Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 461: The Tidy World

Although Lin You's performance in the live broadcast was unreliable.

Draw a lottery with a razor blade, almost crash a plane while playing tricks, and vomit in front of tens of millions of people...

But what he said about the game, there is not a single falsehood.

"Minecraft" did start its closed beta last night, but this time there was no fanfare and no live broadcast, so naturally it didn't arouse much commotion.

But if you are a careful netizen, you will find that many well-known anchors such as Super Tomato, Xia Yi, A Yi, Yelang, Lin Shun, etc. have chosen to ask for leave throughout the day.

Even if there is no leave, the live broadcast time is greatly shortened-either the broadcast starts later or ends earlier.

There is only one reason: they want to spare time to participate in the closed beta of "Minecraft".

Of course, the internal test does not mainly invite anchors. The anchors are only a small part. The main force is to invite players. Less than 1% of active invitations, plus 99% of random selection.

As usual, Lin You's old acquaintances were specially invited outside the quota.

This caused Splash to leave Night City last night and go to Dinosaur Island. As soon as he landed at the supply point, there was a stream of water in front of him, converging into a gate of flowing water.

Shuihua looked at the portal that suddenly appeared, and before he could figure out what was going on, he saw flowing water appear again on the right hand side.

A few seconds later, another portal appeared in front of her.

Shui Hua looked at the two identical portals on the left and the right, and fell into confusion.

Trying to reach out to touch it, but found that the prompt information given by the system is exactly the same——

""Minecraft" new game internal test invitation, if you accept the invitation, please read the following agreement carefully, and only after confirmation can you log in to the new world."

"This agreement contains a strict confidentiality agreement, please be sure to read it carefully, otherwise you may face the risk of prosecution."

——Under the guidance of Lin You, Yunmeng's agreement has been made as easy as possible to understand, trying to make it understandable to players of any level of education, and there are not so many twists and turns.

In order to prevent players from "too long to watch", a special [Too Long to Watch version] will even be made.

There are only more than a dozen of the most critical content of the agreement above, and you can know the key content of the agreement after reading it, as well as the core division of powers and responsibilities.

In view of Lin You's deterrent power—whether it is the deterrence of being caught technically or the deterrence of being punched hard in reality, no one has violated Yunmeng's agreement so far.

Of course, this is not something that Shuihua needs to consider. Shuihua just looked at the two doors that appeared at the same time in surprise, took a photo with the two doors with great interest, and found the system feedback, and sent the screenshot to it.

After confirming the agreement, happily enter the new world.

As for raising dinosaurs?

It won't really starve to death, anyway, she is not raising it alone.

Strictly speaking, she is just "Yun Yang".

The main reason is that in Xia Yi's fan group, a group of people had a whim, and wanted to see if they could domesticate small dinosaurs into pets and mounts by raising them.

It is said that the source of inspiration was seeing a hunky man with a height of nearly 1.9 meters walking on the beach with a half-meter-long dinosaur tied to an iron chain as thick as a thumb.

——The paddle steamer made by Neptune Xu Shenghan is still working overtime to transport players to Dinosaur Island. If you want to pretend to be aggressive, of course you have to go for a walk on the beach.

Compared with the size of that hunk, the half-meter-long dinosaur even looks too petite...

So this group of people decided to go back to the path of their ancestors and try to domesticate dinosaurs. In order not to occupy the supply points shared by players, they even worked together to surround a large row of fences and began to raise dinosaurs in captivity.

The good news: Baby dinosaurs in captivity grow fast, almost every day.

The smallest dinosaur baby grew from 50 centimeters to more than one meter in two days, and it seems that it will be able to sit on people soon.

The bad news: dinosaurs were domesticated very poorly!

When they are indeed feeding, they will take the initiative to come to eat, and they no longer have the desire to attack, but I don’t know if it’s because the time is too short, they don’t get close to people at all.

Whether it is specific or not, we are still researching.

Shuihua has to go to class, and the time to take care of the dinosaurs is particularly short. Among the dozen or so dinosaurs, there is not one close to her.

Compared with feeding dinosaurs, the attraction of the "new world" is much stronger than a hot face and a cold butt!

After passing through the portal and setting foot on the land of the new world for the first second, Splash received a lot of "cultural shock"——

This it so tidy? ? ?

Although the edges of various materials have been specially designed by art artists and optimized by supporting algorithms, they don't look sharp, but still...

"It's so neat!"

The rocks on the edge of the cliff are all straight and neat squares; the edges of the lakeshore are also straight lines. Every arc seen from a distance is composed of neat square lines when viewed from a distance.

Even the trees are rounded squares—the trunks are square overall, but the corners are rounded, like the rounded corners of furniture.

Shui Hua never thought that one day, she would use the word "round" to describe a square shape...

"Is this... the legendary obsessive-compulsive ecstasy?"

"No!" Shuihua ran to the lake suddenly, and the map looked at the water.

The self in the reflection is still the original appearance.

"It's okay, it's okay, I haven't changed my side..." Shuihua touched his face, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Then look around: "So, what should I do?"

A star jumped and appeared in Shuihua's field of vision, and when she turned her attention to it, it turned into four words——

"Collect Wood"

"Oh, wood, I am familiar with this!"

Splash also participated in the landing battle on Dinosaur Island, and he also has experience in chopping wood.

It's just that she searched for a while, but she didn't find the tool. After getting close to the tree, she realized that another line of words jumped out——

"Hit the trunk"

"Ah?" Shui Hua raised her hand, looked at the back of her hand with thin skin and tender flesh, and then at the rough texture of the bark, and felt a phantom pain before she even touched it...

I touched the bark and it was really rough.

He patted lightly, but there was no response.

In the end, he finally calmed down and slapped down hard—even though it was clear that it would not hurt, but hitting it with a fist still made Splash a little psychologically disturbed.

Fortunately, the slap worked.

The trunk trembled violently, and some fine sawdust was blown away, and obvious changes appeared on the trunk, with traces appearing.

"I'm a master of kung fu!" Shui Hua said happily.

Another slap, and the trace will be extended a little longer.

It took several more slaps, and the traces were finally connected end to end. Accompanied by the sound effect, a large piece of tree trunk in front of him suddenly shattered and disappeared.

Only a few palm-sized pieces of wood remained in place.

It's just that Shuihua didn't rush to pick it up, but raised his head in confusion and looked into the sky.

Although the bottom of the tree has disappeared, but above the disappeared trunk, the whole big tree surrounded by three people is still floating in the air without being affected in any way.

Shuihua stretched out her hand, touched the air in front of her, and confirmed that there was really no support under the hanging tree!

"Ah?" Shuihua once again felt the cognitive shock he felt when he first stepped into this world: "Why don't the trees fall?"

Also, why the trunk is gone, but the leaves are still hanging in the air? ? ?

No one could answer her doubts.

Confused, Shuihua reached out to touch the palm-sized piece of wood, and the piece of wood flew towards her automatically, and then disappeared.

A green book appeared in her hands out of thin air, and at the same time, system prompts popped up one after another in her sight——

[Backpack] has been unlocked.

[New formula] has been unlocked.


Shuihua opened the backpack page, looked at the wooden blocks in the transparent grid, studied the reference book and synthesis formula for a while, and finally figured out one thing——

This game called "My World" is completely different from all Yunmeng's previous games, and there is an atmosphere of being divorced from reality everywhere.

Even standing on the ground, she can smash tree trunks six or seven meters high!

please! Kung fu masters didn't say that they can beat cattle to this extent, right?

Charlatans only hit beer bottles at a distance of two or three meters. I have never seen six or seven meters!

The complaints return to the complaints, and Shui Hua still seriously started to study reference books, workbenches, synthesis, and dig trees to build a house, and continued to explore with great interest.

But Super Tomato, which also entered the game that night, has a completely different gameplay.

After discovering the wonderful physical rules of "big trees floating in the air", Super Tomato immediately developed great enthusiasm and began to study the various rules of this new world.

It's not like the games that Yunmeng made before. In this world, he easily discovered many outrageous rules.

For example: wooden blocks can be stacked all the way to the sky! It can even spread a sky corridor in the sky.

"If Newton sees this, he will be so angry that he will come back to life?!" Super Tomato complained.

Inspired by this, he focused on studying the gravity of this world.

First try to see how high you jump and you will get hurt.

After finding the critical point, I tried throwing a piece of wood under my feet in the air to catch myself when jumping from a high altitude.


Throw it when it hits the ground?

still dead.

Replace the wood with grass, and then throw it-live!

This is amazing!

"So, is there a possibility..." Super Tomato came to the high place again with a subtle mentality, and jumped down.

The moment he landed, a bucket of water was poured under his feet.


Super Tomato stood firmly on the small pool of water, without any damage, and even the impact of landing was wiped out!

"Hahaha! Outrageous!" He felt more and more interesting, and didn't do anything else, so he opened the recipe book, looking for materials, making new props, and trying to tap more potential of these props.

On the first night, he basically spent his time here.

The next day, I began to study the game's unique mechanisms such as hunger, monster spawning, and breeding.

Of course, doing this is not entirely out of personal interest.

——His video has been delayed for a long time.

Before he didn't go to Dinosaur Island immediately, he just tried to interview the hostess of the Metropolitan News—A Zhen.

Because some of Ah Zhen's expressions and behaviors in the show are very similar to the feeling of "breaking the fourth wall", Super Tomato was aroused curiosity and planned to interview and make a video together.

But unfortunately, that's just the effect of the show.

A Zhen outside the show is still an ordinary virtual NPC.

Yunmeng's algorithm is unbelievable. At first glance, the NPCs are so vivid that they look like real people.

But as long as you lean over and have a serious chat and find the right point of entry, you can immediately show their flaws-at least in the feeling of Super Tomatoes.

So the video was shelved.

Now that he has finally found a good subject, he can... make a strategy video.

When the game is officially released and the non-disclosure agreement automatically expires, it will be released as soon as possible, and the effect will definitely be outstanding!

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