There is a reason for Yelang's sigh——

When Yunmeng made the announcement last night, he happened to be offline for dinner and was not live broadcasting.

So he quickly placed an order to buy the game, and voted for [Not enough taste! Double it! 】.

After eating and going online, facing the tsunami of requests from the audience, Yelang said nonsense without changing his face: "I voted for it a long time ago!"

"Of course I vote for the first one! I've been smelling shit for a week, and I'm more annoying than you guys!"

But in fact, after a week of high-intensity play, most anchors who are willing to pay attention can judge the information of their prey by the appearance of feces.

Whether the smell of feces is big or not, the impact on them is already zero.

While Yelang and many troublemakers sighed, more players finally felt relieved.

They placed orders and paid one after another, and quickly cast their votes for the first or second option.

Some players don't want to smell the smell at all, while some players can accept a little smell for the sake of authenticity.

Judging from the current online discussions, players can basically accept these two options.

——As long as it is not to the extent that it can kill people like now.

At the beginning, some people expressed concern about this situation, thinking that this would lead to "split votes", resulting in a lower number of votes for the two options, and it would be safer to combine them.

But now, since these two options are far ahead, the other options add up to only 26%, basically not a threat.

Everyone is not so obsessed with pursuing an absolute advantage of 50%.

——The only thing that confuses everyone is: Why does option [5] still have 13% of the votes?

Hundreds of thousands of people! !

That's the taste of [4 times]!

What the hell are these people thinking? !



There is only half an hour left before the voting closes.

The players couldn't hold back their excitement any longer, and various posts cheering for victory sprung up like mushrooms after rain:

"Great! You can play the [pure version] game!"

"This is a victory for unity!"

"Everyone! Please remember this day! We successfully thwarted Lin You's sinister intentions!"


In Yunmeng's virtual office, Shen Ping finally breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, he didn't play off this time, otherwise he really doesn't know how it will end.

Just looking at the sales data, she somewhat sighed: the sales volume of this game seems a bit too low compared to the past.

Are there many players still hesitating?

Or is this game really too niche?

Just thinking about it, a voice suddenly sounded: "Sister Shen! The sales data is a bit abnormal!"

"What's abnormal?" Shen Ping quickly recovered and looked at the background data.

The sales curve that began to rise at a constant speed after 12:00 noon suddenly became steeper with [17:30] as the dividing line.

This means that the speed of placing orders for players has quickly increased to a new level!

"Why are there so many people rushing to place orders in the last half hour?" the girl who spoke before asked in confusion.

Shen Ping didn't speak.

She didn't figure out what was going on, but she wasn't bothered - the increase in sales was a good thing for Yunmeng after all.

But soon—

"What's going on?!" The voice of a male team member sounded again.

"What's wrong?" Shen Ping looked over immediately.

"Vote!!" The male team member said concisely.

Shen Ping and the entire "Hunter" operation team looked up at the dynamic data of the vote.

I saw [5, not enough taste! Double it! 】The number of voters began to skyrocket!

The overall proportion has not changed so quickly, but the total number of votes under this option is rolling rapidly!

In less than a minute, it jumped from [14%] to [15%].

After another two minutes, it jumped from [15%] to [16%].

Then [17%] to [18%], [18%] to [19%]…

Such a "dramatic" change was finally noticed by online players.

This immediately terrified them—if the option of [Double the smell of shit] strikes back again, the consequences would be unimaginable!

And there are less than 20 minutes left before the voting deadline!

Never sit still!

Players who bought "Hunter: Call of the Wild" and were full of joy waiting to play the game immediately started a collective action.

Mode of action - shake people!

"Please! Everyone who sees this post, please help! Buy "Hunter: Call of the Wild", vote for it, and you will be refunded in half an hour!"

"Help vote, the merit is immeasurable! Buy it now, and you can get a refund in half an hour! This is a free merit!"

"500 cash red envelope lottery draw! All players can participate in the lottery with their voting records, only those who voted for [Delete Taste]! Look clearly, it can only be [1. Delete Smell]! The deadline is 6:00, and you will be refunded after the draw Any payment is fine! The prizes will be sent as usual!”

"Send a group message, please help me cut one vote! Refund will be done after 20 minutes! Thank you!"


The time is tight and the pressure is huge, which leads to the action of shaking people, which can also be called crazy.

Those who post, send group chats, draw prizes, ask friends for help, all methods are used.

In order to attract as many people as possible, they basically mentioned the guarantee of "refundable, no money".

Such a large-scale people-shaking operation has indeed had an effect-although the growth rate of the number of voters in [Taste Doubled] is still amazing, the growth rate has been greatly slowed down.

But the players couldn't breathe a sigh of relief——

Even if it is slowed down, this option is still struggling to increase its proportion.

And every 1% increase in its ratio means that other options are reduced by 1%!

In the last 10 minutes, the option [5] has suppressed the other three options including [2, reduce the taste], and came to the second place!

The ratio of the two is:

[1. Delete the smell of animal feces]. ——[36%]


[Five, not enough taste! Double it! 】——[33%]

Counting down for 5 minutes, the distance is getting closer again:

[1. Delete the smell of animal feces]. ——[37%]


[Five, not enough taste! Double it! 】——[36%]


At 6:00 p.m., the voting channel is closed.

The final result finally came out:

[1. Delete the smell of animal feces]. ——[37%]

【2. Reduce the smell of animal manure】. ——[16%]

【3. Replace the smell of animal manure】——[8%]

[4. Keep the current taste of animal manure without changing it. 】--[1%]

[Five, not enough taste! Double it! 】——[38%]


Although it seems that option [5] is a full 1% more than [1], this is actually the need for statistical data.

In fact, there was only a difference of less than 20,000 votes between the two.

Compared to their respective voting numbers of more than 2 million, it is tiny, less than 1% at all!

Seeing this result, the players were devastated.

Countless people regretted it at the beginning: "Why should I vote for [Reducing Taste]! It's only a little bit away, and I can win! Just a little bit!!"

Because of the vote cast by Super Tomato, a lot of complaints appeared in the live broadcast room:

"We have a traitor among us!"

"Say, did you do it on purpose?!"

"You have hurt me so badly!"


What's worse, they still can't figure it out: how did they lose?

Where are so many players wanting to smell [four times the amount] shit?

Are you really human?

There are also some keen players who have already realized what is going on.

Just like Super Tomato, in order to divert the hatred of the players in the live broadcast room, it is already doing analysis for everyone:

"We all know that Yunmeng's games can be refunded within 6 hours of purchase."

"So even people who don't play games can come and join in the fun at zero cost."

"Those who voted for [Double] at the beginning, probably came to test the excitement, and they didn't intend to play at the beginning."

This situation is easy for everyone to think of.

But many people are still struggling with another problem:

"We have attracted so many people, so many votes! In the last half hour alone, the number of voters for [Delete Taste] has more than doubled! How could [doubled] people get more votes than us ?!"

"I haven't seen any posts canvassing [double]! Not a single one!"

"I saw two of them, but they were all sprayed and deleted. It didn't have any effect at all."


Everyone is puzzled.

As for Super Tomato, watching the uproarious barrage, it was silent for a moment, and finally couldn't help but say:

"Is there a possibility, I mean possible! When you pulled passers-by to vote, they were indeed pulled over by you, but they wanted to watch your excitement rather than help you?"

In an instant, the lively live broadcast room cooled down.




A string of ellipsis flashed across.

The live broadcast room fell into an embarrassing and mysterious silence.

After a while, someone asked cautiously: "Then, can this game still be played?"

Super Tomatoes are speechless.


It's not just the players who panic.

The entire "Hunter" operation team, including Shen Ping, looked at the final result and they were already Muggles.

Without saying a word, Shen Ping ran to find Lin You.

"[Twice] the taste is outrageous, [Four times]'s unimaginable! It's impossible!"

Lin You also felt that it was a bit too much, but——

"I've changed it..."

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the game server will open, and players will enter the game. Of course, as soon as the voting results come out, they will be changed first.

To explain to the players!

As for the result becoming out of control, it can only be regarded as the price of democracy. We can find ways to make up for it, but we cannot ignore the result.

"Then..." Shen Ping said helplessly, "Another referendum?"

"Again?" Lin You looked at Shen Ping in surprise.

"Remove [five] this time!!!" Shen Ping looked at Lin You, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

With such an unreliable boss at the stall, she really had nothing to say.

"Okay, okay, don't worry." Lin You comforted Shen Ping, "I've already figured out how to deal with it! Am I such a careless person?"

Of course you are! ! !

A little self-knowledge, okay? !

Relying on extremely strong willpower, Shen Ping restrained herself from yelling on the spot.

"So, what exactly is the solution you said?"

Lin You smiled triumphantly: "[Smell Control]."

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