn.

"Press their hands!!" Seeing this scene, several players rushed forward, trying to pull the player's arm out, grabbing every finger, preventing them from operating the panel.

But this function is developed to prevent players from being restricted in their personal freedom in the virtual world, which will cause worse situations. Naturally, they will not be stopped so simply.

"Get out of the jam!!" During the struggle, the bandit stopped operating and yelled directly.

The system responded immediately, and his body also began to melt into light and disappear.

Only one person yelled a bit slower, and before the light disappeared, someone pulled off his mask and even took half of his face.

The remaining players waved their hands annoyedly, looked at the direction in which the three gangsters were fleeing, hesitated for a moment and still did not catch up.

Everyone returned to their seats and continued to listen to the song.

With this delay, "Flame" has come to an end.

"Homecoming" should be next, and they don't want to miss it.


Outside the lounge.

The door that had been closed all along was suddenly pushed open, and the princess who had changed her appearance came out.

"Ah!" She was taken aback.

There were actually three people on the passage that I thought was empty!

And a person fell to the ground, and it seemed that he was going to die.

The remaining three people were still in the confrontation, and their bodies were more or less bloodstained.

"Lin You?!" the princess exclaimed, a little dazed for a moment, and ran over without thinking.

"Don't come over, this passage is not a safe zone now." Lin You stopped in time.

He didn't look back, still staring at the last two opponents.

At this time, Lin You had a deep bloodstain on his thigh, a piece of his hair was cut off, and one of his eyes was beheaded by the knife, leaving a bloodstain on his cheek.

With the triple negative states of [bleeding], [blinding], and [disabled] on his body at the same time, Lin You felt that he was sure to win!

With a 2.3 meter spear in hand, the advantage is very exaggerated. The biggest threat to him from these gangsters is the number of people.

They rushed forward and surrounded him at the cost of one or two lives.

If there were still rules for the safe zone, he would have been held down long ago.

So he removed the safety zone from the beginning, and decisively adopted the method of exchanging injuries for lives-even so, he was almost killed.

This made him understand again - don't dream of martial arts anymore in reality.

But his gains were equally great.

He felt that his understanding of cold weapon combat had improved a lot!

This means that Xu Chun's training plan can be completed earlier.

And, Lin You made up his mind——

In the future virtual Chang'an game, add pain feedback!

The last two gangsters on the opposite side saw the blood on Lin You's face and his serious and stern expression, and suddenly felt a little timid.

[One Cake] Looking at his teammates, suddenly the voice changed——

"How about we run?"

Thanks cat and Dragon Ball 5000 Rewards!

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